Evolution creates a politcal Revolution...WHY?

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Evolution creates a politcal Revolution...WHY?

Post by TGGIL »

Question: Did we evolve by the Bing Bang Theory? Is there no God? How many people believe we evolved and how many believe there is a Supreme Creator we call God. For kicks, let’s just split the population in half where half of the population believes that the universe, earth, sun and all life evolved from something other than an Omni present supreme creator. This half does not believe in the God that the other half believe does exist. The other half believe in the spiritual all-knowing Omni present supreme God as our creator of all matter in space including space itself, the works.

We are in a World Debate Arena submitting the facts why we oppose each other’s theories. The first question to the evolution group is this, "Why would evolution believers invent God to be the answer of their existence? Before you answer this question let me start at the beginning of human life in your evolution phase of time where man has the mental capacity to start reasoning. Why have the thoughts of the possibility of some other means of existence and invent a supreme, all knowing, Omni present, spiritual being, person, ghost and call it God?

Was it Politics? One side of the evolution believers want to control our lives this way, the other side of evolution believers oppose and accept to control their lives another way. Did evolution believers split up the population to where it is today? What if God was the invention between two opposing people, two loved ones, two brothers, two groups, two Kings?

How about God in this split up of evolution believers? Where did God come from? Who invented a God to control the evolution mindset? Why introduce a theory of another reason for our existence? With evolution there is one and only one conclusion of all things created. How did a supreme creator become a believable reality to half the population today? Evolutionist argues the world with their theory and still believes there is no God, but why did half of the population switch their mindset to believe a God exist?

For a simple story answer to the creation of God by two evolution believers, let's use 2 brothers. Both brothers succeed in many task and talents. This is not a good and evil brother story. This is two evolutionists making a political split decision. The two brothers grow apart succeeding in their lives but grasp different views of how the world should be kept. They agree on most but argue on many subjects. This grows with followers on each brother's side. The big split is their absolute belief they are right and the other side is wrong. It's so bad, that violence could erupt. Neither side is right or wrong as both have convincing debates. Who is right and who is wrong. There is so much bad blood between the two brothers they just want to kill each other. Physically it has come to this stage. One brother invents God, a ghost creation and ends all belief that he was ever evolved by science. This brother wants nothing in common with the other brother. This is a brilliant thought and will truly separate the two groups. This brother will start a following and break away from his other brother creating a distinctive separation of beliefs. To the population, you either follow this brother or the other, pick a side. Just think of the possibilities. A spiritual supreme leader is created and replaces the belief that we were not evolved by science but now exist by a God. We can make it so, the people will believe what we want them to believe, as the brother thinks to himself and discussed among his closes followers. Books will be written on this and we will make it a reality. This fiction will become real and will set us apart from all other non-believers. There can be no dispute, we must all believe and make it so. Let's start a revolution! Did evolution create God or did God create evolution?
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Re: Evolution creates a politcal Revolution...WHY?

Post by ryanbouma »

I've been thinking somewhat about this question. I've been pondering: if we are here solely on naturalistic reasons, then how do humans conceive God. All we should be able to conceive is the natural world. Sure, we have brains with imaginations, but our imaginations are or would be limited to what the natural world can express.

I think neither created the other. I think man created evolution. Some men want to explain away God to help free themselves from conviction. Go to an theist forum and you'll see for every insult or attack on a world religion, there are at least 10 directed at Christianity. The atheist wants to do away with God, so he invented evolution.

Now you all know I'm not a theistic evolutionist :)
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Re: Evolution creates a politcal Revolution...WHY?

Post by TGGIL »

Start with Adam and Eve, one separates from the other and disobeys God and begins the evolution revolution. God the Father introduces himself and knows that one will deny his existance and carry the torch of flames. Cain and Abel is another battle of existence.
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Re: Evolution creates a politcal Revolution...WHY?

Post by TGGIL »

The Bible sure is a great book wriiten by Evolutionist
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Re: Evolution creates a politcal Revolution...WHY?

Post by Thadeyus »

TGGIL wrote: Question(s):
1.) Did we evolve by the Bing Bang Theory?
2.) Is there no God?
3.)How many people believe we evolved and how many believe there is a Supreme Creator we call God.

4.)The first question to the evolution group is this, "Why would evolution believers invent God to be the answer of their existence?

5.)Where did God come from?
6.)Who invented a God to control the evolution mindset?
7.)Why introduce a theory of another reason for our existence?
8.)a)With evolution there is one and only one conclusion of all things created.b) How did a supreme creator become a believable reality to half the population today? c)Evolutionist argues the world with their theory and still believes there is no God, d)but why did half of the population switch their mindset to believe a God exist?

9.)Did evolution create God or did God create evolution?
Okay...first...I am sorry to edit up your original post. But, I hope by trying to put it into point forms I can have a decent crack at offering up some answers. :)

Secondly, HELLO! I'm Thadeyus and am an Agnostic(Atheistic leanings) :D

1.) Okay...from all the available information that we can see in the sky...Astronomers and Astrophysicists and Physicists all have come to the conclusion that yes...at some point in the far past there was just a teeny, tiny singularity in which everything 'Was'. Thence there was a great expansion and subsequent cooling and things settled down into forming the planets, stars and galaxies we see today. (Much simple answer, but it's an answer.:) )

I'm not trying to talk from a 'Position of authority' here. Just making the statement that this is where science is with what the information we have seems to say.

2.) Historically, archeologically and anthropologically there have been, in fact, many gods.

3.) Ah..well...I'd have to maybe go to Google or wikipedia to get these figures, but a simple answer is 'Lots' too both parts of the question. (In the current subset of this thread I think it's 2 to 1 atm. ;)

4.)Um....the folks who are happy with Evolution didn't? I mean, really...it kind of went the other way around, didn't it?

5.)? Um...I'm the Agnostic(Atheistic tenancies) wouldn't this question be more aimed back at yourself? *Puzzled*

6.)Um...why do you say there is some 'controlled mindset of evolution'? The idea of evolution was put forward after much thought and research (For the initial era) and has been constantly poked and prodded up until the present day. Any one is quite free to keep on questioning things (Science is great that way) but when one comes to the present way of things....the Theory of evolution seems to be simply the current best.

7.)Well...it was introduced as a well researched hypothesis. The current information of the time seemed to support it and with constant increased questions being added and explored over time it's held itself together as a theory ever since? (Also...the actual theory of evolution doesn't 'compete' with god either)

8.)a)This isn't a question. Sorry :(

8.)b)Um...because gods have been around in our many cultures for probably as long as there have been cultures?

8.)c)This isn't a question. Sorry. :(

8.)d) Now...this question might be construed as 'Begging the question'. I think a better put wording might be "But why did half of the population switch their mindset into NOT believe a God exist?" See? Since belief in gods came first....Atheists have simply moved one small step further. From worshiping everything around us.=> To worshiping many gods around us.=> To worshiping one god around us.=? To simply not worshiping at all.

So...hope I've done at least a decent attempt at trying to answer all your questions.

Hope everything is going great for you and yours.
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Re: Evolution creates a politcal Revolution...WHY?

Post by Silvertusk »

Firstly Evolution is not a contradiction to Theism. There is nothing wrong is discovering how God created our universe. In fact this was what drove most of the scientists - because of their belief in God. Evolution is a perfectly valid method of one way God did it.

Secondly Thadeys - forgive me if this is patronising - but you come across as one of the nicest athiests I have met on the internet - so thank you for your kind respectful tone on this forum.
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Re: Evolution creates a politcal Revolution...WHY?

Post by Thadeyus »

*Bows* You're quite welcome Silvertusk. Though your comment does strike me as a tad odd.

Then again, I must admit to visiting some boards where the tone is rather brusque sometimes.

Very much cheers to all.
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Re: Evolution creates a politcal Revolution...WHY?

Post by neo-x »

Silvertusk wrote:Firstly Evolution is not a contradiction to Theism. There is nothing wrong is discovering how God created our universe. In fact this was what drove most of the scientists - because of their belief in God. Evolution is a perfectly valid method of one way God did it.
Agreed and seconded.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

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