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Post by kateliz »


And I'll bet you know you the names of my pets too!

Ya know, I've always wanted a stalker; I guess I have one now!
tarreyl wrote:What if it was he was the one in the body bag being ship back would you still fell that people should die?
Yes. No kidding.
tarreyl wrote:how many people should die because of this war?
Hmmm... about another 50,000 should do, I think.
how many bush lies are we going to listen to intil we loose all childrens?
All of them! Let the little ones die!
so why arent you fighting then?
Plantar fachiatis, (or however you spell it.) The army told me just the other week they couldn't take me because of it. No kidding.
tarreyl wrote:in farent 9/11 bush had warning that bin laddren was planing but did nothing ? WHY ?
Just for fun.
yeah atleast democrate doent lie like repuluicants? figure they always do lie.
Yup, not an ounce of truth ever sneaks past their lips! Democrats should nuke all the republicans. Let 'em burn, baby!
Micheal moore doesnt twist the fact it just it make your great bush look bad
I'd marry Micheal in a heart-beat. In fact, my heart beats just for him. My walls are smothered with his posters. I throw fiery darts at bales of hay in my backyard with pictures of Bush on them.
boo woo.
Awww, I'll get you a tissue. I know it's hard to accept that Micheal proposed to me instead of you! But don't worry, I hear Bush already bought you a ring and will pop the question before the month is out!
How long do we need to be in irag for he just has them over so they will be ready when he goes over to another counrty.
I figure, if everything goes exactly as planned, another hundred years or so, give or take a few millenia. He plans on invading Canada next. Tired of them sittin' up there right on top of us. He wants all countries below us on the map. So bye-bye ice hokey-pokey and mooses!
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to all bush lover

Post by tarreyl »

dear bush lover katliz and orchotseat

so orchotseat why don't you go if you support your buddy bush. We are only there to drill oil that why bush said that saddam had weapons and he sent them over so why not drill. In farent 9/11Michael moore said that United states bomded a country that has never attacked us or threaten because we thought they were making weapons in fact they were making is aspirin( America bombs so many counrtys that it is so hard to remember all the names of the country we destroy for the gloria of america) is that a country i want to say i am from ? we have so much blood on are hand that even bush cant clean up. I cant watch the new because every time you do another solider has died. This is not the gloria of god killing people for what profit? Christen are so against abortion but they don't see war the same killing people for what to help people who would turn there back on us any chance they could to kill us wow that how they show there apparition? and watching terriost kidnap people who aren't soldier but work for company who sent people over to help iraqians? we are spending billons on this war for bush but how about those parent who lost their child when the war is over bush will just go and cut vetrains in war fund get less for fighting in a war wow that show bush apparition for them fighing he cut what money they get vetriens who were wounds and cant work because the lost a leg or other damage.
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Re: to all bush lover

Post by ochotseat »

tarreyl wrote:dear bush lover katliz and orchotseat

so orchotseat why don't you go if you support your buddy bush. We are only there to drill oil that why bush said that saddam had weapons and he sent them over so why not drill. In farent 9/11Michael moore said that United states bomded a country that has never attacked us or threaten because we thought they were making weapons in fact they were making is aspirin( America bombs so many counrtys that it is so hard to remember all the names of the country we destroy for the gloria of america) is that a country i want to say i am from ? we have so much blood on are hand that even bush cant clean up. I cant watch the new because every time you do another solider has died. This is not the gloria of god killing people for what profit? Christen are so against abortion but they don't see war the same killing people for what to help people who would turn there back on us any chance they could to kill us wow that how they show there apparition? and watching terriost kidnap people who aren't soldier but work for company who sent people over to help iraqians? we are spending billons on this war for bush but how about those parent who lost their child when the war is over bush will just go and cut vetrains in war fund get less for fighting in a war wow that show bush apparition for them fighing he cut what money they get vetriens who were wounds and cant work because the lost a leg or other damage.
I didn't even read your post, because it's discreditable and daft.
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Re: to all bush lover

Post by Forge »

ochotseat wrote:[I didn't even read your post, because it's discreditable and daft.
And dictionally and syntactically atrocious.
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to president orchotseat

Post by tarreyl »

That you doent like my view you should run for president. see how you do how much is talk does in actual situations not just talking i mean talking is one thing any one can do that but doing it is something else. If he support this war so much why isnt he fighting
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Re: to all bush lover

Post by ochotseat »

Forge wrote: And dictionally and syntactically atrocious.
Yup. People who intensely hate Bush don't seem to understand how democracy works. :roll:
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Re: to president orchotseat

Post by bizzt »

tarreyl wrote:That you doent like my view you should run for president. see how you do how much is talk does in actual situations not just talking i mean talking is one thing any one can do that but doing it is something else. If he support this war so much why isnt he fighting
Because he is President :roll:
You know Bush was put in a Tight Spot when 9/11 hit. Either he went after the culprit or he sat back. Well he chose to defend his Country and go after them. The US got Sucker punched from the Terrorists! So what did Bush do he went after anybody who Supported these Terrorists, FIRST it was the Taliban, and Al Quaida. Next it was Saddam and the grip he held onto in Iraq. Bush is not in Politics so he can go on the front lines to fight in a war! I doubt any Countries Leader would do that! Even Historically Speaking!
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to attacking all terrist be warned bush is coming to get you

Post by tarreyl »

dear bizzt

so who should bush go after next we went after iraq and afganistan so why don't we go after china i mean we already have are troops so hey why not attack another country while we are at it i mean we can attack them and take over there to. BUSH HAS A WORLD MAP AND HE CLOSE HIS EYES AND POINT TO THE NEXT COUNTRY TO GO INTO. How is that like here if i went into your house and told you that i am taking over and you are going under new management and told you what to do in your own house will it just like that we are doing in iraq we are ordering them around saying hey we are america and we have over thrown alot of goverment listen to us we will help you when we are only there to make us look better for a better image of america. do we really care? we didn't the first time we went in desert storm why didn't we take out sadamm then? that was the first bush who decided that. WE didn't CARE FOR THE PEOPLE THEN DID WE GIVE THEM FOOD OR SUPPORT NOW WE WERE JUST THERE FOR THE WEAPONS THEN TO. iF WE HELPED THEM THE FIRST TIME BY TAKING SADAMM WHEN WE HAD THE CHANCE AND WE DID HAVE THE CHANCE TO TAKE SADAMM OUT OF POWER BUT WE DID WE KNOW WHAT HE DOES TO THE PEOPLE BUT WE IGNORED IT. basically bush sr messed up and bush jr has to do what is father should have done.WE let those iranqains down the first time. IN HISTORY I NOTICED US HAS MESSESD UP WE IGNORED WHAT WAS HAPPING IN OVER IN EUROPE WE THOUGHT IT WAS THEIR PROBLEM IN VIETNAM WE LEFT THE north TO BE CONCERED BY THE SOUTH AND WE DID HELP THEY ASK US TO HELP AND IT GOT TO MUCH FOR NIXON And so he told them to leave vietnam how many son died for that war they put their live on the line and we just say FORGET THEM AND WE WALK OUT HOW AMY OF north VIETnam DIED because we got in the middle.
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Re: to attacking all terrist be warned bush is coming to get

Post by bizzt »

tarreyl wrote:dear bizzt

so who should bush go after next we went after iraq and afganistan so why don't we go after china i mean we already have are troops so hey why not attack another country while we are at it i mean we can attack them and take over there to. BUSH HAS A WORLD MAP AND HE CLOSE HIS EYES AND POINT TO THE NEXT COUNTRY TO GO INTO. How is that like here if i went into your house and told you that i am taking over and you are going under new management and told you what to do in your own house will it just like that we are doing in iraq we are ordering them around saying hey we are america and we have over thrown alot of goverment listen to us we will help you when we are only there to make us look better for a better image of america. do we really care? we didn't the first time we went in desert storm why didn't we take out sadamm then? that was the first bush who decided that. WE didn't CARE FOR THE PEOPLE THEN DID WE GIVE THEM FOOD OR SUPPORT NOW WE WERE JUST THERE FOR THE WEAPONS THEN TO. iF WE HELPED THEM THE FIRST TIME BY TAKING SADAMM WHEN WE HAD THE CHANCE AND WE DID HAVE THE CHANCE TO TAKE SADAMM OUT OF POWER BUT WE DID WE KNOW WHAT HE DOES TO THE PEOPLE BUT WE IGNORED IT. basically bush sr messed up and bush jr has to do what is father should have done.WE let those iranqains down the first time. IN HISTORY I NOTICED US HAS MESSESD UP WE IGNORED WHAT WAS HAPPING IN OVER IN EUROPE WE THOUGHT IT WAS THEIR PROBLEM IN VIETNAM WE LEFT THE north TO BE CONCERED BY THE SOUTH AND WE DID HELP THEY ASK US TO HELP AND IT GOT TO MUCH FOR NIXON And so he told them to leave vietnam how many son died for that war they put their live on the line and we just say FORGET THEM AND WE WALK OUT HOW AMY OF north VIETnam DIED because we got in the middle.
First of all Afghanistan was to go after the Taliban and Terrorist Cells located there. They never did oust the Government. As for Iraq Bush Jr finally cleaned up the Mess that should have been taken care of a long time ago. However that does not take away from the fact that it did not have to be done. I am not completely aware of the Vietnam War but the US should not have gotten involved in that. It was completely Political HOWEVER this war is a different Cause then the Vietnam War (and definately more Objective). Bush does not pick a Country for example he is not going to invade Canada or Peru or Mexico or an European Country. He has Clear Objectives... But of Course I do not know the American politics as much as I should as I am Canadian and I have enuf things to worry about here!
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Re: to attacking all terrist be warned bush is coming to get

Post by Felgar »

tarreyl wrote: so who should bush go after next we went after iraq and afganistan so why don't we go after china i mean we already have are troops so hey why not attack another country while we are at it i mean we can attack them and take over there to. BUSH HAS A WORLD MAP AND HE CLOSE HIS EYES AND POINT TO THE NEXT COUNTRY TO GO INTO. How is that like here if i went into your house and told you that i am taking over and you are going under new management and told you what to do in your own house will it just like that we are doing in iraq we are ordering them around saying hey we are america and we have over thrown alot of goverment listen to us we will help you when we are only there to make us look better for a better image of america. do we really care? we didn't the first time we went in desert storm why didn't we take out sadamm then? that was the first bush who decided that. WE didn't CARE FOR THE PEOPLE THEN DID WE GIVE THEM FOOD OR SUPPORT NOW WE WERE JUST THERE FOR THE WEAPONS THEN TO. iF WE HELPED THEM THE FIRST TIME BY TAKING SADAMM WHEN WE HAD THE CHANCE AND WE DID HAVE THE CHANCE TO TAKE SADAMM OUT OF POWER BUT WE DID WE KNOW WHAT HE DOES TO THE PEOPLE BUT WE IGNORED IT. basically bush sr messed up and bush jr has to do what is father should have done.WE let those iranqains down the first time. IN HISTORY I NOTICED US HAS MESSESD UP WE IGNORED WHAT WAS HAPPING IN OVER IN EUROPE WE THOUGHT IT WAS THEIR PROBLEM IN VIETNAM WE LEFT THE north TO BE CONCERED BY THE SOUTH AND WE DID HELP THEY ASK US TO HELP AND IT GOT TO MUCH FOR NIXON And so he told them to leave vietnam how many son died for that war they put their live on the line and we just say FORGET THEM AND WE WALK OUT HOW AMY OF north VIETnam DIED because we got in the middle.
So you are saying that Bush Sr. should have taken Saddam out the first time. How then can you blame Bush Jr. for doing that very same thing now?

And earlier you asked of Kateliz how can we justify keeping soldiers in Iraq, and now you lament (regret) how we didn't stick around long enough in Vietnam. Your arguments are inconsistent and rife with ignorance.

Now about Bush Sr, there are some things you should understand. First understand that the objective of the first Iraq war was to liberate Kuwait. That was the security resolution by which the coalition to invade was built, and that was the cause for war. Bush Sr. learned from Vietnam that you cannot fight a war if there is no clearly stated objective. Even still, with the Iraqi army decimated, Bush Sr DID consider pushing through and overthrowing Saddam. In hindsight he should have, but at the time you must remember that doing so would have been a major change in US policy, and most of the UN would have protested this new objective. The US would have been left alone (maybe even more so than for this war) and although they had the men to do it, the political expense around the world for having such an erratic and dangerous foreign policy would have been great. So Bush Sr. made the decision not to invade - and at the time that decision was not wrong... It was very difficult and he had no clearly right answer. As he stated himself [paraphrased]: "In the end it came down to the reality that I could not envision what I could possibly say to the mother and father of an American that was killed because of my ordering him into Iraq. The toll of human life required to topple Saddam could not be justified at the time." And that's a valid reason NOT to invade and one I should point out that you use as a reason for why this current war should never have been started.

One mistake Bush Sr. did make though, was to encourage the Iraqi people to stand up to Saddam. Many died because of this. Rather he should have made clear all along that America would stop once Kuwait was liberated. This was probably the biggest and most costly mistake that Bush Sr. made while in office. Nevertheless, the war itself was justified; both when it began and when it was ended.
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Post by bizzt »

AS always a Big :UP: for Felgar
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Re: to all bush lover

Post by Forge »

ochotseat wrote:
Forge wrote: And dictionally and syntactically atrocious.
Yup. People who intensely hate Bush don't seem to understand how democracy works. :roll:
That is quite easily the biggest non sequitur I have ever seen. I'll let you figure it out yourself. :wink:
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Post by kateliz »

Guys, guys, guys. You can't respond to tarreyl with logic, reason and the facts! They just won't get through! She doesn't care about those things, (or punctuation and grammar.) She'll just keep rambling like that 'till the day she dies!

tarreyl, you didn't respond to my comments in my last post! For shame! And I thought you were my stalker! You still need to tell me the names of my pets, (and get them right.)
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Re: to all bush lover

Post by ochotseat »

Forge wrote:That is quite easily the biggest non sequitur I have ever seen. I'll let you figure it out yourself. :wink:
Do you have anything against the Iraqi War or Florida? :roll:
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Re: to all bush lover

Post by Forge »

ochotseat wrote:Do you have anything against the Iraqi War or Florida? :roll:
Forge wrote:And dictionally and syntactically atrocious.
When did word choice + sentence structure = politics?

Look at what you quoted. 8)
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