Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

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Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

Post by DRDS »

Hello everyone, this issue has been one here lately has been on my mind and the worse things get in the world the more it nags at me. In fact I've discussed this very thing with Bippy as well and really like the response he gave. But I also want to share this with you all and see if there are any other views on this matter and to cross examine the view that me and bippy share on this issue.

The issue is about followers of Christ especially those who cannot achieve their life's goals and dreams in life either due to a early death, bad circumstances, lack of money, lack of opportunities or anything that would get in their way to achieve big goals.

And when I mean life goals I'm talking about things like getting to work their dream job. Or getting a spouse, getting married, having children, raising children, accomplishing something big for God, things like these.

This situation happens more often than not to many people. Just think of all the young people that have died way before their time and never got accomplish such things as marriage, parenthood, or accomplishing other big goals that they may have had. I mean, think of all the various people that died recently because of hurricane Sandy, or even hurricane Katrina, 9/11, or just fill in the blank as far as any major or minor tragedies past, present and even future.

Or for people like myself who are still young but are living in a age of increasing economic uncertainty. Because of all the potential disasters that could happen involving the economy, natural resources, the job market and other things it looks to me that people in my generation and other future generations will find it increasingly unlikely that they will get to experience much of the great "joys" in life like marriage and having children or just having enough to get by on because what is coming soon.

I for one also believe that one way or another God may end this current age of humanity and usher in His Kingdom so people like me and others just get shut out of experiencing certain things because when God says "time is up" time is indeed up.

What further complicates things is from what I've read in the Bible about the afterlife for believers we won't get to experience things like marriage, sex, romantic love, parenting, and possibly other good things because of how differently things will be re arranged once we are all there.

So to get down to the heart of my question, from what you all know will God try to "make things up" for His followers for dreams or things that they couldn't accomplish during their earthly life due to circumstances or things that were beyond their control?

Now me and Bippy seem to think so. I guess we get most of our ideas from Revelation 21:4 And surely since this is in the Bible God must really mean it because if we still have to live with the disappointment of not having to get to experience (thus and so *fill in the blank*) and have to be around other believers who if they still act like the same kind of people they do while here on earth I'm pretty sure they would try to "rub things in our faces" about what a good marriage or good family they raised or good whatever that they got to experience while the unfortunate others could not get to experience these things it would make heaven more like hell in some aspects. Just dealing with the disappointment alone would be enough to make heaven more like hell.

So surely there must be a way that God will change things around for us to somehow get the disappointment and anguish out of us. I guess there are a infinite number of ways that God can do this. In fact I can easily think of a few ways He could accomplish such a thing.

He could redo our brains in such a way that He would make us forget about our disappointments and failed dreams. He could create for us a "virtual world" so to speak that would allow us to "experience" what we couldn't do in this life.

Again those are just some ways that would work within our realm of thought, again God could do things that the smartest of humans could not even conceive of to help other get over these things.

But for me for instance the big thing that I don't think I'll be able to accomplish in this life is finding a good woman to marry. I really long to have a wife and possibly some children but I really REALLY want to find a spouse.

But because for one, I'm much older than most married people my age at least in my area. I"m 28 currently and most people from my generation get married like when they are 16,17 or 18. I don't know it's just this area I live in I guess.

Plus with very few job opportunities in my area I can't find a good steady job right now to be a good provider so that makes things tough. Plus, because of the major drug and METH problems in my area many of the single women that I have to choose from are violent drug addicts with the ugly tattoos and piercings and many are either atheists or just don't have any interest in Christianity or any kind of high moral standards.

And I can't just easily move somewhere else since I live in a small town and most of my family lives here and they like to keep all of us close together as much as possible so that looks highly unlikely. Plus with the bad economy with no end in sight with no good leadership in sight and with God possibly wanting to get the "show on the road" I think not only that dream of mine is shot but having my "dream job" and a professional auto racing photographer (on a non local level and as a full time job) is shot too.

But again I"m not overwhelmingly devastated over it. I'm devastated no doubt about it, but I know for one I"m in good company with a large group of people not only now but over the course of human existence, and plus there is the good possibility that God will indeed make things up to me and all His other followers in the eternal life to come.

The main area I want you all to discuss with me and each other is, one do you agree that God will do this and if so how do you think He will. And if you do NOT think He will do these please, explain why and please explain why God would want us to "suffer" more or less for eternity for not being either lucky, "blessed" or even talented enough to achieve these things we desire.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing what you all have to say. Thank you all for your time, God bless.
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Re: Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

Post by 1over137 »

Galatians 5:16:  "But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. "

Romans 8:5: "For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit."
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
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Re: Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

Post by jlay »

Amen 1/137.

I would only add,
Colossians 3:2
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

Post by DRDS »

Uh I don't really understand what you all are talking about. Yes we should "walk by the spirit" I know that means different things to different people since "walking by the spirit" has become a vague saying within Christiantiy. I know we shouldn't desire worldly material things like a new house, new car, new whatever or lots of money over the things of God but I thought things like marriage and having a family were part of God's "plan" for people here on earth. They were apparently "the greater things in life". I mean why isn't it that so many believers defend the family against secular attacks in attempt to ruin it?

I mean what are you two saying? That God will just do me wrong in this life and cause me to suffer disappoint for not experiencing these good things even if I do make it into heaven???? I mean, come on, what are you two trying to say????!!!!
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Re: Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

Post by theophilus »

DRDS wrote:The issue is about followers of Christ especially those who cannot achieve their life's goals and dreams in life either due to a early death, bad circumstances, lack of money, lack of opportunities or anything that would get in their way to achieve big goals.
Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." Becoming a follower of Christ means that you give up your own goals and dreams in exchange for the goals that Christ has for your life. The only lasting satisfaction you will experience is that which comes from obeying Chrlst.

No obedient Christian will die an early death. He will die only when he has accomplished all that God wanted him to do. He might die young but if so that will mean that he has accomplished his work here on earth.

God controls all of the circumstances of your life. If the circumstances make it impossible for you to accomplish what you want to do that simply means that God has some other plan for you and you need to spend time in contact with him to find out what it is.

The only goals worth achieving are those that have been set by God. If you accomplish what you want but it is contrary to what God wants it will prove in the end to be of no permanent value.

"Only one life, twill soon be past.
Only what's done for Christ will last."
God wants full custody of his children, not just visits on Sunday.
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Re: Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

Post by jlay »

Have you not read,
At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. Matt. 22:30

Sounds like you have incredible opportunities for ministry where you live.
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

Post by DRDS »

I don't know what the deal is with you all today. I think you all are just trying to kick me while I"m down.
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Re: Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

Post by DRDS »

Oh and as for ministering to the meth heads in my area. You need to understand, meth turns these people almost into aggressive zombies. The best thing for my town to do since it has become such a horrible problem would be to start up a big rehab clinic just for overcoming drug addiction. But with the way the local government in my area has acted within this past year where they allowed two large liquor stores to open and you can now by booze nearly on every street corner, to me, pretty much shows that they don't care about the meth problem that has been going on way before this! And plus atheism (especially the "don't confuse me with the facts because I already have my mind made up" kind of atheism) is already taking hold of my area even. It's getting very bad and very scary in my area real fast. Again as I said in my OP I really think God is getting the Revelation show "on the road".
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Re: Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

Post by Proinsias »

DRDS wrote:But for me for instance the big thing that I don't think I'll be able to accomplish in this life is finding a good woman to marry. I really long to have a wife and possibly some children but I really REALLY want to find a spouse.
Life on earth would seem the ideal opportunity.
DRDS wrote:many of the single women that I have to choose from are violent drug addicts with the ugly tattoos and piercings and many are either atheists or just don't have any interest in Christianity or any kind of high moral standards.
If you don't have a steady job, can't easily move elsewhere, the end is nigh and you really want to meet a good looking Christian woman, who takes a keen interest in her religion with no tattoos, piercings, drug issues and a high moral standard I'd suggest buying a plane ticket and doing some Christian charity work abroad for a few months - go to the ends of the earth. The other option is the opposites attract idea, where you have a list of all the stuff you simply couldn't tolerate in a partner and then fall head over heels in love with someone who ticks all those boxes. It sounds like there are many single women around you in need of love.
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Re: Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

Post by DRDS »

No I just think many of you all here are just trying to make me feel even worse. Let's face it, that's what Christians are best known for, kicking each other when they are down.
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Re: Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

Post by Proinsias »

I'm not a Christian, I'm not trying to make you feel worse, I'm not trying to kick you when you are down.

I have no idea what will happen when I die. You are 28 and want to get married & have kid(s). The best plan is not to wait for death and hope that God will make you think that you were married to someone lovely and had kids.
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Re: Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

Post by DRDS »

Well if you are not a believer in the first place then you really don't have much good advice to give since you probably are a Richard Dawkins fan who believes morality is relative. So sorry for me not taking your advice seriously.
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Re: Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

Post by 1over137 »

DRDS wrote:No I just think many of you all here are just trying to make me feel even worse. Let's face it, that's what Christians are best known for, kicking each other when they are down.
I do not want to kick anybody down. I just wanted to say that by the time you are in heaven you may no longer worry about such things. Do you feel down because you would like to achieve some dream and it is not possible yet? Walk in the Spirit. Maybe you will achieve your dreams, maybe you no longer would like to achive them and other things will be more important to you. According to Revelation there will not be sadness in heaven, but I am not God to tell you how this will happen. It's mystery for me. And there are things which make me very sad too.
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Re: Discussion on God restoring broken dreams in heaven

Post by bippy123 »

DRDS wrote:Well if you are not a believer in the first place then you really don't have much good advice to give since you probably are a Richard Dawkins fan who believes morality is relative. So sorry for me not taking your advice seriously.
Bro, will u be online today?
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