Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

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Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by Gman »

Sometimes I think we as Christians can be blind... Here we have Ahmadinejad, aka. Hitler 2, wanting to blow our Jewish brothers into oblivion and yet where do we see Christians standing against such tyranny? We are literally on the verge of holocaust 2 (actually it is more) and we are doing nothing... Again. :(

http://news.yahoo.com/tumour-israel-soo ... 48418.html

6 million Jews were killed in Hitler's holocaust, and now another 6 million more threatened today.. I hate to say this but it seems we truly never learn from history. A repeat... Of blindness..
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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by Stygian »

You know, this WOULD be pretty bad news... if Ahmedinejad was even in charge of Iran (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Khamenei). Mahmoud Ahmadinejad receives way too much press for anybody's good. The man isn't in control of anything that would give him the opportunity to even attack Israel (namely, he has no power over the nuclear program or even the armed forces).

Might also want to read up here:
http://www.juancole.com/2012/03/khamene ... -bomb.html
http://www.insideiran.org/news/iran-ahm ... -khamenei/
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/24/world ... .html?_r=1
http://www.juancole.com/2009/10/top-thi ... about.html

This man may be an idiot in power, but he's not powerful enough. And there's good reason he's not in charge. All that keeps him prominent is the West making such a big deal about him, and what's keeping him out is his crazy amount on unpopularity in Iran. Might I also add, Iran has spent less than $8,000,000,000 on military in 2011. That's $7,000,000,000 less than Israel. Looks like they're competing with other nuclear superpowers, eh? Like Greece (also less than $8,000,000,000)... and Chile ($7,400,000,000)... and *gasp* Poland ($9,000,000,000)!

Compare that to the US's $1,000,000,000,000+ in defense and military.
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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by Philip »

Well, the president of Iran sure didn't vett the funding and direction of their nuclear weapons ambitions by himself. He may be a figurehead, but you can bet he is being used by the mullah's who control him. And who is naive enough to believe that they are not doing all they can to cause harm or destroy Israel, or to fund groups dedicated to that very end? Iran will likely never drop a nuke on Israel in a conventional way, but covertly, by its sycophants, in a small, dirty nuclear device smuggled into one of their population areas.

And just why has Iran consistently lied about its nuclear program? As the mullahs are the real power, does one really think the president is threatening to destroy Israel if they did not approve of that message? Despite what the Supreme Leader says, do you trust a regime that not long ago butchered its own citizens in the streets, executing many others later? These are deluded madmen who are under the cult of Islam. Only the stupid and naive wait to confirm threats of those with the power to carry them out - or allow them to get that power. Any student of history knows that we have been there, done that - and to great disaster.

Think Islam just might be a Satanic cult? Hmmm? Two of the greatest, destabilizing threats to the world over the last 100 years have been the Nazis and today's Islamists. And just what burning, core hatred have they both shared? HATRED OF THE JEWS!!!

Go look at the geo/political map. See the size and huge land masses of Israel's surrounding enemies. Riiigghhtt, the Muslim world's great fear should realistically be tiny, little Israel. All of their poverty, dysfunction, disunity and the many inter-tribal hatreds and barbarity upon each other have nothing to do with themselves, but are due to a tiny little nation whose land was given to it BY GOD HIMSELF! Please! Every year, Muslim extremists butcher far more Muslims than are ever harmed by Israel or the U.S. It's just another day in Iraq when a bomb butchers a hundred people in a market. The only people they hate as bad as us are other Islamic sects. The Muslim world is it's own worst enemy. But it all starts with their belief in Islam.
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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by Gman »

Philip wrote:Well, the president of Iran sure didn't vett the funding and direction of their nuclear weapons ambitions by himself. He may be a figurehead, but you can bet he is being used by the mullah's who control him. And who is naive enough to believe that they are not doing all they can to cause harm or destroy Israel, or to fund groups dedicated to that very end? Iran will likely never drop a nuke on Israel in a conventional way, but covertly, by its sycophants, in a small, dirty nuclear device smuggled into one of their population areas.

And just why has Iran consistently lied about its nuclear program? As the mullahs are the real power, does one really think the president is threatening to destroy Israel if they did not approve of that message? Despite what the Supreme Leader says, do you trust a regime that not long ago butchered its own citizens in the streets, executing many others later? These are deluded madmen who are under the cult of Islam. Only the stupid and naive wait to confirm threats of those with the power to carry them out - or allow them to get that power. Any student of history knows that we have been there, done that - and to great disaster.

Think Islam just might be a Satanic cult? Hmmm? The two of the greatest, destabilizing threats to the world over the last 100 years have been the Nazis and today's Islamists. And just what burning, core hatred have they both shared? HATRED OF THE JEWS!!!

Go look at the geo/political map. See the size and huge land masses of Israel's surrounding enemies. Riiigghhtt, the Muslim world's great fear should realistically be tiny, little Israel. All of their poverty, dysfunction, disunity and the many inter-tribal hatreds and barbarity upon each other have nothing to do with themselves, but are due to a tiny little nation whose land was given to it BY GOD HIMSELF! Please! Every year, Muslim extremists butcher far more Muslims than are ever harmed by Israel or the U.S. It's just another day in Iraq when a bomb butchers a hundred people in a market. The only people they hate as bad as us are other Islamic sects. The Muslim world is it's own worst enemy. But it all starts with their belief in Islam.
Thank you Philip... Well said.. Israel is about to go through some very nasty trials soon and is surrounded by enemies who wish to blow it out of the water. It's hard to believe again that the Jews are once again the target but when you trace history, they have always been the target of discrimination. This is spiritual warfare 101..

If Israel didn't spend anything on it's military it would be quickly eliminated by these extremists.
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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by Zionist »

@ philip
i totally agree with your post. took the words right out of my mouth

@ gman
we as brothers in messiah should be supportive of our jewish brethren. i just don't understand how as believers in messiah there a lot that don't recognize the importance of Israel. we got all these crazy islam fanatics that only want Israel's destruction and demise and they have stated it in the media but Israel is somehow painted to be the big bad country. Just look at the size! how can a tiny little nation surrounded by enemies on all sides be in existence today? it is only by the hand of God that they are there and we as christians and believers need to stand up for our jewish brethern! God blesses those that bless Israel
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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by Philip »

I would say that there is confusion due to some dismissing connections between ancient/Biblical Israel and today's geo/political modern (and mostly secular) state. And that is a mistake. Another is that fulfilled prophecy has nothing to do with modern Israel .

Also, has modern Israel made mistakes or at times mistreated those within her borders? Absolutely. But all nations have made such mistakes. Does this mean that as Christians we should turn a blind eye to just anything Israel might do? No, but we should thoughtfully and prudently weigh each issue on its merits, voicing our opinions and criticisms as appropriate. Were some brutal/forced movements of people made when the modern state's borders were drawn? Unquestionably. But now we're 60 years on. The majority of those alive at Israel's rebirth are long dead. Israel has every right to her borders and to defend them. Are today's borders different from those God defined as Israel? At this point, it's really an irrelevant argument. Israel is a tiny place, and only a horrific war would change the borders now - which would be terrible for all concerned.

But make no mistake about it, Israel is God's forever. No one can OR HAS THE RIGHT TO take from her what God desires her to have. No changing political or military alliances will ever change this. Remember, God desired that Israel occupy the land formerly occupied by others. It's His to give or take, and He gave it to Israel, forever.
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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by Stygian »

Philip wrote:Well, the president of Iran sure didn't vett the funding and direction of their nuclear weapons ambitions by himself. He may be a figurehead, but you can bet he is being used by the mullah's who control him.
This is speculation at best. But even then, why do you think they would be looking to use Ahmadinejad's influence? Maybe because of the hype the West has created. the reason Iran pays so much attention to him, is because the West does. And the West pays attention to him is because he's 'president.' That sounds important, right? Well in Iranian politics, not so much.
Philip wrote:And who is naive enough to believe that they are not doing all they can to cause harm or destroy Israel, or to fund groups dedicated to that very end? Iran will likely never drop a nuke on Israel in a conventional way, but covertly, by its sycophants, in a small, dirty nuclear device smuggled into one of their population areas.
Then that's who we should worry about; not Ahmadinejad. That was my main point, after all. Israel has held its own. Let's not forget the last time they were threatened by legitimate threat. (See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Day_War)
Philip wrote:And just why has Iran consistently lied about its nuclear program? As the mullahs are the real power, does one really think the president is threatening to destroy Israel if they did not approve of that message? Despite what the Supreme Leader says, do you trust a regime that not long ago butchered its own citizens in the streets, executing many others later? These are deluded madmen who are under the cult of Islam. Only the stupid and naive wait to confirm threats of those with the power to carry them out - or allow them to get that power. Any student of history knows that we have been there, done that - and to great disaster.
Again, my big point here is being missed. Ahmadinejad has no real power, as he's outranked about 10 other people at the very least. For example, the Guardian Council, who can basically decide what the president can follow through with, along with the power to deny any action or restrict anything he can do. Seems you're also forgetting that this guy is getting pretty unpopular as of late. (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009%E2%80 ... n_protests) This whole country is weak militarily! ven the very first time he said he wanted to obliterate Israel was a horrifyingly tragic mistranslation. (see: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... 14/post155)

Take a look here as well, if you're feeling a tad bit interventionist:
http://paul.house.gov/index.php?option= ... &Itemid=60

To quote comedian/writer Mark Hill, "Ahmadinejad is more like the Joe Biden of Iran -- he says stupid things that embarrass the country, but the guy in power thinks he's a good enough s***, so he keeps him around."
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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by RickD »

Take a look here as well, if you're feeling a tad bit interventionist:
http://paul.house.gov/index.php?option= ... &Itemid=60
It's stuff like this from Ron Paul that leads people to erroneously think he's antiSemitic. I guess those who don't blindly support Israel, are anti-Semitic.

If God wants Israel around, she'll remain. With or without the help of the U.S. On the flip side, I don't think we want to see another holocaust.
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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by Stygian »

RickD wrote:It's stuff like this from Ron Paul that leads people to erroneously think he's antiSemitic. I guess those who don't blindly support Israel, are anti-Semitic.

If God wants Israel around, she'll remain. With or without the help of the U.S. On the flip side, I don't think we want to see another holocaust.
I like a lot of the stuff by Ron Paul. He's one of the few people in politics who really knows what's up.
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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by Zionist »

RickD wrote:
Take a look here as well, if you're feeling a tad bit interventionist:
http://paul.house.gov/index.php?option= ... &Itemid=60
It's stuff like this from Ron Paul that leads people to erroneously think he's antiSemitic. I guess those who don't blindly support Israel, are anti-Semitic.

If God wants Israel around, she'll remain. With or without the help of the U.S. On the flip side, I don't think we want to see another holocaust.
well i would not say that people who don't support Israel are anti-semitic and i hope i don't give you that impression i just feel and believe that the jewish people are our brothers and sisters. i believe God hasn't forgotten His people Israel and i also believe it is not coincidence that the people of Israel are a nation again despite all the odds. God has a plan for His people Israel.
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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by Philip »

Some apparently think that the mullah's that lead Iran are in reality dispassionate rationalists, simply playing world politics through their politician stooges. These are the very same religious leaders that recruited children as young as nine (mostly from the countryside and poor districts) to join Martyr brigades, infamous for their human wave tactics at clearing minefields during the Iran Iraq war. These people believe in martyrdom, and enough of the population and armed forces are willing to back them. They are ruthless, butchered their own citizens and children in the streets during the uprising protests, just two years back. These are not rational people, but Satanically blinded, religious fanatics.

To think that Israel is PUBLICLY discussing attacking Iran over its nuke development plans, to the degree that both East and West are terrified that Israel could act at ANY given moment (likely before the U.S. election), and yet they allow the rhetoric of "eliminating Israel" to continue out of the mouth of its puppet of a president, to continue ratcheting up the tension and danger ever higher? Unthinkable! UNLESS, they are serious about harming Israel. Think about it! If it's all political posturing, when every morning the sun comes up without Tehran and the areas known to have nuclear facilities aren't in flames and rubble? So they're willing to risk such calamity and a huge war instead of reeling in a political figurehead?

No, when someone unstable enough and armed well enough REPEATEDLY says what they are going to do, and the powers that control him allow him to CONTINUE saying it, only a fool would just say it's mere posturing. Only unbalanced people risk proactive measures from declared targets, that might neutralize them at any moment - which is exactly what Iran is risking. And as the MULLAH's and the Surpreme Leader are the real powers within Iran, you think they are going to let the "Joe Biden of Iran" keep recklessly running his mouth, risking the country being bombed back into the stone age? That makes no sense at all, especially as they are as close as every nightfall to potential attack.

At this point, people who believe Iran is simply posturing: 1) don't have a clue of what the truth is; 2) Ignore the past 32 years of its history of fanatical, irrational ACTIONS; 3) Are ignorant of the beliefs of the religious leadership; 4) Apparently would have tiny Israel risk waiting around to see if the Op Ed "generals" in the media are right, that it's all JUST posturing.

Now, just because I take Iran seriously, that's not to say that I would definitely and immediately attack them. I'm not qualified to know what is the best or most prudent tactic, or whether a desired outcome can even be achieved. But waiting may mean that there will be even worse decisions to be made later on. If Iran is allowed to begin building a nuclear arsenal, then Israel will then only be as safe as the rationality of the mullahs running it, which would be to live every day in reasonable fear. It would also fuel the rush for the rest of the Middle East to develop nukes. But the old, Israel-hating fanatics running Iran haven't shown rationality or honest discussion as things they wish to pursue. And thus we'd better take them VERY seriously!

But all of the above is human speculation as to what measures should be taken/not taken. Only God knows what is best. He is in control. We all need to be praying for all sides on this conflict. War is never good, but sometimes prudent and necessary. I pray that God will give those in charge (on both sides) the wisdom that will allow such a horror to be avoided.
Last edited by Philip on Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by Gman »

Zionist wrote: we as brothers in messiah should be supportive of our jewish brethren. i just don't understand how as believers in messiah there a lot that don't recognize the importance of Israel. we got all these crazy islam fanatics that only want Israel's destruction and demise and they have stated it in the media but Israel is somehow painted to be the big bad country. Just look at the size! how can a tiny little nation surrounded by enemies on all sides be in existence today? it is only by the hand of God that they are there and we as christians and believers need to stand up for our jewish brethern! God blesses those that bless Israel
Exactly zionist.. Anyone who reads and knows the Bible understands that Yeshua (or Christ) is going to restore Israel back to it's proper place Acts 1:6. Yeshua is not going to be reigning from Las Vegas, D.C., China, Guam, or Europe.. It always goes back to Jerusalem, Micah 4:2, which is why so many people hate it. And the Jewish people will finally be exalted and TRIUMPH to their proper place as kings. Then all will submit (including me).

It's going to be a happy day when we see Israel take it's place back as king nation among the nations.. I simply can't wait.. It all goes back to Israel and His people. :clap:

Go Israel!! And that's written in the stone folks.. y@};-
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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by Gman »

Stygian wrote:You know, this WOULD be pretty bad news... if Ahmedinejad was even in charge of Iran (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Khamenei). Mahmoud Ahmadinejad receives way too much press for anybody's good. The man isn't in control of anything that would give him the opportunity to even attack Israel (namely, he has no power over the nuclear program or even the armed forces).

Oh.. And it's not only Ahmadinejad who wants to destroy Israel.. Rather it is a coalition of nations..
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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by Stygian »

Gman wrote:
Stygian wrote:You know, this WOULD be pretty bad news... if Ahmedinejad was even in charge of Iran (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Khamenei). Mahmoud Ahmadinejad receives way too much press for anybody's good. The man isn't in control of anything that would give him the opportunity to even attack Israel (namely, he has no power over the nuclear program or even the armed forces).

Oh.. And it's not only Ahmadinejad who wants to destroy Israel.. Rather it a coalition of nations..
I understand that. My point has nothing to do with that, but with the fact that Ahmadinejad is only a talking head, and nothing else. He's garnered nothing but negative attention, even in Iran, so I doubt he's got all that much support.
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Re: Ahmadinejad: We will destroy Israel soon

Post by Gman »

Stygian wrote: I understand that. My point has nothing to do with that, but with the fact that Ahmadinejad is only a talking head, and nothing else. He's garnered nothing but negative attention, even in Iran, so I doubt he's got all that much support.
I disagree with that too.. Ahmadinejad does have power and has most of the support of the conservative party. Sure you could advocate that the greens party opposes him, but that is the smaller group at this time.. Ahmadinejad is very much a threat and is crazy enough to do anything.
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