Knowing God

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Knowing God

Post by j316 »

I have been following this forum for several months now and I understand where many of you are coming from, but I feel that there is something you are leaving unaddressed, something that is just as significant [in fact perhaps more significant] as the point of view most of you are comfortable with.

When you come down to it arguments about the validity of evolution vs creation or scientific proof of God are very similar to the old medieval squabble about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, they are fun to take part in but what do they prove?

Ultimately knowledge of God occurrs in a subjective realm that science cannot, by definition, even address.

I would like to pose a question. How many of you base your faith on science? It would make no difference to me if science conclusively proved that evolution was fact, because I know who created the scientists and their reality.

I would like to see an addition to this forum, a topic such as Knowing God or something similar. I think it would be productive and useful, keeping in mind that we get a lot more visitors than contributors. It is our duty to address those who are not familiar with our beliefs, and dogma is,to me at least, the wrong place to start. I would like to see a place where we can relate to each other and strangers as God relates to us. By comparing experiences, by exploring the power and mystery of God, by attempting to know how and why God loves us.

You are not shy when it comes to arguing about the big bang, how about when God reached out and touched you? Might someone not relate to that?
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Post by Felgar »

There's "Christian Theology", "Questions for Christians", and "Beliefs, Knowledge, and Truth" all of which I think would be a suitable place for s such a discussion.

I do think we have pretty good balance here. We've had plent of testimony about how God has touched lives... More can never hurt though; go get something started j316. :)
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