God spoke to me in a dream.

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God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by mommaseeta »

Hi. This is my first time here. I am in need of discussing with others a dream I had the night before last. In this dream God spoke to me. His words came from above me and into me. He said, "God does not hate gays. I created them. They were created to help slow the worlds population, and their purpose is to care for children that need homes". Then I saw an image. It was a square, and inside was a black spiral, sideways looking tornado type thing. Like a spring. It bounced to one side of the square and the tip of the spiral left a very small yellow light where it touched the square. It then bounced back to the other side of the square leaving a slightly larger yellow glow where it touched the wall of the square. It bounced back and forth each time leaving a yellow light larger than the last. I immediately knew the meaning of this image. It meant something along the lines of every small act of kindness/love causes another and another.
I would like to hear opinions of this dream. I have never regularly attended church. I feel awkward at the different churches I have attended throughout my life and I've always felt that God understood this and is ok with it. I am a non judgemental person. I think it is also important to add that I am not gay. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts. Thank you!
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by alex1 »

How do you know that it was God, and not your mind?
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by mommaseeta »

I don't. That's why I wanted to discuss this dream.
My friends and family that I told this dream to also laughed. I was asked what drugs I was on etc.
All I have to compare it to are other dreams I've had. Well, for one thing I immediately woke up after seeing the image. The only other times I can recall immediately waking up after one dream (most nights I have multiple dreams that mix together) are if something wakes me up, or if it was a bad/scarey dream. For example this morning I was woken up mid dream by my dog barking like a maniac at the neighbor. I remember very little about this dream already and I've only been awake for half hour.
The other thing is, I don't think about gay people. If I needed God to tell me anything, it would be some kind of sin that I personally commited that he then told me he is ok with. Like I mentioned, I am not gay. At the same time, I don't care if others are gay. I am genuine when I say this. I don't have a stand on gay marriage because I don't care either way. In other words, this is not something I'm passionate about. I've certainly never put any thought into why gays are created or what purpose they serve.
So trust me, I've analyzed the crap out of this and now I am seeking guidance from people who believe in God.
Also in my dream, it was God. I was certain of this. There was no doubt. He referred to himself as God. And In my dream I knew it was.
Sorry, one last thing. When God told me "I created them". I felt infliction in his voice. Almost as if he was insulted that anyone would question his judgement. Like, obviously!- Like that.
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by mommaseeta »

I believe it was God enough to now have a strong belief that He did create gays. That being gay is not a sin. And that gay couples SHOULD adopt children in need of a home or be a foster parent. So that is how much I believe that even if it was my mind, that it is RIGHT by God. I have no doubts about that now. And perhaps before, I did.
The reason I am here is to gain some insight from people who are educated with the bible and biblical history. I am not. I was raised by a baptist mother and a catholic father. I've been to both churches. My parents did not push religion on us children because they wanted us to choose the religion that we believed in. Mostly my religion that I believe in is simply to be kind to others and not to judge. As it's God's place to judge.
I wonder if the spiral black thing and the yellow glows of light have any significance to biblical history. Also any insight into God speaking to people.
I apologize if I am rambling. However, have any of you ever had a vivid dream in which God spoke to you? If you have not, then you don't understand how it felt, and how I still feel.
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by RickD »

Hi mommaseeta, welcome to the board. :wave:

In regards to your dream, since you believe God was speaking to you, why? How would this pertain to you? You have said you are not gay. Do you think God is leading you to open an adoption clinic for gay couples? If you really believe it was God who was speaking to you, what was He trying to tell you?

What exactly did you mean when you said, "That being gay is not a sin."?

Are you saying that those that sexually desire others of the same sex aren't sinning? Or, are you saying that God told you through your dream, that a homosexual couple that lives together, and has a homosexual, sexual relationship, aren't sinning?
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by Philip »

TEMPTATION to engage in wrongful acts - whether they be homosexual or heterosexually oriented or whether they be sexually neutral - is not the sin. But ACTING upon temptation/even desiring in our hearts something that God has made clear to us is forbidden, is what is sinful. God made me heterosexual, but that doesn't mean that mean that I can enact my heterosexuality in any way I see fit, yet without not also sinning in the eyes of God. Jesus said even lusting in my heart is adultery, and that clearly any sexual act outside of marriage to a woman is also adulterous. The logic of people who say,that if one has gay "inclinations or orientation," then this "natural orientation" makes any homosexual acts or relationships (whether monogamous or not) they may pursue to be just fine in the sight of God, must ignore the clear teachings of Scripture to do so. And how disingenuous and selective they are about God's Word. Truly, for such people, God's Word is irrelevant, as they desire to cherry pick which Scriptures they will adhere to or which they think is true and which is not. But if one has flesh, he is going to have sinful desires - so why should someone be surprised that gay people aren't also tempted to sinfully engage in what God considers an abomination?
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by mommaseeta »

Hi and thank you for welcoming me. All I am saying is that God spoke to me clearly. What I previously wrote about what he said to me was a quote. From God. I specificly remember every word. He told me that he created gays. He said, "God does not hate gays. I created them". I mean, it's pretty straight forward and to the point. There is no hidden meaning behind that.
Like I previously stated, I am not an expert on the bible. But from what I do understand, a few people in the bible heard messages from God or an angel of God.
I googled, God spoke to me in a dream, and I looked through at least 6 pages without finding anything close to a dream like this one. Most of the time the person wakes up before he's finnished, or what he says to them is a puzzle the person can't make sence of. My dream was clear. After I saw the image, I woke up calmly.
As to the message he was telling me, I believe it was the spiral image. I believe he was encouraging me to continue to spread kindness to everyone I encounter.
I layed in bed for hours wondering why he told me about the reasons he created gays and their purpose. If I was gay, or had a gay family member or close friend I would be more apt to believe it was my subconscious mind and not God.
A question I have is, is being gay a sin? And if so then would it make gay people feel like they are already screwed so might as well live it up. Or, if thats the case screw it, I don't believe in God if thats how he feels. (im wondering if gay people feel this way, I don't mean to generalize all, but even a few)
So perhaps God told this message to me, (why me? I have no idea) so I can assure them that God created you the way you are for a reason. Then offer them the idea of being a foster parent or adopting a child.
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by NoWorries »

It was likely just a dream and not really God. I once had a dream that Barney was a mass murderer and tried to kill me. It was just a dream, obviously. Just because the dream happened to be about God doesn't mean it was actually Him, though I guess it isn't impossible.

Also, yes, homosexuality is a sin.
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by mommaseeta »

Dreams are common. I have them every night. How common is it to have a dream where God speaks to you? I believe it is uncommon. I thought it would be very common and that's why I looked it up. Turns out it's not.
I said I wasn't a bible expert, but I have read over half of the bible to my children. I have no verses memorized and get mixed up on names and who begot who, but I do remember reading about the great flood. I remember reading about how God felt bad afterwards and promised to never do that again. God can change his mind.
When it comes down to it, how am I soposed to question a dream like this? I feel it is immoral to question it. When I die and go to heaven, I have to face God. And what am I sopsosed to do then? Tell him, oh Im sorry. I just thought it was a random dream I had, I didn't take it seriously, my bad.
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by RickD »

Mommaseeta, this is just my opinion, so take it fwiw.
mommaseeta wrote:
is being gay a sin?
That depends on what you mean. I believe sexual relations outside of marriage is a sin. And since I believe by definition, marriage is between one man and one woman, then sex between people of the same sex is sin. So whether two heterosexual or homosexual people of the same sex have sexual relations, then it is a sin.
And if so then would it make gay people feel like they are already screwed so might as well live it up.
Anyone not saved, is "screwed" so to speak. Heterosexual or homosexual.
You have to realize we tend to find ways to try to justify our sin. That's part of our sinful nature.

You also said what you heard in your dream was an exact quote correct?
You wrote:
"God does not hate gays. I created them. They were created to help slow the worlds population, and their purpose is to care for children that need homes"
This sounds like something I'd definitely question whether it was from God. Would God really say to you, "God does not hate gays."

That alone doesn't sound to me like God speaking. Why would God create someone to slow the world's population? He has told people to be fruitful and multiply. Children are a gift, and a blessing.
The more I think if what you said, the less I think it's God speaking to you. I've had very vivid dreams that I don't believe were from God. Perhaps it's just something you were consciously or subconsciously thinking about.
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by mommaseeta »

I have seen people carrying signs on tv that say, God hates [homosexuals]. I'm sorry to say that word, but that's literally what the signs said. That is why he said, "God does not hate gays". He probably knows that the word [homosexual] might have startled me awake. I have seen things on the internet that say, God hates this or that.
I mean yah, it definitly doesn't sound very professional. I agree. But it got my attention. As I'm sure it was intended to do.
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by mommaseeta »

Sorry, I'm doing this off a wii-u pad so I can't see the previous comment at the same time I'm typing. But about why would God create something to slow the world population,because he said be fruitful and multiply. Well how many thousands of years ago did he say that? I'm sure the population of the world at that time wasn't close to 7 billion as it is today. From what he said to me in my dream he still loves children. He wants them to all have homes.
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by RickD »

mommaseeta wrote:I have seen people carrying signs on tv that say, God hates [homosexuals]. I'm sorry to say that word, but that's literally what the signs said. That is why he said, "God does not hate gays". He probably knows that the word [homosexual] might have startled me awake. I have seen things on the internet that say, God hates this or that.
I mean yah, it definitly doesn't sound very professional. I agree. But it got my attention. As I'm sure it was intended to do.
I meant God speaking in the third person is what I questioned. But now that you mentioned it, would God use the term "gays"? The bible talks about having sexual relations with someone of the same sex, as a sin and an abomination. Sorry, doesn't sound like God speaking to you in a dream. Just my opinion fwiw.

And just because some wacked out Westboro Baptist loonies have signs that say "God hates [homosexuals]", that certainly doesn't mean He does. God loves all of us sinners. Christ died for all.
Sorry, I'm doing this off a wii-u pad so I can't see the previous comment at the same time I'm typing. But about why would God create something to slow the world population,because he said be fruitful and multiply. Well how many thousands of years ago did he say that? I'm sure the population of the world at that time wasn't close to 7 billion as it is today. From what he said to me in my dream he still loves children. He wants them to all have homes.
Of course God loves children. And it seems like you do too. So lets sum it up. You had a dream that you believe was God speaking to you. Maybe your dream means that YOU should adopt children, because YOU believe they should have a loving home. Maybe the part in the dream about gays was to show you that whatever sins YOU'VE committed, you're still able to be a loving parent. :mrgreen:

Sometimes dreams are just dreams. My son used to have very vivid, wild, nightmares when he was younger. We found out that if he ate chocolate before bed, he had bad dreams. :lol:

Now, if you have the same dream over and over, it may mean something.
Let me tell you about a recurring dream I had a while back. When I was an adult, I had this same dream. I was a child again, going to my elementary school. I got dressed, and walked to school. When I got to school, I found myself walking down the hall, dressed only in my tighty whities. Tell me what this means. :pound:
John 5:24
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

RickD wrote:When I was an adult, I had this same dream. I was a child again, going to my elementary school. I got dressed, and walked to school. When I got to school, I found myself walking down the hall, dressed only in my tighty whities. Tell me what this means.
Was this at a Catholic boarding school?

FL y:-?
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by RickD »

Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
RickD wrote:When I was an adult, I had this same dream. I was a child again, going to my elementary school. I got dressed, and walked to school. When I got to school, I found myself walking down the hall, dressed only in my tighty whities. Tell me what this means.
Was this at a Catholic boarding school?

FL y:-?
No, FL. It was only a dream. Not real life. :shock:
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

St. Richard the Sarcastic--The Patron Saint of Irony
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