Rick there are no types of evolution, period. T.E and evolution science don't have two different evolution theories as far as evolution is concerned, only its origins are contested, thats all.
Second, what makes you think that me, dan and percy are promoting racism with "DARWINIAN" evolution? I don't see evolution in darwinian lens, whatever that means...no sane person defines it like you are saying we do.
And what do you mean by, T.E's and evolution, when you specifically said that me and dan are promoting darwinian (by your own definition) evolution, when you know from our past convo's that we don't.
You are mixing things up. On one hand you say we are promoting racism through darwinian evolution, on the other hand you say you don't mean T.E or evolution in general, when you know I used to be T.E and DAN is. Do you see the problem? I think to you all evolution is the same, you just think its darwinian evolution all the way down.
The kind of evolution where certain people (black Africans, native Australians) are less evolved.
There is no evolution of that kind. Evolution tells us that there are no true biological RACES. In simple words you have 6.7 billion relatives living on this planet rick. Hows that? By evolution only 2-5% difference is among chimps and humans, does that mean we are two races, one less evolved, other more? not at all. They are a separate species but biologically similar. There are no natural-evolutionary divisions in racism, only cultural or social.
Evolution is just that, evolution. Nothing more nothing less. All living things carry the same DNA. SAME! The difference you see are forced by external agents not internal.
Darwin's view on ethics with respect to evolution, good or bad are his and his alone, they do not form evolution anymore than the pope's personal views on christianity forms your christian faith.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.
I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night