Yall have it all wrong maybe yall don't know me... I've sat in the background far too long now, I use to be very active. I have nothing but love, I've judged, nor condemned anyone... Be kind of hard and silly to do so considering there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ!!!
Sure, i can always use a hug no doubt, its evident my question is rhetorical now- seeing that I am the only one.
Am I holier than thou- absolutely!!! NOT lol... I'm nobody special, I suck at life probably more so than the rest, thank God He uses us to confound the wise.
Not sure how dressing up brings glory to God, do you? What about knocking on peoples doors telling our kids its okay to talk to strangers, even beg them... Or threaten them you'll trick them if they don't...
In essence of their innocence hearing a child slip up not knowing what they say like a curse word, may be cute to some, and they laugh it off... My kids would have dentures before the teen years if the case, and they will know that scripture says about unwholesome talk, as well as we are to worship and love God alone, that we are to do so in word or deed in the name of Jesus.
My 6yr old the other day said Satan really stinks, I think he pooted in the car, she also told me she didn't want Jesus to die but He had to He could of lived with us, and she followed by saying she thought a lecrae song was probably His favorite song lol... See thats things that are cute, that's things that bring joy to my heart and glorifys God.