Science and Creation

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

BryanH wrote:
Why are you limiting God to our concept of time. :shakehead:
2 Peter 3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
All I was trying to point out is that MAN is quite a RECENT creation... That's all. And by the way: all the questions are linked with one another.

P.S.: Time is relative.

Exactly, time is relative and time for God is nothing like it is for us.
1) Why did it take God 10 billions years to create Earth?
2) Why did it take him billions of years to create the MAN?
3) Why didn't God offer the Bible from day 1?
4) Why are there so many DIFFERENT religions on this planet if there is just 1 creator/god?
1. Time is relative
2.Time is relative
3.Don't know but I am sure there are great reasons that I do not understand, maybe because he spoke directly to Adam and Eve and many of their decendants. (this is a silly question because how could God giv them a Bible full of events that have not yet transpired and written by people who have not yet lived. 8-}2)
4.Because man is wired to search for God, God put a restlessness in our souls that would inspire us to search him out. There is a God shaped hole in everyones heart, some fill it with booze, drugs, sex, religion and the really lucky ones actually find God.

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by BryanH »

Because man is wired to search for God, God put a restlessness in our souls that would inspire us to search him out. There is a God shaped hole in everyones heart, some fill it with booze, drugs, sex, religion and the really lucky ones actually find God.
So you have to be lucky to find God. I suggest you rephrase your answer.

Man is not wired to find God. It's actually the oppossite: man wants to become God.
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

So you have to be lucky to find God. I suggest you rephrase your answer.
Nope not going to rephrase, I do feel blessed and very lucky that I have a personal relationship with God. Not that I believe in luck, it's just a common term to describe a good situation.
Man is not wired to find God. It's actually the oppossite: man wants to become God.
That might be your opinion but I do not share it.

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by bippy123 »

BryanH wrote:
Because man is wired to search for God, God put a restlessness in our souls that would inspire us to search him out. There is a God shaped hole in everyones heart, some fill it with booze, drugs, sex, religion and the really lucky ones actually find God.
So you have to be lucky to find God. I suggest you rephrase your answer.

Man is not wired to find God. It's actually the oppossite: man wants to become God.

God has written his laws into our hearts as he Told Moses, but he also gave us the free will choice to choose our conscience (where he has written his laws into) or to say no to God as some have also chosen. Lucifer made that same choice even though God gave him so much by making him the most powerfull and most beautifull of all the angels. I certainly dont want to become God, but I do want to dwell with him for all eternity, because in my heart I know that there is no love in this universe like Gods love for all of us. I would and have endured the worst of suffering for that love. He came down from heaven, lived as the lowliest of his creation, was spat at, punched, rediculed tortured and killed. Did he have to do that for us? Heck no, but this is Gods nature that he loved us so much that he came down and endured all of this to satisfy Justice and give us a chance for salvation. How could anyone want anything else?
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by Indurkar »


" progressive creationism implies that God continuously creates new things out of nothing for billions of years." Only The physical ramification of this creation , is a scienctific understanding.
And God is still creating. Take case of a Birth of a Child ( man , animal or any living entity). Yes, the DNA code sequence is all present there, but who decides and initiates for the time for making limbs, organs; in short making the progeny.Surely there is no measure (Time wise or any other way) in the coding. Because if it were so then the variations in basic traits of Brothers and Sisters will not be there. Alternative is identical Twins even in younger and older progenies.
Space and Time are Creations of God. We only part-understand this with reference to our surrounding space/universe.
Yes we cannot limit God to our Time-Dimension. But physical quest is the only thing we have and can talk about.Given the physical ramifications of mankind, an inquiry into following is valid:

1. If God created in 6 days - 24 hrs. day, then when God said Let there be ........ and there was.....,Instantaneously. So what was God engaged in rest of this 24 hr. period ?

2. When Earth and Sun with solar system was not Created and also Laser Frequency clock was not there, What is the meaning of 24-hrs. Day and 6 days ? Earth and solarsystem were created on the 3rd day, unless one prescribes that Sun and Moon were created later than Earth.

3. Some kind of Long - Day "Process" is inbuilt in Creation - subject to our Limited understanding of Time.

Religion is the creation of man's thinking/imagination and is subject to variations in geographical conditions and many other physical factors; such as development of man's understanding and noting that the difference from other form of life(animals) being the reasoning/inquisitiveness . But veneration of God is a common denominator of all Religions. The creation account in Genesis(Bible)is not a religion but religions (Judaism and Christianity and Islam) are based on these premises.
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by KBCid »

BryanH wrote: 1) The Universe is approximately 14.6 billion years old and planet Earth is about 4.54 billions years old.
According to who and based on what evidence.

Calculating the age of the universe is accurate only if the assumptions built into the models being used to estimate it are also accurate. This is referred to as strong priors and essentially involves stripping the potential errors in other parts of the model to render the accuracy of actual observational data directly into the concluded result. Although this is not a valid procedure in all contexts (as noted in the accompanying caveat: "based on the fact we have assumed the underlying model we used is correct"), the age given is thus accurate to the specified error (since this error represents the error in the instrument used to gather the raw data input into the model).
BryanH wrote:2) The facts are that it took God about 10 billions years to create our planet (or our galaxy/our region of space) and basically on what archeological evidence we have (with or without the missing link) human beings similar to what we are today can be traced back to 100,000 years ago.
Facts aren't typically based on assumptions. Assumptions are supposed to be based on facts. Since science is forming assumptions based on an entirely naturalistic foundation then intelligence can play no part in the formation process of planets or galaxies. It should also be realised that if you use the naturalists understanding and try to apply it to God then you have placed upper limits of Gods abilities to the limitations of the naturalistic concept.
BryanH wrote: Now questions:
1) Why did it take God 10 billions years to create Earth? 2) Why did it take him billions of years to create the MAN?
Because he has the same limitations that naturalism does according to your application...
BryanH wrote:3) Why didn't God offer the Bible from day 1?
Because of his limitation to the speed of naturalism it took a few thousand years to evolve his first words to adam and eve to the point where it would be useable by the people 2ooo yrs later.
BryanH wrote: 4) Why are there so many DIFFERENT religions on this planet if there is just 1 creator/god?
Because there is freedom of choice.
It is as if some Christians sit there and wait for the smallest thing that they can dispute and then jump onto it...
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by BryanH »


I agree with your points. The one thing that I was trying to point out is that both science and religion in general have something in common when it comes to how the universe was created: they build the arguments starting with assumptions.

At the moment we don't have any "clear" proof of how the universe was created. Some people say it was a god/gods, some say the universe just came into existence. Both sides have rather interesting arguments, but none has the edge over the other.
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

BryanH wrote:@KBCid

I agree with your points. The one thing that I was trying to point out is that both science and religion in general have something in common when it comes to how the universe was created: they build the arguments starting with assumptions.

At the moment we don't have any "clear" proof of how the universe was created. Some people say it was a god/gods, some say the universe just came into existence. Both sides have rather interesting arguments, but none has the edge over the other.
Well you have a 50/50 shot, choose wisely.
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by Byblos »

BryanH wrote:At the moment we don't have any "clear" proof of how the universe was created. Some people say it was a god/gods, some say the universe just came into existence. Both sides have rather interesting arguments, but none has the edge over the other.
Only if you equate rational with irrational because that's what it boils down to.
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by Neige »

Just think about this for a second. What could be grander than the Universe itself? What could possibly be so grand and so powerful as to have created the whole of spacetime, matter and energy that our Universe contains? For me at least, God is the only and obvious answer.
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by jlay »

Heck, we should see new universes popping into existence all the time, from nothing.
BryanH wrote:At the moment we don't have any "clear" proof of how the universe was created
Hmmm? Seems you have a much different understanding of the word 'created.'
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by BryanH »

Hmmm? Seems you have a much different understanding of the word 'created.'
Sorry that my English is not as precise as I would wish sometimes. I'm not a native. If you don't like 'created' just replace with 'came into existence'. But I think my point was very clear. Science or religion, nobody can prove anything beyond doubt. That is why words like 'faith', 'intuition' and 'belief' are in our vocabulary.
Just think about this for a second. What could be grander than the Universe itself? What could possibly be so grand and so powerful as to have created the whole of spacetime, matter and energy that our Universe contains? For me at least, God is the only and obvious answer.
No offense mate, but you need to do your homework a little bit better. We basically know nothing about the universe. We haven't been able to travel outside our solar system. So until that happens, God may be the obvious answer for you. For me it's not.

Only if you equate rational with irrational because that's what it boils down to.
I think you are over-stretching it. Some people go left, some people go right, but then again, it depends from which side you are watching: the people who go right might seem to go left for you and the people who go left might seem like going right.
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by Byblos »

BryanH wrote:
Byblos wrote:Only if you equate rational with irrational because that's what it boils down to.
I think you are over-stretching it. Some people go left, some people go right, but then again, it depends from which side you are watching: the people who go right might seem to go left for you and the people who go left might seem like going right.

And thank you for proving my point.
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by BryanH »


Acting childish Byblos?

No problem.

Explaining to a child then:

If you walk behind someone your left and right are the same with their left and right.
If you walk face to face compared to someone your left is their right and vice versa.
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Re: Science and Creation

Post by Neige »

BryanH wrote:
Just think about this for a second. What could be grander than the Universe itself? What could possibly be so grand and so powerful as to have created the whole of spacetime, matter and energy that our Universe contains? For me at least, God is the only and obvious answer.
No offense mate, but you need to do your homework a little bit better. We basically know nothing about the universe. We haven't been able to travel outside our solar system. So until that happens, God may be the obvious answer for you. For me it's not.
Ok. So, what is the obvious answer for you?
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