2 Thessalonians 2:
3Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,
4 who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.
8 Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming;
"...In mainstream Orthodox Judaism the rebuilding of the Temple is generally left to the coming of the Jewish Messiah and to Divine Providence, a number of organizations, generally representing a small minority of even Orthodox Jews, have been formed with the objective of realizing the immediate construction of a Third Temple in present times." -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Temp ... ng_efforts
" Many Jews,... especially Hasidim, adhere to the belief that there is a person born each generation with the potential to become Messiah, if the Jewish people warrant his coming; this candidate is known as the Tzadik Ha-Dor, meaning Tzaddik (a Hebrew term literally meaning "righteous one" but used to refer to holy men who can, for example, perform miracles or act as an intermediary between man and God) of the Generation." -http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Messiah look under Present-day Jewish positions.
They are ready to build -http://www.squidoo.com/templejerusalem
The Holy Temple of Jerusalem will be rebuilt, and the 'messiah' of the Jews will come and is expected. This could be a unifying moment for Judaic religions (tribulation?). Then the real Christ will come, slaying the lawless one. And so begins the final end.
Am I seeing this correctly?
Remember, the Bible is self authenticating...
Scary Thought
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Re: Scary Thought
You are seeing it the same way I do. Of course that doesn't necessarily mean you are seeing it correctly.Mallz wrote:Am I seeing this correctly?

Muslims are expecting a leader called the Mahdi. Some Bible scholars think that he and the Jewish false Messiah will be the same person. If that is the case it would explain why the Muslims don't prevent the Jews from rebuilding the temple. God's purpose in choosing Moses and giving him the Torah was to create a nation through which he would being the Messiah into the world. Satan often imitates God's ways of doing things; it seems likely that Satan chose Muhammad and gave him the Koran to create a nation through which he would bring the false Messiah into the world.
http://clydeherrin.wordpress.com/2013/0 ... f-abraham/
God wants full custody of his children, not just visits on Sunday.
Re: Scary Thought
Yes, we'll have to wait and see if there's any truth there, speculation can be a dangerous thing :p But its fun to see the connections between the religions of Judaic roots ^_^
Very interesting article, thanks!
Very interesting article, thanks!