I personally use to argue the whole pagan thing... I still don't fully understand but for now I suppose I can let it go. I also have heard the rebuttals love everyone, nothing is wrong with it, nothing innate evil in or of itself, its for the kids, its fun, its cute, etc. I still just can't seem to wrap my head around this. I heard embrace it, seize the opportunity, write scriptures on eggs, witness Jesus the time your there etc. I just don't know. Still seems like a bait and switch gospel almost, lure them in by any means necessary, just get them to the church, God will do the rest. Again, I just need some different insight trying to understand. Most of the people if not Christians that are throwing the egg hunt, are unbelievers that don't normally go to church, who won't blink or think twice, its just a thing to do and its at a church, its traditional etc. Yet I do honestly see opportunity that may have not been there before, but is it in vein (not saying Gods word returns void), and is this a compromise, to please the people... to paint the church with a tolerance or world-view to attract the world. I will stop here since I can sense I'm getting personal and may be already influencing the reader... I just need some perspective.