This mans personal journey of science and faith.

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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This mans personal journey of science and faith.

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Just finished reading this guys thoughts on his experience with science and faith and I was impressed by the article.

I like this quote and the questions he poses.
For me, wrestling with the ideas presented in these talks and books was slow and emotionally challenging. I faced many hard questions: What was I resisting, and why? Did I fear a spiritually precarious compromise with secular ideas? Where did I get the idea that science is secular, anyway? How do the most respected scientist-Christians and theologians reconcile faith and science? How might my views of scripture and of God change? What would other Christians think about me?
and this
I now believe the apparent conflict arises not from nature and the Bible, but from flawed interpretations of scientific data and from misunderstandings of scripture. For example, some people claim that evolution proves there is no God, even though the existence of God is not a scientific question. Others regard Genesis 1 and 2 as modern scientific or journalistic accounts, despite the fact that Genesis far predates our modes of historical and scientific writing. The conflict does not come from God or nature—we have created the conflict ourselves. Intentionally or not, we often extend science past its natural bounds and use the Bible for questions it does not intend to answer. ... -scientist

Enjoy reading if you feel so inclined.
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: This mans personal journey of science and faith.

Post by PaulSacramento »

Biologos is one of my favorite websites.
It is heart warming to see people of science AND religion, trying to understand and reconcile on their OWN terms without basing on what they are TOLD by others.
It is fascinating that the great theologians and apologists of Christian history share the same "process".
To see that all that we discuss and debate NOW has been discussed and debated THEN as well is quite interesting.
Seems like the "old controversies" keep coming around and for the same reasons.
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Re: This mans personal journey of science and faith.

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

PaulSacramento wrote:Biologos is one of my favorite websites.
It is heart warming to see people of science AND religion, trying to understand and reconcile on their OWN terms without basing on what they are TOLD by others.
It is fascinating that the great theologians and apologists of Christian history share the same "process".
To see that all that we discuss and debate NOW has been discussed and debated THEN as well is quite interesting.
Seems like the "old controversies" keep coming around and for the same reasons.

Yes people always seem to think science and faith (God) are mutually exclusive, I honestly don't understand how they come to those conclusions, after all did not one create the other.
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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