Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by jlay »

If Sin is in the heart - and that is eternal - then how does Jesus change anything then. We will still have the sin in our hearts - that does not go - unless of course something changes to our entire being when we go to heaven we will just keep on sinning. It is human nature.
Jesus said in Mark, 'The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.' The flesh is DEAD. That is why resurrection is essential. Without the resurrection, as Paul said, our faith is in vain. We will be made like Him. Spiritually we are made to sit in the heavenly places. Meanwhile, we drag around a corpse until it expires.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Silvertusk wrote:Thank you very much Brian for taking the time to answer these questions.

I understand what those verses are saying - but why do we still sin? Is it because we are weak - or is it because deep down a part of us still does not really believe we are saved or actually believe in God at all? Is it doubt that causes us to still sin because like scripture says we would have the power to say "No".

Once again - thanks for any valuable insight you have for these questions. God Bless

jlay wrote:
If Sin is in the heart - and that is eternal - then how does Jesus change anything then. We will still have the sin in our hearts - that does not go - unless of course something changes to our entire being when we go to heaven we will just keep on sinning. It is human nature.
Jesus said in Mark, 'The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.' The flesh is DEAD. That is why resurrection is essential. Without the resurrection, as Paul said, our faith is in vain. We will be made like Him. Spiritually we are made to sit in the heavenly places. Meanwhile, we drag around a corpse until it expires.
Yes, when you become born again as Jesus stated, you become a new creation, sealed by God to be his, forever. Born again, you can rightly say is when the Lord gives us a new heart. This new heart acts like a rudder on a ship, steering your way thru this mortal life towards your new heavenly home. There we wait for our new bodies, when all things are made new. Sin is being removed and the new rudder guides us to be free from it.

Here in this fleshly mortal now, till we part this earth, we learn what it means to his own adopted child, sealed by his blood. We learn many things and lessons. On this journey, we face trials, temptations, wonderful joyous times and not so good too. In this our new hearts grow to love God more and more each day. More you go thru the closer to the Lord you become and sins that once had you bound, fall away. Overtime, you learn how His grace pushes out the bad and replaces it with the pure.

Titus 2:11-15 is seldom taught by the 1 John 1:9 way anymore these days. Yes, sin, one sin at a time is being removed by grace in our mortal frame. Yes, sin for the Christian is now a choice, not a lifestyle. The Lord removes one splintery effect of sin from our lives at a time. One is removed, you feel relief, then another exposed. Then, you learn to run to the great physician and fear not at having these removed.

The final splinters are all removed upon our departure in our new eternal heavenly home. Remember, our new created heart acts like a rudder, steering us homeward bound thru God's ever cleansing waters as we trod this mortal life. When we finally arrive Home, we awake – changed, sealed, free – where we await our new bodies and the culmination when all things become completed (Rev 21:1, 2, 3, 4c).

Jlay points out the truth about the power of the Resurrection. This doctrine is seldom taught these modern days. There in this, is the power of a changed life, forever sealed by the blood of Christ – soul washed clean, free at last – free at last! Great Physician, keep washing me – steering the rudder of my heart united together in our new heavenly home!

(John 17:3, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26c)
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by RickD »

I finally finished the book. What left the biggest impression on me, is the finality of hell. That's it. No more chances. Bryan did a great job of making that crystal clear. It is a very sobering realization. And, the imagery that I saw is amazing. Of all the books I've read, none had this kind of imagery.

One other important point I got was that Bryan was allowed to see a lot more than some people in other NDE's get to experience. Bryan did a good job explaining why those who had a "quick" experience, with peace, love, and only positives, weren't able to see the deception that awaited them if they saw a little more.

Did I mention that the finality of hell just hit me like a brick. It's chilling, just thinking about it.

Overall, I give the book an A. And actually that's saying a lot, because I'm very critical when it comes to stuff I read.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by drestwell »

Dear Brother Brian--
I love your book!
I've read and re-read your book many times and given away many copies to my friends and loved ones. It contains so much wisdom and is very informative. By the way, I read another NDE-type experience where the lady who related her story mentioned the spiral of cubes. Like you said, hell is a vast place and the spiral was near the center, the heart if you will, of hell, surrounded by other areas of torment.

Just today I sent a message to David A R White, a producer, actor, director of Christian movies(REVELATION ROAD being the most recent) and suggested he make a movie of your experiences. I believe your story will be a classic on the level of Pilgrim's Progress or a Tolkien book, but not an allegory of course, since it's your actual experience.

God bless you! Friend me on Facebook--Dave Carter of Arizona https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id ... ef=tn_tnmn

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

drestwell wrote:Dear Brother Brian--
I love your book!
I've read and re-read your book many times and given away many copies to my friends and loved ones. It contains so much wisdom and is very informative. By the way, I read another NDE-type experience where the lady who related her story mentioned the spiral of cubes. Like you said, hell is a vast place and the spiral was near the center, the heart if you will, of hell, surrounded by other areas of torment.

Just today I sent a message to David A R White, a producer, actor, director of Christian movies(REVELATION ROAD being the most recent) and suggested he make a movie of your experiences. I believe your story will be a classic on the level of Pilgrim's Progress or a Tolkien book, but not an allegory of course, since it's your actual experience.

God bless you! Friend me on Facebook--Dave Carter of Arizona https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id ... ef=tn_tnmn

Thank you for your kind words! You be blest brother!
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Mallz »

Just ordered it, can't wait to read!!!
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Mallz »

It took two and a half weeks, but I finally got the book in the mail! And didn't put it down, unless I had to, at work ^_^
Its an amazing account filled with many wisdoms.
I believe it is useful to further fine tune Christian truths for Christians as well as give a blunt, abrasive admonition.
My cousin needs to read it, and others.
Thak you for taking the time to write this account for others!!! ^_^
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Mallz wrote:It took two and a half weeks, but I finally got the book in the mail! And didn't put it down, unless I had to, at work ^_^
Its an amazing account filled with many wisdoms.
I believe it is useful to further fine tune Christian truths for Christians as well as give a blunt, abrasive admonition.
My cousin needs to read it, and others.
Thak you for taking the time to write this account for others!!! ^_^
Thank you for the kind words and if you have questions, go ahead and ask


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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Mallz »

I do have one question that's been on my mind. And correct me if I'm wrong...

The implications of your account show that in Sheol, demons have rule over fallen humankind. The natural end to those who follow satan; is it to be ruled by him and his legions in such a fashion? Would that imply God's justice is being perpetrated by demons? This is confusing to me.

Does this mean to choose to not be with God, is choosing to be with satan and his minions? Why would they be in position of power over fallen humans when they, themselves, are not only fallen, but worse off that any fallen human from falling from perfection? Shouldn't their existence in Sheol be of repercussions from rejecting God instead of power?
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Mallz wrote:I do have one question that's been on my mind. And correct me if I'm wrong...

The implications of your account show that in Sheol, demons have rule over fallen humankind. The natural end to those who follow satan; is it to be ruled by him and his legions in such a fashion? Would that imply God's justice is being perpetrated by demons? This is confusing to me.

Does this mean to choose to not be with God, is choosing to be with satan and his minions? Why would they be in position of power over fallen humans when they, themselves, are not only fallen, but worse off that any fallen human from falling from perfection? Shouldn't their existence in Sheol be of repercussions from rejecting God instead of power?
Hi Mallz,

I will look this over and post soon - in the meantime, if anyone else would like to help answer, please feel free too...

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Philip »

And, B.W., I'm sure you are familiar with the inverse of your experience, that of Pastor Don Piper's visit to heaven (http://www.amazon.com/90-Minutes-Heaven ... 0800759494). Any thoughts on his story?

The circumstances surrounding it, another pastor's happening by and sensing God urgently wanted him to go and pray for Don (who was dead for 90 minutes), his long reluctance of two years before he finally confided his story, his incredible and unlikely survival, recovery, years of terrible pain, 36 operations, and what Don relates, none of it appears to have any theological contradictions or typical New Age-like components as do many other NDEs. And the results of sharing his experience seem to have had powerful spiritual impacts and reactions upon those hearing his testimony.

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Silvertusk »

Philip wrote:And, B.W., I'm sure you are familiar with the inverse of your experience, that of Pastor Don Piper's visit to heaven (http://www.amazon.com/90-Minutes-Heaven ... 0800759494). Any thoughts on his story?

The circumstances surrounding it, another pastor's happening by and sensing God urgently wanted him to go and pray for Don (who was dead for 90 minutes), his long reluctance of two years before he finally confided his story, his incredible and unlikely survival, recovery, years of terrible pain, 36 operations, and what Don relates, none of it appears to have any theological contradictions or typical New Age-like components as do many other NDEs. And the results of sharing his experience seem to have had powerful spiritual impacts and reactions upon those hearing his testimony.


I have read his book - "90 minutes in heaven" very good.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by PaulSacramento »

I just finished this one:

Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife [Paperback]
Eben Alexander (Author)

It was an interesting read and what fascinated me the most was the simple fact that this person, this neurosurgeon, was truly "brain dead" for days in a coma and by that I mean that all the areas of the brain that COULD explain his "trip to heaven" were 100% shut down because of bacterial Meningitis.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Philip »

Paul, this surgeon's experience may prove that there is some realm beyond this one, but wherever he was or whatever he experienced it had to be a demonic deception. Below explains why.

I'll re-post outtakes and quotes I made on this guy's experience (back in December 2012):
Clearly, his further comments about his NDE reveal that it appears that he has been demonically deceived. Else why the following comments concerning his visit?

Alexander stated of his experience: "I’ve come to know absolutely the existence of an all-loving and powerful God” that our souls are eternal."; " ... I have also come to realize strongly that there is no one right religion. All aspects of religion have everything to do with the rich, deep, eternal reality." he explained. Anything about religion that says they are the only one is just doomed dysfunctional human thinking. It’s all about showing compassion and forgiveness in our lives and giving our faith and belief to the source of all creation."; "We can connect with our loved ones after they have passed over; believing that and then seeing evidence with that is such a gift. It’s a very powerful gift."

And as it would appear that this surgeon had a demonically deceptive near death experience, it does make sense as to why. Because if demons are all about deceiving mankind, what better strategy could they have (at least to impact many) than by picking this man to deceive - a former agnostic scientist who happens to specialize in brain functionality. Because if they can't get everyone by just getting them to disbelieve in God, then make them believe a lie about Him - by the testimony of one who now believes all that he saw was the real heaven. Think how many New-Agers, etc will latch onto this, as well as those who adamantly oppose the view that any one religion is from the Lord, or that all religions aren't pathways to heaven, that Christianity is prejudiced and exclusive by its belief in Christ.

And so what are the lies that this surgeon has not bought into?:

- That all religions lead to the same place/heaven - and so WHATEVER path one chooses to get their is just fine - that there is nothing special or unique about Christian/Biblical teachings or Jesus in one's ability to gain heaven. Christianity is just one truth of many.

- That a person who is an unbeliever could have entered into heaven, the very abode of God. He admits he was previously not a believer in Jesus ("considered himself a nominal Christian and he said he lacked the faith to believe in eternal life")

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- He believes that those already dead/in heaven can be communicated with by those whom are still alive.

- He saw a heaven that was aesthetically beautiful, yet without describing experiencing what the Bible tells us heaven is ALL about - the constant presence and worship of the Lord - which, Scripturally, is heaven's entire focus.

But, to me, this should be an eye-opener, that the demonic can even deceive when one is in an unconscious and apparently dead state.

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by PaulSacramento »

Philip wrote:Paul, this surgeon's experience may prove that there is some realm beyond this one, but wherever he was or whatever he experienced it had to be a demonic deception. Below explains why.

I'll re-post outtakes and quotes I made on this guy's experience (back in December 2012):
Clearly, his further comments about his NDE reveal that it appears that he has been demonically deceived. Else why the following comments concerning his visit?

Alexander stated of his experience: "I’ve come to know absolutely the existence of an all-loving and powerful God” that our souls are eternal."; " ... I have also come to realize strongly that there is no one right religion. All aspects of religion have everything to do with the rich, deep, eternal reality." he explained. Anything about religion that says they are the only one is just doomed dysfunctional human thinking. It’s all about showing compassion and forgiveness in our lives and giving our faith and belief to the source of all creation."; "We can connect with our loved ones after they have passed over; believing that and then seeing evidence with that is such a gift. It’s a very powerful gift."

And as it would appear that this surgeon had a demonically deceptive near death experience, it does make sense as to why. Because if demons are all about deceiving mankind, what better strategy could they have (at least to impact many) than by picking this man to deceive - a former agnostic scientist who happens to specialize in brain functionality. Because if they can't get everyone by just getting them to disbelieve in God, then make them believe a lie about Him - by the testimony of one who now believes all that he saw was the real heaven. Think how many New-Agers, etc will latch onto this, as well as those who adamantly oppose the view that any one religion is from the Lord, or that all religions aren't pathways to heaven, that Christianity is prejudiced and exclusive by its belief in Christ.

And so what are the lies that this surgeon has not bought into?:

- That all religions lead to the same place/heaven - and so WHATEVER path one chooses to get their is just fine - that there is nothing special or unique about Christian/Biblical teachings or Jesus in one's ability to gain heaven. Christianity is just one truth of many.

- That a person who is an unbeliever could have entered into heaven, the very abode of God. He admits he was previously not a believer in Jesus ("considered himself a nominal Christian and he said he lacked the faith to believe in eternal life")

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- He believes that those already dead/in heaven can be communicated with by those whom are still alive.

- He saw a heaven that was aesthetically beautiful, yet without describing experiencing what the Bible tells us heaven is ALL about - the constant presence and worship of the Lord - which, Scripturally, is heaven's entire focus.

But, to me, this should be an eye-opener, that the demonic can even deceive when one is in an unconscious and apparently dead state.

I read the book and no, it is not an "A TYPICAL" NDE and I would NOT think that it would be considering his "point of reference" and that is something we need to understand, GOD KNOWS US and He knows what gets through to US, ALL of us are unique in that regard.
That Alexander is a Christian means something, even if he down plays it ( for whatever reason he may have).
I don't think he would have related to a "constant worship" of God as well as he related to what he "SAW".
Now, I don't think that we can make the call on WHO the HS decides to "open" the eyes of with a NDE.
The Lord works in myseterious ways.
I do NOT agree with much of the "contact the dead" stuff, that is true and wonder about that part of it and whether it was a "demonic" thing or just another way that God works through even those that may no believe in Him.

Now, in regards to "all religions" being the same, he says that all ( though I am not sure that "all" means all since I am sure he will agree that soem religions are quite disturbing) religions have good in them, he is correct as the vast majority to teach love and compassion.
The issue is the comment that "no one religion" leads to God BUT we do need to examine what that truly means.

Are we to state that no muslim will be saved? no hindi? no jew? no buddhist? none at all?
Even the most loving and compassionate of them? the most serving and charitable of them?
I say that WE can't make that call.
God is NOT a religion, Christ is NOT a religion.
We make religions to express our faith for them BUT they supersede religions.
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