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Post by TruckerTom »

Is it selfish to pray for one's self? And how can one be sure to pray effectively? I have been around people of faith all my life, but am new myself? I thought about those folks over the years, and realized they are always content, and genuwine good people! I need that in my life, I do read my NIV bible and want to grow! I read 1 chapter of proverbs a day, because there is 31 chapters, I figure one a day is a good start! I would appreciate and greatly value any advice and answers or constructive critisim! Even on my poor gramar! Lol Thanks, and regards!
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Re: How?

Post by jlay »

The question is a little too vague to give a solid answer. The Apostle Paul prayed for himself. I think there is a difference in praying for yourself and praying selfishly.

Paul's advice was, "Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." Phil. 4:6

We will pray for your grammar :lol: and your spelling. You can pray for my punctuation. :mrgreen:
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: How?

Post by TruckerTom »

Ok, a little more specific. I have been praying for emotional a spiritual wellness, and wanting or more so needing results fast! Is it wrong to expect this in say about a few months?
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Re: How?

Post by jlay »

TruckerTom wrote:Ok, a little more specific. I have been praying for emotional a spiritual wellness, and wanting or more so needing results fast! Is it wrong to expect this in say about a few months?
I certainly think it is great to pray for such things. Obviously you are dealing with some tough issues. I dealt with severe anxiety during my late college years. Terrible panic attacks. I prayed that God would help me. The problem was that my lifestyle was totally contrary to God's will for my life. There were issues that were beyond my control, but the fact was that I was far from God. How could I expect God to make me feel good, when the choices I was making were contrary to His will?
Looking back in hindsight, I see things with a different perspective. Sometimes God's mercy is Him refusing to identify with the path we've chosen. God says, you can choose that road, but I will not be going with you. Since I was a believer, I see my emotional condition being a result of the spiritual rebellion I was living in. In fact, I might even say that the torment was one way of God chastening His child to return. So, at that time my prayers may have been just to make all the anxiety go away. I don't see how or why God would do such a thing. I would have been quite happy if prayer was just sprinkling fairy dust on my struggles and making them go away. As I've grown in the faith, I see a different role regarding prayer and how I pray for my own issues.

Tom, are you a believer, trusting is Jesus Christ as your savior and redeemer?
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: How?

Post by TruckerTom »

I understand now! Its the path I'm on, I claim to believe but still smoke, drink, fight, and sleep around among numerous other activities! Thay's why I feel this way " empty"! Wow how could I miss that!
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