
General discussions about Christianity including salvation, heaven and hell, Christian history and so on.

Post by Anonymous »

I'm leaning towards the Soul never dies - but christianity generally is encapsulate by the creed that states .... "judge the living and the dead"

What is "dead" ? and why say dead if no soul ever experiences "death". Again some level of reincarnation not understood by the consciousness or our own.
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Post by voicingmaster »

Micheal, there's a difference between reincarnation and resurrection. Reincarnation is coming back into a different body after death. Resurrection is coming back to life in the same body, or the same body simply remade. Resurrection won't happen until the apocalypse. Reincarnation will happen on the 12th of Never.
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Post by Chris »

Michael wrote:I'm leaning towards the Soul never dies - but christianity generally is encapsulate by the creed that states .... "judge the living and the dead"

What is "dead" ? and why say dead if no soul ever experiences "death". Again some level of reincarnation not understood by the consciousness or our own.

Ezekiel 18:4

Post by Anonymous »

ty Chris. So if the soul of the sinner dies but the rightous not. Then when he comes to judge the living and the dead, does he mean the blessed and the damned? If the soul of the sinner dieth in the eyes of the lord but is alive to accept his punishment - then are we not all reincarnated/resurrected and walking the earth waiting for judgement day with our destiny in hand already?

The rebirth of the soul (reincarnation) is "in my eyes" no different then the resurrection of the flesh' encompassing the same soul. The soul is the common denominator when I ponder "the living and the dead"

There has to be more than any one of us will ever know.
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Post by destroyevilbeings »

I totally agree with Mastermind on that. I read an article on Reincarnation where the author says that it is not logical to think that reincarnation is real because : "The human population is greater now more than ever and it is Because of the population explosion, more people are currently living on the earth than have ever lived on the earth for the entire history of humankind. In other words, over half of the people who have ever lived on earth have never died even once! There simply are not enough dead souls to go around for a second time. This does not absolutely eliminate reincarnation, but it does severely restrict its extent, especially for those who have claimed to have lived several times before" THE FLIP SIDE: Since the beginning of mankind- how many humans have actually lived? How many thousands of years and how many humans over that period have been born? Could it be trillions? I think that it is more logical that souls are entering "new" human bodies rather than every human that has ever lived has it's own particular soul. That would be an insane number of souls. And what about when Jesus comes again and resurrects all those that are worthy for the new world/paradise? Will it be trillions of individuals that ever lived? I don't think so.......It is more logical to think the flip side which is in favor of Reincarnation.
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Post by Ark~Magic »

This article does a good job resolving the Elijah/John reincarnation issue:
Reincarnation is a popular belief in today's world, which teaches, "...that the soul reappears after death in another and different bodily form. The process is believed to be repeated thousands of times until perfection is reached" (Ben Alexander Out from Darkness [Miranda Press, 1993], page 148). The popularity of reincarnation has caused some to go to the Bible and try to justify it by using the prophet John the Baptist. As one studies the New Testament one can see that trying to prove reincarnation from the Bible is not true and that reincarnation is a false idea and teaching.

In Luke 1 we see that John the Baptist was born to Zacharias and his wife Elisabeth in their old age. Not only was his birth an unusual one but Luke 1:17 states that John the Baptist, "...shall go before him [Christ] in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." John the Baptist was a special person with a distinct purpose from God (John 1:6-7). It is important to note that Luke 1:17 does not say that John the Baptist will be the literal Elijah the Tishbite of 1 Kings 17:1 but be in the spirit and power of Elijah. This was to fulfill the Old Testament prophecies of Malachi 4:5,6, and Isaiah 40:3.

John the Baptist seems to understand that he is not the literal Elijah the Tishbite at least in part by what is quoted of him in John 1:21 "And they asked him, What then? Art thou Elijah? And he saith, I am not. Art thou that prophet? And he answered, No." John the Baptist knew that he was not the literal Elijah the Tishbite reincarnated. As one reads John 1:21 it is apparent that the people in John's day did not understand the prophecies of the Old Testament about Elijah and John the Baptist, but this is not uncommon for people in John's day. Many did not understand the prophecies about Christ either; for example John 6:15 the people wanted to make Jesus a literal king that would rule like Herod or Caesar, this was not to be. The people in John 1:21 asked John the wrong question. It was understood by the people of John's day that the prophecies of the Old Testament about Elijah were to be literal and that he would somehow resurrect from the grave. The idea of reincarnation was foreign to them and was not even considered, their minds were on resurrection. Yet, in John 1:21 John the Baptist tells them that he is not Elijah the Tishbite.

It is apparent by reading scripture that the crowds still did not realize who John the Baptist was, so Jesus tries to explain in Matthew chapter 11. Here Jesus says John the Baptist is Elijah. Notice Matthew 11:13-15, "For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. He who has ears let him hear." Jesus is trying to explain what Luke 1:17 has already stated, John the Baptist had the spirit and power of Elijah, and not that he was the literal Elijah the Tishbite. John the Baptist was not the resurrected or even reincarnated Elijah the Tishbite but took on the prophetic role and spirit of Elijah. He did not come to relive the life of Elijah nor come to make things right that went wrong in Elijah's life because Elijah was already dead. In Matthew 25:46, Jesus affirms that once a person dies, his life is over on this earth ("And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal"). Hebrews 9:27 repeats Jesus' statement by saying, "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." John the Baptist did not repeat Elijah's life until he "got it right" nor does any human. John the Baptist was sent to this world as a unique individual to fulfill prophecy and to prepare the way for Jesus Christ the Lord. Just as John the Baptist was a unique individual with a purpose and direction in life so is every person. The purpose and direction for every human life comes from Jesus Christ. Mankind does not have to believe in reincarnation to find meaning and purpose, but read the Bible, which points them to Jesus Christ the One who gives true meaning to life and death.
Source: ... OfGod.html
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