Jerusalem - The center of the world!!

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Re: Jerusalem - The center of the world!!

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

BryanH wrote:
I don't think anyone knows for sure who was more advanced, they had the Hebrews enslaved for hundreds of years, maybe it was the knowledge of the Hebrews that helped build the pyramids, maybe the Egyptians learn't everything they knew from the enslaved Hebrews.
Daniel I don't want to offend you in any way, but please don't insult my intelligence and don't place yourself in a position where you can easily be ridiculed. The pyramids are way older compared to what you are talking about. So we know for sure that the Egyptians were more advanced than the Hebrews(Jews).

Don't worry I won't be offended, I am not trying to insult your intelligence either. You don't know for sure the age of the pyramids, but scientists think according to their tests that they are 3200 B.C., there is no exact date for the Jewish nation being enslaved in Egypt ( I think one date may have been around 1800 B.C. around the time of completion of some of the pyramids, but no one really knows for sure) so it is quite possible that they were there at the time of construction.

Anyway this thread has been derailed enough, Israel is right at the centre of all nations which I think is awesome. :ewink:

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Re: Jerusalem - The center of the world!!

Post by Gman »

BryanH wrote:1) You might be right about the geographical positioning of Jerusalem, but you forgot to mention that this location was taken by force by the jews and there are many problems because of this even today. So God's message about love is secondary to the fact that lots of innoncent people were killed so jews can get to Jerusalem and lots of innocent people were killed so the jews can keep Jerusalem.
This is quite a joke of a statement. In fact we have PH'ds from prestigious schools such as Yale and Harvard that believe this silly tale too... How they got their degrees is simply astounding and shocking...

Unfortunately the claim is absolutely false. There has always been a Jewish presence in Israel for thousands of years... That's right, thousands. You could argue that the Muslim Arab populations were bigger in the land at the time of Israel's formation, but it has always been occupied by Jews. Israel was originally setup by the League of Nations first in 1922 under the Balfour Declaration then under UN resolution 181 in 1948. So your claim is utterly false... The Jews DID NOT take it by force. Furthermore look what happened to the thousands of Arab Jews living in the Ottoman empire before the establishment of Israel. Their homes and synagogues burned to the ground forcing them to leave their Arab communities back into Israel.

Here are some great videos that explain the Israel Palestinian conflict. ... ure=relmfu ... ure=relmfu

Of course there have been wars in Israel, but these have been mainly defensive in nature.. The Jews have been FORCED into war since they are utterly surrounded by enemies who wish to destroy them. That has happened many times over the years but still the Jews still take the blame for it.. Not surprising..
BryanH wrote:***Not to mention that a couple of decades ago when one of the prime ministers of Israel wanted to make peace with the Palestinians and offer them their territories back, he was assassinated by his own people... (lots of love indeed)
The Jews cannot give anymore land back, that would be suicide for them... Turning the West Bank into a Gaza would be a death trap for anyone.
BryanH wrote:****Take a look at pyramids around the world. You might notice that such pyramids mimic the location of stars in our galaxy, not to mention that their allignment in regard to north, south, west, east is laser precise in some cases.
2) You say something about the majority of languages being derrived from hebrew cultures?
What is hebrew cultures? There is no such thing...
Interesting how the topic is changing.. Hebrew cultures have been found living in the land of Egypt and the Biblical accounts have found to align with the Egyptian accounts. ... ology.html ... quest.aspx
BryanH wrote:*And you quoted selectively. That's not nice. Hope you know that.
Right... Well the theory does involve a Hebrew presence like it or not..
BryanH wrote:If a sentence starts with "The origins of the alphabet are unknown...." I wouldn't go that far and say:
That's right... Ultimately it is unknown that is why I presented it as a theory.
BryanH wrote:I don't think that Egypt identify themselves as being a hebrew culture... First of all the Egyptians were more advanced than the jews so I don't see the connection with the hebrew culture.
The Egyptians were advanced in promoting gross and obscene pagan gods such as Min (god of male sexual potency) and other weird immoral gods. But not anything that anyone would want to keep or worship.. Hopefully not anyway. That is the only thing left of their strange legacy.. I certainly don't want it in my house.. Keep it away from me.
BryanH wrote:No offense G-man, but you connect just the dots you want to connect. It doesn't work that way I'm afraid.
There are more dot's to connect than you think... Unfortunately your claims are utterly false... Sorry.
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Re: Jerusalem - The center of the world!!

Post by BryanH »

Unfortunately the claim is absolutely false. There has always been a Jewish presence in Israel for thousands of years... That's right, thousands. You could argue that the Muslim Arab populations were bigger in the land at the time of Israel's formation, but it has always been occupied by Jews. Israel was originally setup by the League of Nations first in 1922 under the Balfour Declaration then under UN resolution 181 in 1948. So your claim is utterly false... The Jews DID NOT take it by force. Furthermore look what happened to the thousands of Arab Jews living in the Ottoman empire before the establishment of Israel. Their homes and synagogues burned to the ground forcing them to leave their Arab communities back into Israel.
1) The fact that the Jews have a presence that is old for thousands of years doesn't mean they are entitled to a piece of land that wasn't theirs to begin with.
2) The UN resolution of 1948 comes after a World War II where jews had been practically exterminated. Of course they gave them Israel. At least that... That is not necessarily a correct decision, but merely a political one.
3) Their synagogues got burnt down? Of course that happened... They lived in an era where democracy didn't exist and they were trying to promote a different God than "Allah". Muslims are very defensive when it comes to that. We can see that even today so there is no surprise about it. You try going to a Muslim country and talk about God. Let's see how many days you survive.
The Egyptians were advanced in promoting gross and obscene pagan gods such as Min (god of male sexual potency) and other weird immoral gods. But not anything that anyone would want to keep or worship.. Hopefully not anyway. That is the only thing left of their strange legacy.. I certainly don't want it in my house.. Keep it away from me.
No offense mate, but regardless of the gods that Egypt promoted, Egypt was one of the most advanced cultures of Ancient Times. If you want to argue with that, well, I'm not even going to try. History is pretty clear on that.
Unfortunately your claims are utterly false... Sorry.
Of course that there are more dots. But as I said before: as long as you connect just the dots that serve your cause, it's pointless.
I don't think my claims are false. I just pointed out that you present Israel is a very positive light, but the things didn't happen that way.
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Re: Jerusalem - The center of the world!!

Post by Gman »

BryanH wrote: 1) The fact that the Jews have a presence that is old for thousands of years doesn't mean they are entitled to a piece of land that wasn't theirs to begin with.
You have no proof of that assertion. They have always owned the land that was given to them by the Creator (Genesis 15:18-21; 17:7-8; 18; 28:13-15, 1 Chronicles 16:15-18, Psalm 105:9-11, Jeremiah 31:35-37).
BryanH wrote:2) The UN resolution of 1948 comes after a World War II where jews had been practically exterminated. Of course they gave them Israel. At least that... That is not necessarily a correct decision, but merely a political one.
Again there have always been Jews living in Israel.. The Temple Mount, all the archeological facts point to Hebrew occupation even well before the UN resolutions. So it isn't political.. It's the logical choice. It's no more political than the formation of Syria, Egypt, or Jordan.

And giving the land to Israel is a blessing to the Muslim Arabs living there where they now have jobs and are able to support their families, get medical benefits, and voting rights. Under a Muslim rule they would be treated like dogs.. So supporting Israel is actually supporting the Arabs that live there too.. G-d will bless them too..
BryanH wrote:No offense mate, but regardless of the gods that Egypt promoted, Egypt was one of the most advanced cultures of Ancient Times. If you want to argue with that, well, I'm not even going to try. History is pretty clear on that.
And we don't know if Jews didn't contribute to that... But advanced in what way? Since when is advancing in culture making huge silly pyramids or in our modern times putting a man on the moon? Who cares about that stuff that rots away. In Hebrew culture it's not about your physical accomplishments or how big your wallet is. It's about the size of your heart.. That is truly what we will be measured by and what we really want to preserve.
BryanH wrote:Of course that there are more dots. But as I said before: as long as you connect just the dots that serve your cause, it's pointless.
Well you've just given me the incentive to connect more dots. I think I'm going to make it my full time career. So thanks.. Mate
BryanH wrote:I don't think my claims are false. I just pointed out that you present Israel is a very positive light, but the things didn't happen that way.
Well make your complaints known to the UN then..
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8
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