Reading Genesis 1:3, it clearly says that the day was divided into light and dark and that made a day; the first day. Now, that to me suggests a "day" was one rotation of the earth (although the sun did not come along until day 4 creating a photosynthesis problem as Theophilus mentioned).
Unless the earth's rotation on its axis is speeding up then the length of a day would have been approximately 24 hours. Is it possible that the earth's rotation has sped up dramatically between millions of years ago (for OEC) and 6000 years ago (for YEC) so that a single rotation could have taken a thousand years?
A possible solution, in my confused mind, is that the opening of Genesis is like a montage in film, it is a convenient way of covering a lot of information so that we can get to the main point of the story. Imagine the size of the Old testament if it detailed every single stage of creation and process of development for this planet in the way it does the generations of Adam. Adam was the main event and everything else is background - besides the truth that God created everything.
I want to know; why does Genesis back track at 2:4 when God made man in his image at 1:26? So far, I think it is because there was mankind made on day 6 but they were not Adam. Adam was different and had a specific purpose, he was to inherit Eden which was a special place.
If Adam had three sons then where did Cain get his wife and where did the daughters of men, with whom the Nephilim consorted, come from? These are genuine questions, not rhetorical, I truly want to understand the first part of Genesis.
BTW I do not believe we evolved from apes, God made humans with unique capabilities and there will never be a missing link found. Most importantly we have free will and intelligence to use tools, become the top of the food chain and develop complex written and spoken language. God had to to provide checks and balances for this powerful creature he created - and he has - in his word, his covenants and the message of Jesus Christ.
Thank you for the opportunity to increase my understanding.