An ID issue I have

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An ID issue I have

Post by PaulSacramento »

I was curious as to how those that advocate ID, and that God designed ALL that we have directly, deal with the issue of Parasites and viruses?
In particular parasites like Parasitic wasps:
Parasitic Wasps

Parasitic wasps are a wasp that lay their eggs on paralyzed insects such as caterpillars and spiders. Their are many species of parasitic wasps that vary in shape and colour. Most parasitic wasps have long, thin antennae that may appear to have elbows. Parasitic wasps also have either coloured or clear wings with a narrow waist between their thorax and abdomen. Only female parasitic wasps have a long ovipositor that is used for laying eggs. The ovipositor looks much like a needle at the tip of their abdomen.
Parasitic wasp eggs are laid inside or on a paralyzed victim such as a caterpillar or a spider and stored in a cell in the wasps nest. Once the egg or eggs hatch, the larvae, normally a cream coloured short looking worm slowly eats the paralyzed insect until they are ready to emerge, chewing their way out of the now dead victim.
While the wasps may be pest to other insects, they are not actual pests but are parasitoids. Parasitic wasps are not parasites because a proper parasite lives on a host at its expensive and without killing the host. A parasitic wasp kills its host through feeding on it.
With parasitic wasps killing many pests such as caterpillars, they are more beneficial. Parasitic wasps have also been used as biological pest controllers. In some cases, a pest may have been introduced in to another country without its natural predator to keep the population under control. The control may be a parasitic wasp that will be introduced to that country to help introduce a natural control over the pest.
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Re: An ID issue I have

Post by PaulSacramento »

Anyone ?
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Re: An ID issue I have

Post by neo-x »

Actually, I have been wanting to ask that myself for sometime, good that you brought it up. Let's see, we have ID supporters here. :)
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Re: An ID issue I have

Post by theophilus »

Adam and Eve disobeyed God and their sin brought death into the world. This affected not only humans but animal life. As a result some species of animals now are harmful to others.
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Re: An ID issue I have

Post by RickD »

Paul, What exactly are you looking for an explanation on? God created animals with a specific purpose in its ecosystem. I don't understand your your dilemma.
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Re: An ID issue I have

Post by Proinsias »

I don't really get the question either, seems akin to asking why huge swathes of life flourish as a result of killing and eating other forms of life. On a related note, we kill trees for toilet paper.

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Re: An ID issue I have

Post by Gman »

PaulSacramento wrote:Anyone ?
Praise G-d we have them... Parasitic wasps are very beneficial to our ecosystems. :clap:
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Re: An ID issue I have

Post by PaulSacramento »

RickD wrote:Paul, What exactly are you looking for an explanation on? God created animals with a specific purpose in its ecosystem. I don't understand your your dilemma.
ID states that a designer designed all the living organisims as is, correct?
It means that a designer designed parasitic wasps, correct?
They didn't become that way, they were created/designed that way, correct?
Not only designed but INTELLIGENTLY designed, yes?
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Re: An ID issue I have

Post by PaulSacramento »

theophilus wrote:Adam and Eve disobeyed God and their sin brought death into the world. This affected not only humans but animal life. As a result some species of animals now are harmful to others.
That kind of leans towards CHANGES in God's creation (evolution of sorts - change over time).
Unless you are stating that after the fall God created or changed some animals to be, for lack of a better word, horrific.
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Re: An ID issue I have

Post by RickD »

PaulS wrote:
ID states that a designer designed all the living organisims as is, correct?
Not sure about specific ID theories. I've heard that some YECs believe many animals "evolved" after Adam sinned. OEC/Progressive creationism teaches that yes, organisms were created "as is", to fit their specific purpose that they were created for.
It means that a designer designed parasitic wasps, correct?
Again, it would depend on whom you ask. YEC, or OEC. Different beliefs.
They didn't become that way, they were created/designed that way, correct?
Not only designed but INTELLIGENTLY designed, yes?
Some YECs actually believe certain "organisms'' actually changed as a result of man's sin.
I believe God, who is intelligent, designed all organisms for their specific purpose. Some were designed with an ability to change and adapt over time. In evolution's most basic definition, (change over time) some organisms have evolved.
theophilis wrote:
Adam and Eve disobeyed God and their sin brought death into the world. This affected not only humans but animal life. As a result some species of animals now are harmful to others.
Paul, this is what I was talking about when I talked about some YECs believing organisms changed after Adam's sin. Some YECs believe evolution happened at a faster rate than even naturalistic evolution teaches. Of course I have to mention that not all YECs believe animals changed as a result of Adam's sin.
John 5:24
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Re: An ID issue I have

Post by KBCid »

No matter how one may try to rationalise the why to the question of this thread the fact that will persist through whatever answer one may entertain will always be that such 3 dimensional functional structures cannot occur by chance. This excercise is akin to trying to discern the meaning of an artistic painting. Each of us can look and make a judgement and none can be shown wrong or right without the direct input from the designer responsible.

a good question would also be why a variety of life exists at all if evolution were true. The concept entails the idea that over time a specie differentiates and gains an advantage over its own immediate relatives in order to out compete them so how does any variety persist?
Remember they assert that there is a single common ancestory of 'all' life. If it varied a little over long time frames then it would continue to out compete its ancestral type that it evolved from and eventually replace that kind as the dominant naturally selected specie at least until another variation occured and then they would be replaced. So where is the persistence of variety? Natural selection argues against variety and promotes the persistence of that with an advantage.
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