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Ajay Parmar
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Send this survey to your JW friends

Post by Ajay Parmar »

Dear Friends,

I created a new survey which is interesting and it will put some question in JW's mind. Which is most important because that is needed that JW think for their Society.

Anyway please check that survey and send link to your Still JW friends. But please don't fill it because it is only for JW not for x-JW.

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Post by BavarianWheels »

Did you make up that survey on your own?
Ajay Parmar
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Post by Ajay Parmar »

yes I make that survey to put some question on JW's mind. If you have any JW friend pass it plz
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Post by BavarianWheels »

Ajay Parmar wrote:yes I make that survey to put some question on JW's mind. If you have any JW friend pass it plz
Don't take offense, but is English your first language?

It reads as though it's not. Sorry for being so critical...
Ajay Parmar
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Post by Ajay Parmar »

ya i know my english is not good. what to do english is not my language but i like to put some questions. if you like you can correct that survey and send it to my e-mail so i correct it next time.
Ajay Parmar
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Result of Check your Christian Faith – Survey

Post by Ajay Parmar »

Total Person submitted survey: 17

Total Person submitted answer: 16

1) Your Name: (if you like enter otherwise leave it)
Names given by 25%

2) Congregation and City Name: (if you like enter otherwise leave it)
Cong. Name given by 25%

3) From where did you get answer of “What is the main reason why Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusions, and where is that principle found in the Bible?”

8 persons say: a) Bible
8 persons say: b) Watchtower
0 persons say: c) Video No Blood—Medicine Meets the Challenge

True answer is option c

4) How do you feel when death strikes a loved one?

0 persons say: a) Why Jehovah permit such things?
12 persons say: b) Don't worry we have a ransom hope
4 persons say: c) Why all this happen to me?

5) When Jehovah God has given authority to Moses, Jesus and his disciples, he gives proof by giving miracles power to them. When Jehovah God made Watchtower Organization an approved channel what proof given?

2 persons say: a) May be it is given in Watchtower magazine
9 persons say: b) No need of proof
5 persons say: c) I don't know

True answer is no such authority is given

6) Why should we exercise faith in Jesus' ransom sacrifice?

9 persons say: a) We have a love for Jesus and Jehovah God.
2 persons say: b) If we don't than Jehovah may punish us.
5 persons say: c) It is matter of our Everlasting life.

True answer is option a

7) When Governing Body made any decision they made it by voting, and take a two-thirds majority. If two-thirds of majority taken what about other one-thirds members they are not lead by Holy Spirit or Holy Spirit give different idea to one-thirds and two-thirds? — James 3:10, 11; Matthew 5:37

8 persons say: a) Like other religious people it is our blind faith.
6 persons say: b) Governing Body taking their own decision Holy Spirit is not involved.
2 persons say: c) They try to make us fool by telling that they are lead by Holy Spirit.

True answer is option c

On 8-Jul-05 total response is 20 but I lost a track because it is free survey.
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