Pray that God will change my brain

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Pray that God will change my brain

Post by DRDS »

You know I just want to nip this problem out of my life if at all possible. And this of course has to do with the problem I address in this thread. ... =3&t=38025

And the thing that I"m needing prayer about, just so happens to be one of my own solutions to this problem or at least a solution in with God could use. And that is to re-do my brain, and get rid of the things I desire like the desire and "need" to be loved by a woman or to get married, to have kids, or to do other neat things because let's face it, it won't happen in this life since I'm pretty sure that the end will come quite easily in the next few years either for me personally or for all of humanity.

And because God only designed wonderful things like marriage and raising kids to only be done in this crazy messed up short span of existence known as "this life" quite honestly I"m not ever going to get to experience such great things my grandparents and great grandparents experienced simply because I think God cared much more for them and for all the other lucky ones living right now than He does for me and others like me.

Quite honestly I now feel like I have been cursed by being alive in this horrible time period and being born in a garbage generation of people who love their meth, their violence, their tattoos and their piercings OH and their atheism and who wouldn't mind murdering me on the spot just for looking at them the wrong way.

To be real honest about my feelings. I'm still a believer and I"m still very much for God and I still love and believe in Him. But to be very honest I think got has singled me and others like me to be His red headed step children who He likes to experiment with just like Job for instance and specifically for me I think He wants to see just how far a person can go without love and affection and how far they can go by being treated like garbage by every single person they are around until they finally stop living.

Remember God isn't just a "God of love" like what that loser Joel Osteen says. God can basically do whatever He wants and if He wants to torture a few people for whatever reason He can do so.

So I guess He finds great pleasure in many of His followers or as I call them "so called followers" treating me and others like me less than garbage and kicking them when they are down.

But I guess my request is if God has any love or mercy left for me or for anyone else like me, why can't He at least REMOVE the desire to marry, to have a family or heck just remove the desire within me to be loved and to give love. Because I'm a guy and not a evil selfish woman I'm always seen as a sexual predator and as someone looking to take advantage of a woman. Why can't God just bless me with amnesia? I mean, if God created our brains than surely He can fix them in such a way that we can get by and get on with our lives.

But I tell you, women today are so messed up in the head with feminism and Nancy Grace it's disgusting! And if you don't believe check out this article I saw on facebook a few days ago, it's out of New Zealand but it captures quite nicely what I"m talking about in this paragraph. I have a feeling you will see more situations like this sadly in the future. ... of-torment

And not only that they expect so much from us, they expect us to have muscles, to have corporate ceo type jobs that make six figure salaries. They want us to be jerks that deal drugs and get kicked out of bars for brawling. I mean they are insane! But why do I still have a desire to be with one? The problem I think is God really planned marriage to be for "better" generations for "better times" that are now long gone and impossible to return to. And I don't know, I mean I'm a human being who has needs, I just don't know why God wants to treat me and others like me so bad.

And to even make me feel this same torment even if I make it into heaven will be too much to take. Why do some of you all here think He will do such a bad thing? Again, just like many of God's "wonderful followers" you want to kick your wounded when they are down. You want to brag about how God has given you a perfect life with a great spouse and great kids and great everything while you at the same time, take great pleasure in less fortunate people like me who are legitimately less fortunate I didn't do anything bad to deserve this,I have a clean criminal record, I have finished high school, I've been though college and I've got the talent and the ability.

But anymore I guess it's all about luck! What TIME PERIOD you were born into, what kind of town or community you live in and what kind of family you were born into. It's more luck than it is talent. And it really make me sick!

But either way in conclusion, for those of you reading this that actually care, please pray that God will change my brain and cause me to get by with nothing or with as little as possible since I'm pretty convinced that's how He has things scripted to play out for me and many others like me. And pray that if I make it into heaven that I will be able to withstand all the additional torment from all of his other self righteous followers for all their constant prideful bragging and horn tooting that will be in my face on a constant basis. Oh well, I'm done for now.
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Re: Pray that God will change my brain

Post by PaulSacramento »

Kind of a "glass is half empty" kind of view no?
Every generations seems to think theirs is the worse.
History tends to show that isn't always the case.
Sexual depravity nowadays? Caligula anyone, LOL ! Sodom and Gomorrah?
Violence? persecution? hatred? when have they NOT existed?

Our problem is a simple one": we reap what we sow.
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Re: Pray that God will change my brain

Post by theophilus »

DRDS wrote:You know I just want to nip this problem out of my life if at all possible. And this of course has to do with the problem I address in this thread.
God sends problems into our life because they will help us to develop spiritually.
Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
(Romans 5:3-5 ESV)
He could remove the problems but if he did he would also be removing the good things these problems will produce and he loves you too much to do that.
And because God only designed wonderful things like marriage and raising kids to only be done in this crazy messed up short span of existence known as "this life" quite honestly I"m not ever going to get to experience such great things my grandparents and great grandparents experienced simply because I think God cared much more for them and for all the other lucky ones living right now than He does for me and others like me.
Not everyone marries and has children. I have never married and since I am now 72 years old it is very unlikely that I will ever do so. I wanted to marry and raise a family but God never gave me the opportunity to do so, but God did give be the ability to live a happy and satisfied life without a family. He will do the same thing for you if you will focus on finding and obeying his will rather than complaining about what you don't have.
Quite honestly I now feel like I have been cursed by being alive in this horrible time period and being born in a garbage generation of people who love their meth, their violence, their tattoos and their piercings OH and their atheism and who wouldn't mind murdering me on the spot just for looking at them the wrong way.
God loves all of these people you are describing and Jesus Christ died to pay for their sins. Unfortunately his sacrifice won't to them any good unless someone tells them the gospel message. It isn't any accident that you are living at the right time to reach these people. God has blessed you by giving you this opportunity.

You think its bad to have to associate with these people but think about how much worse off you would be if you were one of them.
But either way in conclusion, for those of you reading this that actually care, please pray that God will change my brain.
I won't pray that he will change your brain but I will pray that he will change the way you think and give you the ability to see things as they really are.
God wants full custody of his children, not just visits on Sunday.
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Re: Pray that God will change my brain

Post by ronjohn839 »

DRDS, First of all, do you know how valuable u r to God? You said u r a Christian right? This means that u r a dear child of God, someone he has chosen to live with him forever in a place he has prepared for u(john 14:2) where there will b no more death or crying (rev 21:4)! Therefore even tho sometimes u feel like your heart is God's plaything it is not trust me. Secondly, the only nice assurance we have in life that is absolutely certain is that our God reigns. In this life my friend, things never turn out the way we expect. I expected to still have my parents, still have friends that care for me. However even these things no longer exist, I know God will never leave me nor forsake me. DRDS, this is the same for you. Lastly God is a God of primarily Love, but also fairness and equality. Though he allows us to go through pain, he doesn't inflict it on us as a form of punishment. I would suggest from exerience that you cast these burdens upon the Lord. I can guarentee that if u do this sincerely u will recieve peace. I hear ya tho bro. Women could care less about me too. God bless. Private message me any time. God loves you! peace
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Re: Pray that God will change my brain

Post by jlay »


First of all, sorry for the trouble that is on your mind. You sound a lot like me when I was around 23.

I'm also sorry because none of us here can pray that prayer, due to the fact that the request is motivated in wrong thinking.
Remember God isn't just a "God of love" like what that loser Joel Osteen says. God can basically do whatever He wants and if He wants to torture a few people for whatever reason He can do so.
This is just a wrong view of God and one you need to repent of. First of all it presumes God's "wants" are arbitrary. And it discounts that God will not do what is contrary to His nature.

Jesus walked in the same messed up world we live in. The world isn't any more corrupt than it was 2,000 years ago. It just has more technology to advance that corruption.
And to even make me feel this same torment even if I make it into heaven will be too much to take. Why do some of you all here think He will do such a bad thing? Again, just like many of God's "wonderful followers" you want to kick your wounded when they are down. You want to brag about how God has given you a perfect life with a great spouse and great kids and great everything while you at the same time, take great pleasure in less fortunate people like me who are legitimately less fortunate I didn't do anything bad to deserve this,I have a clean criminal record, I have finished high school, I've been though college and I've got the talent and the ability.
What? Just found out last night that one of my missionary friends is in jail in Bolivia. How fortunate is that? How fortunate is it that one of our posters on this forum lives in a country that is hostile towards Christians? Another missionary I know was gunned down in Mexico. This month, a teenager's mother in our youth group was put back in jail for drugs. Now the teen is head of household.
But anymore I guess it's all about luck! What TIME PERIOD you were born into, what kind of town or community you live in and what kind of family you were born into. It's more luck than it is talent. And it really make me sick!
You are probably right. I don't think someone's wealth or picture perfect family is God selecting someone for a better life at the expense of someone else. There are plenty of people who want nothing to do with God who prosper in this world. And the fact that you are using a computer to type this tells me that you are better off economically than 90% of the world's population. Should those people look at you in the same way you look at people who have been luckier than you?
But either way in conclusion, for those of you reading this that actually care, please pray that God will change my brain and cause me to get by with nothing or with as little as possible since I'm pretty convinced that's how He has things scripted to play out for me and many others like me. And pray that if I make it into heaven that I will be able to withstand all the additional torment from all of his other self righteous followers for all their constant prideful bragging and horn tooting that will be in my face on a constant basis. Oh well, I'm done for now.
Be careful what you pray for. I do know people who are homeless, destitute, persecuted, etc.

Here is the answer. If you have trusted Christ, you are complete. That is you lack NOTHING. Do you trust that? No. But that is exactly what God's word says. So, if you continue to work out of your own resource then you will not expereince peace or joy. Your post communicates that you have neither of those.
And I don't know, I mean I'm a human being who has needs, I just don't know why God wants to treat me and others like me so bad.
My friend who is in a Bolivian jail right at this moment may or may not be experiencing peace and joy. Knowing him, I believe he is. Why? He trusts the Lord. I have seen this man deal with some incredible struggles, yet trusts in the Lord. He knows that Christ lives in Him, the hope of glory. It isn't his fortune (which he has none), his resource, his will power, his resolve. It is Christ. And the reality is that a believer possesses both.
Now listen carefully. I said they possess both. That doesn't mean they are experiencing that reality? Why? Trust. They trust their circumstances. They trust that it won't ever be better. They trust that God is out to get them for some reason. That is a lie. And it is obvious that you are believing a lie. Stop. Repent. Trusts what God's word says, and specifically says about you. If you are "IN CHRIST," you are a new creation. You are blessed with EVERY spiritual blessing in Heavenly places.

You need to forsake this way of thinking, and trust God. Will you?
That is the most loving thing anyone can say to you. Why? Because it is true. Anyone who tries to affirm your feelings is denying who we are in Christ. Victors. More than conqurerors. Dead to sin. Alive to Christ. A new creature. The righteousness of God. Complete. Whole. Of one mind. Not of this world.
If you are not of this world, then why are you looking at the world to judge your value to God?
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Re: Pray that God will change my brain

Post by Philip »

If you are not of this world, then why are you looking at the world to judge your value to God?
Great question! The present reality is TEMPORARY. This current world is NOT what it is all about. For Christians, there is a world to come, of unimaginable and eternal happiness in the presence of the Lord. If it were all about THIS world, where there is only suffering and injustice, then it would not make any sense, and hopelessness would be all we have to look forward to. If that were the case, then why not just constantly seek temporary pleasures? But, for Christians, part of preparing us for His eternal world, God calls us to suffering. Jesus lived a life of suffering. That doesn't mean we won't have pleasures or happiness on earth, but we will suffer in various ways - yet God will guide us in whatever He allows us to go through. But the mistake many make - especially atheists - is that they surmise that this world is all there is, and that everything is ONLY about it.
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Re: Pray that God will change my brain

Post by Silvertusk »

jlay wrote:DRDS,

First of all, sorry for the trouble that is on your mind. You sound a lot like me when I was around 23.

I'm also sorry because none of us here can pray that prayer, due to the fact that the request is motivated in wrong thinking.
Remember God isn't just a "God of love" like what that loser Joel Osteen says. God can basically do whatever He wants and if He wants to torture a few people for whatever reason He can do so.
This is just a wrong view of God and one you need to repent of. First of all it presumes God's "wants" are arbitrary. And it discounts that God will not do what is contrary to His nature.

Jesus walked in the same messed up world we live in. The world isn't any more corrupt than it was 2,000 years ago. It just has more technology to advance that corruption.
And to even make me feel this same torment even if I make it into heaven will be too much to take. Why do some of you all here think He will do such a bad thing? Again, just like many of God's "wonderful followers" you want to kick your wounded when they are down. You want to brag about how God has given you a perfect life with a great spouse and great kids and great everything while you at the same time, take great pleasure in less fortunate people like me who are legitimately less fortunate I didn't do anything bad to deserve this,I have a clean criminal record, I have finished high school, I've been though college and I've got the talent and the ability.
What? Just found out last night that one of my missionary friends is in jail in Bolivia. How fortunate is that? How fortunate is it that one of our posters on this forum lives in a country that is hostile towards Christians? Another missionary I know was gunned down in Mexico. This month, a teenager's mother in our youth group was put back in jail for drugs. Now the teen is head of household.
But anymore I guess it's all about luck! What TIME PERIOD you were born into, what kind of town or community you live in and what kind of family you were born into. It's more luck than it is talent. And it really make me sick!
You are probably right. I don't think someone's wealth or picture perfect family is God selecting someone for a better life at the expense of someone else. There are plenty of people who want nothing to do with God who prosper in this world. And the fact that you are using a computer to type this tells me that you are better off economically than 90% of the world's population. Should those people look at you in the same way you look at people who have been luckier than you?
But either way in conclusion, for those of you reading this that actually care, please pray that God will change my brain and cause me to get by with nothing or with as little as possible since I'm pretty convinced that's how He has things scripted to play out for me and many others like me. And pray that if I make it into heaven that I will be able to withstand all the additional torment from all of his other self righteous followers for all their constant prideful bragging and horn tooting that will be in my face on a constant basis. Oh well, I'm done for now.
Be careful what you pray for. I do know people who are homeless, destitute, persecuted, etc.

Here is the answer. If you have trusted Christ, you are complete. That is you lack NOTHING. Do you trust that? No. But that is exactly what God's word says. So, if you continue to work out of your own resource then you will not expereince peace or joy. Your post communicates that you have neither of those.
And I don't know, I mean I'm a human being who has needs, I just don't know why God wants to treat me and others like me so bad.
My friend who is in a Bolivian jail right at this moment may or may not be experiencing peace and joy. Knowing him, I believe he is. Why? He trusts the Lord. I have seen this man deal with some incredible struggles, yet trusts in the Lord. He knows that Christ lives in Him, the hope of glory. It isn't his fortune (which he has none), his resource, his will power, his resolve. It is Christ. And the reality is that a believer possesses both.
Now listen carefully. I said they possess both. That doesn't mean they are experiencing that reality? Why? Trust. They trust their circumstances. They trust that it won't ever be better. They trust that God is out to get them for some reason. That is a lie. And it is obvious that you are believing a lie. Stop. Repent. Trusts what God's word says, and specifically says about you. If you are "IN CHRIST," you are a new creation. You are blessed with EVERY spiritual blessing in Heavenly places.

You need to forsake this way of thinking, and trust God. Will you?
That is the most loving thing anyone can say to you. Why? Because it is true. Anyone who tries to affirm your feelings is denying who we are in Christ. Victors. More than conqurerors. Dead to sin. Alive to Christ. A new creature. The righteousness of God. Complete. Whole. Of one mind. Not of this world.
If you are not of this world, then why are you looking at the world to judge your value to God?

DRDS - Please take note of what jlay is saying. It seems like you are going through dark night of the soul moment. I am especially concerned about the fact that you said that you might not be around in a few years. I sincerely hope I am reading into this wrong - but I hope you aren't considering taking your own life. If this is where you are heading then I implore you - please seek help

Please know that God does love you and has died for you - even if you are the only human being alive. They may be some of us that are experiencing good times - but the storms reach us all. And when all is stripped away all you have is God. Imagine these bleak times without God - I find that infinitely more depressing.

I struggled to find a woman and only met the perfect one at your age. Took 7 more years of heartbreak till we finally had a child. But we still praised God and blessed his name. Give it all into his hands - pray for his grace and mercy and blessing to fall on you. Ask him to show you his will for your life.

Please remember the purpose of the Christian life is not happiness by a long stretch - but to know God and in that you will find joy eternal. Let Jesus be the center of everything you do and seek after him first and not the world of the flesh (and I know this is hard to do and I struggle with this daily- which is why you need God)

Just put your trust in him and your life will turn around I promise.

Will pray for you my brother in Christ.

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