Would you say it's possible you're reading evolution through the same biased prism you accuse others of doing?
I would whole heartedly concede that this can very well be a possibility, yet I don't think that it being so has any affect of the nature of facts that support the theory.
Do you also agree with him that evolution is an unguided, naturalistic process?
Yes I certainly think it is (I am not arguing specifically for T.E here), though not for starters, I certainly think that the laws of properties of organic matter, in whatever form they may be would certainly be only possible with God kick starting things.
How about what he believes on the origin of life, do you agree with that?
I don't know but why would you assume that I believe what he believes, all in all?
You agree with Dawkins on that statement but he has a far more sinister agenda as you well know
I am very well aware of that agenda, it is just that I find the original statement, I wrote of his, pretty accurate.
I do, for all intents and purposes, believe that evolution (and yes, by that I mean macro ) is a plausible theory and the best one we have (so far) to explain how life evolved on earth. However (note the emphasis), and to borrow from a friend, that's whole lot a equivocation and a priori assumptions.
Genetically, that is the only one which fits the bill. And what explains everything. There may be revision, as in all theories but the basic mechanism is true. We know that because we can see it in reproduction today.
Is it the only one? Far from it. How about common design. How about of necessity from the laws of biology (i.e. the laws can only produce life with common traits though not necessarily through ancestry).
Common, design, common DNA. just but not through evolution, right?. Well, DNA works through evolution, that is not my opinion Byb. It is a fact. And if someone thinks that common DNA is used, they are in fact actually supporting Theistic Evolution in full force, because common DNA, comes only in parts, not in full, and the parts that we share with other species just happen to be passing through reproduction. And that is sole reason why there is no uniform set of number of genes we share, because they all split somewhere. Else if God, hand made everything that is in existence then one must wonder about the many if's and assumptions which carry there as well.
Here's one for you that no atheist could possibly deny: how about good old-fashioned, unadulterated chance. Don't think that's possible?
An atheist would of course start with NO god, I say that God knows everything so he knows the outcome of all chances (if you wanna put it that way) but I don't see how it impacts anything theologically that is against faith in Christ, if that was your concern.
To re-iterate, I am saying that evolution is the only way to explain life, no other way comes close. There is no mechanism for any other way, if there is. I am all ears but I usually do not get a satisfactory answer on this one. The usually answer I always get, is the "burden of proof lies on me" and there it ends because they won't simply admit it. And that comes from misunderstanding things. As I wrote earlier.
My point is that while TE may be the best scientific explanation we have, it most certainly is NOT a proven fact so let's tread lightly with our respective assumptions.
I apreciate it Byb, I just don't think I am treading heavily. The mechanism is proven, that is why biologists use that mechanism for further research. What remains to be proven, are gaps in theory and they will one day be. But I don't see these gaps as changing the nature of the mechanism of evolution in the first place. To put it to you this way. A lot of Church doctrine was not unified until years later, centuries. And with the reformation, even more so, and yet, even with all the changes, radical or lukewarm, the basic truth of Christianity is the same. We have much complete theological arguments today then in medieval church and yet, we are around the same thing. I don't suppose anyone would agree that just because we have some form of mystery in all forms of theology that we must therefore reject Christianity as the sole way to God or reduce it to be one of the plausible ways to God, right?