Question about Genesis creation and today

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Question about Genesis creation and today

Post by cubeus19 »

Hi guys! I recently saw a web article of scientists being able to study a new planet being formed. You can see it here, ... 16924.html

Plus for some time, I've heard about new stars forming in the universe possibly around a cluster called the Ort Cloud.

With those things in mind I have a question, if biblical creation is true, after God created us and decided to "rest" after doing so, does that mean that in order for biblical creation to be true, shouldn't there be no other thing forming in our universe like planets and stars and or does the discovery of new planets, new stars, place any doubt in the Genesis creation account? Thanks!
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Re: Question about Genesis creation and today

Post by Ivellious »

I suppose if you were a young-Earth creationist, things like us witnessing the various stages of millions-to-billions year long processes would be troubling. After all, if the universe is just 6,000-10,000 years old, why should we be able to see stars and planets both being formed and dying in various parts of out galaxy, when both of these processes take place in absurdly long time spans?

On the other hand, if you were an old-Earth creationist or a progressive creationist or something like that, I can't see why this alone would bring doubt into your worldview.
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Re: Question about Genesis creation and today

Post by ronjohn839 »

there are a couple different ways you could rationalize this information of new stars and planets being formed. However u take the info, please keep in mind that new things are being born everyday. For example new cross-breeds of animals, children islands and bodies of water r being formed. There is a natural process that God has set into motion for these listed things,so there is also a natural process for planets and stars being born or dying. This is just on a different scale. I feel when God created everything, it was a foundation for things to come ex: from adam came the human race. Also our God is a present God who is also personal. This being said one could argue he still creates similarly to how he did during the initial creation period. Take care, God bless!!
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Re: Question about Genesis creation and today

Post by solaphyde »

"When you look at the Hebrew bereshit, the first two words in Genesis, most translations say "in the beginning", but actually it means "in the beginning/start of". So if you literally translate the first verse in the Bible from Hebrew, it reads "In the beginning/start of God create the heavens and the earth," Now the Hebrew word for create is bara. You can't tell if it's past, present, or future. English versions always put it in the past tense, but a lot of Hebrew scholars think it is in the present. So therefore it would read, "in the beginning of God's creating of the heavens and the earth" ... n-bereshit

(This is an interesting quote on this link, yet no sources to back it are provided. One can do some digging to see if they find any sources to back it up.)

I believe that the Jewish scholar Rashi believed that everything was created in an instance in Gen 1, and that from that God created with what had already been created.

"Rashi did not take the Genesis creation passage to be trying to assert either a time-scale or even an order for creation: The text does not intend to point the order of the [acts] of creation... the text does not by any means teach which things were created first and which later [it only] wants to teach us what was the condition of things at the time when heaven and earth were created, namely, that the earth was without form and a confused mass.

It is interesting to see Rashi argue this point from the Hebrew language used. As one following the Rabbinic tradition and steeped in Hebrew semantics he must be considered an expert on such matters: The text does not intend to point out the order of the acts of Creation – to state that these (heaven and earth) were created first; for if it intended to point this out, it should have written wnw {ym$h t) )rb hnw$)rb “At first God created etc.”... Should you, however, insist that it does actually intend to point out that these (heaven and earth) were created first, and that the meaning is, “At the beginning of everything He created these, admitting therefore that the word ty$)rb is in its construct state and explaining the omission of a word signifying “everything” by saying
that you have texts which are elliptical, omitting a word... you should be astonished at yourself, because as a matter of fact the waters were created before
heaven and earth , for lo, it is written, (v. 2) The Spirit of God hovering on the face of the waters,” and Scripture had not yet disclosed when the creation of waters took place – consequently you must learn from this that the creation of the waters preceded that of the earth.

http://www.scienceandchristianbelief.or ... arston.pdf
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