God spoke to me in a dream.

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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by mommaseeta »

I have dreams where I can fly a few times a week. I have dreams that I have no idea as to their meaning on the nightly bases. These dreams could mean anything and I do try to analyze my dreams.
I have a reoccuring dream that I get pulled out into the ocean. I believe that dream means something about my life feeling overwhelming.
I've also had dreams where I am hugging my deceased loved ones.
I had a dream a couple years ago that I had been captured by the devil. I tried to trick him into freeing me and that was easy. The problem was the devil's wife. I couldn't fool her. -Believe me, I put a lot of thought into trying to analyze that doozy.
By the way the underware dream is interpreted as feeling cocky and self righteous. It is your subconscious reminding you who you really are. I did a research paper on the interpretation of dreams back in the 9th grade. haha
What I'm getting at is most dreams are crazy weird and there is no telling what they mean. But this dream was straight up. To the point. What is there to analyze?
Hey believe me or not. Or believe what God said to me or not. I've had millions of dreams. I'm a dreamer. And I've never had a dream like this one.
When God said "I created them". I felt his anger. And it wasn't directed at me.
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by mommaseeta »

I can't figure out how to do the quote thing but as to the comment about God referring to them as gays and that he probably wouldn't do that. Well why wouln't he? It's the year 2013 and I don't speak Hebrew.
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by SonofAletheia »

The problem with trusting these subjective experiences seems to come from a lack of understanding of how powerful the brain truly is.

People TRULY think (all this has been reported): That the government is monitoring their thoughts, that they are Napoleon incarnate, that they can read other people's minds, that family members have twins who act as imposters, that God told them to kill their children, that the government is following/tracking them, that God told them to kill hundreds of people, that there is a pink elephant always with them, that they have invisible friends everywhere etc

Then there are the thousands of other religions that have supposed religious experiences (Joseph Smith and Mormonism, Mohamed and Islam etc etc)

In my opinion, having faith in these "experiences" without some objective standard is a precarious endeavor at best. One would have to hope that his "experience" was not a disorder or malfunction of our brain or even a possible demonic influence.

As Friedrich Nietzsche said
“A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything”

I would not go this far...But his point remains: Faith, without some reasons or objective standard to view it from or judge it by, is almost always just a trick or disorder of the limited and faulty brain
I do not feel obliged to believe that same God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect had intended for us to forgo their use.
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by mommaseeta »

I don't lack the understanding of how powerful the brain is.
God didn't tell me to kill my children or anything mean or unloving.
I'm a normal person. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm not a religious fanatic. I'm not a gay rights activist.
I'm the person that sees the posts on facebook about if you love jesus 'like' if not keep scrolling, I keep scrolling. Because I'm not about that. I've never in my life tried to push my beliefs on anyone. Infact I don't even know what my beliefs are. Other than I believe in God.
I don't dismiss the idea of reincarnation. I don't dismiss the idea of possibly even being punnished in this life for how you were in your past life.
It's called having an open mind. Not a crazy one.
I still haven't heard from anyone else a dream in which God spoke to them. You all believe these stories from thousands of years ago where God spoke to others. You make comments about people taking what they want to hear out of the bible yet dismissing things they don't want to hear. Yet, that's exactly what you all are doing. You don't want to believe that God created gay people for a purpose. You say that being gay is a sin. You say that if they could get married it wouldn't be a sin. You say that they can't get married because marriage can only be between a man and woman. You say that they have to repent. But wouldn't they have to repent every single day because they are still going to be gay tomorrow, and the next day?
I hope a gay person, even just one, sees my dream and gains a newfound belief in God. I hope they tell their gay friends. And I hope they adopt some children and raise them to love and have an open mind and not to judge.
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
8oz pitted dates
4oz raisins
4oz chopped nuts
1/4 cup candied cherries, red and green
2 large eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup butter
1/2 tbsp sodium bicarbonate
1/4 tbsp cloves
3/4 tbsp ground ginger
3/4 tbsp ground cinnamon
3/4 tbsp ground nutmeg
3/4 tbsp baking soda
1/2 cup whole milk
rum or brandy.

-Preheat oven to 300F
-grease and flour cake pan
-mix nuts, raisins, dates and cherries in the 1/2 cup of flour. Set aside.
-In a mixing bowl, blend the eggs, the sugar and the butter. Beat. Set aside.
-In a large bowl, mix all dry ingredients. Gradually mix in the contents of the other two bowls.
-Bake in oven for 1h 30min.
-Remove from oven and imbibe with either rum or cognac. Let cool.

Keep this fruitcake wrapped in foil in the refrigerator for two weeks before serving to allow the flavors to develop fully.

Hold everything lightly. If you don't, it will hurt when God pries your fingers loose as He takes it from you. -Corrie Ten Boom

+ + +

If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.

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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by mommaseeta »

Sorry, I am a working mother. I don't have time to make you a fruit cake. But since you already have the recipe I don't see why you shouldn't make one for yourself.
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by SonofAletheia »

Well, "normal" is a somewhat subjective term. My neighbor, who is a schizophrenic, told us to hid his camera in our house because he thought his parents were spies and he thought he was normal too.
I'm not saying you're crazy, all I'm saying is that these subjective experiences, however powerful, are usually just that... subjective experiences.
Why should you or I trust your experience and not the millions of others? Why not that there is a pink elephant that someone sees? Or that someone can read others thoughts? Or that God told someone to kill their kids? Or that the government is reading my thoughts?
Or that God "told" me to hate gays?
Without some objective standard its just arbitrary experiences by the brain
It's called having an open mind. Not a crazy one.
I have a very open mind and am agnostic about many things. I've actually just had some big paradigm shifts in my philosophy

It just seems like you are unaware of how powerful the brain is and are trusting your own experience without any objective reason (coming from a psychology major)
I still haven't heard from anyone else a dream in which God spoke to them
I hear this almost daily in the Christan community. And trust me...I hear some strange things
You all believe these stories from thousands of years ago where God spoke to others. You make comments about people taking what they want to hear out of the bible yet dismissing things they don't want to hear. Yet, that's exactly what you all are doing. You don't want to believe that God created gay people for a purpose.
It seems here you are sort of combining two different topics. Your own, somewhat arbitrary "experience", and your views on homosexuals. People in the bible almost always had confirmation of their experiences through miracles or by multiple people seeing God.

If I believed every "experience" someone had I would have to follow every religion and non-religion!
You say that being gay is a sin. You say that if they could get married it wouldn't be a sin. You say that they can't get married because marriage can only be between a man and woman. You say that they have to repent. But wouldn't they have to repent every single day because they are still going to be gay tomorrow, and the next day?
You are confusing sexual preference and sexual orientation. It might help you take a class or read up on human sexuality. And I think reading up on scripture would help clarify some of these definitions and what orthodox Christians believe on it.
I hope a gay person, even just one, sees my dream and gains a newfound belief in God. I hope they tell their gay friends. And I hope they adopt some children and raise them to love and have an open mind and not to judge
I think I've covered all your erroneous points here
I do not feel obliged to believe that same God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect had intended for us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by B. W. »

mommaseeta wrote:Hi. This is my first time here. I am in need of discussing with others a dream I had the night before last. In this dream God spoke to me. His words came from above me and into me. He said, "God does not hate gays. I created them. They were created to help slow the worlds population, and their purpose is to care for children that need homes". Then I saw an image. It was a square, and inside was a black spiral, sideways looking tornado type thing. Like a spring. It bounced to one side of the square and the tip of the spiral left a very small yellow light where it touched the square. It then bounced back to the other side of the square leaving a slightly larger yellow glow where it touched the wall of the square. It bounced back and forth each time leaving a yellow light larger than the last. I immediately knew the meaning of this image. It meant something along the lines of every small act of kindness/love causes another and another.
I would like to hear opinions of this dream. I have never regularly attended church. I feel awkward at the different churches I have attended throughout my life and I've always felt that God understood this and is ok with it. I am a non judgemental person. I think it is also important to add that I am not gay. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts. Thank you!

...Yet, that's exactly what you all are doing. You don't want to believe that God created gay people for a purpose. You say that being gay is a sin. You say that if they could get married it wouldn't be a sin. You say that they can't get married because marriage can only be between a man and woman. You say that they have to repent. But wouldn't they have to repent every single day because they are still going to be gay tomorrow, and the next day? I hope a gay person, even just one, sees my dream and gains a newfound belief in God. I hope they tell their gay friends. And I hope they adopt some children and raise them to love and have an open mind and not to judge.

According to the founding principles of evolution taught in America schools and colleges, homosexuality can be proved as an invalid lifestyle due to the fact that it promotes the extinction of a species as well as supports Darwin’s Survival of the Fittest principle…

Therefore, evolution proves homosexuality as morally wrong.

Have a nice day

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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by SonofAletheia »

According to the founding principles of evolution taught in America schools and colleges, homosexuality can be proved as an invalid lifestyle due to the fact that it promotes the extinction of a species as well as supports Darwin’s Survival of the Fittest principle…

Therefore, evolution proves homosexuality as morally wrong.

Have a nice day
I don't think evolutionists would say homosexuality (at least by this line of reasoning) is "morally" wrong. By that logic someone who is reproductively sterile would be morally wrong which no rational person holds.

Evolution itself is indifferent to these things as it is a process that happens without any empathy. So evolution itself does not make any claims on morality or ethics.
I do not feel obliged to believe that same God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect had intended for us to forgo their use.
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Re: God spoke to me in a dream.

Post by jlay »

mommaseeta wrote:
I hope a gay person, even just one, sees my dream and gains a newfound belief in God. I hope they tell their gay friends. And I hope they adopt some children and raise them to love and have an open mind and not to judge.
Would that include being open minded to the position that homosexual behavior is not natural, healthy or moral?
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