Lunalle wrote:Yes, exactly the way anti-psychotic and anti-depressant medication "forces positive emotion on us".
No we choose to take the medication, I take anti depressants because of my social anxiety but I choose to take them. One of my friends is schizophrenic and he chooses to take the medication because it helps him life a more normal life.
I agree with you, but I don't understand why you would bring up love? Would not the most loving thing God could do would be to make our world perfect?
He can make our world perfect but we chose to bring sin into the world, he loves us so he gives us that choice. Otherwise he would be forcing us and that my friend is not love.
I'm not sure what needs explaining? The mafia have been known to charge for "protection services", that is to say they won't trash your store if you pay them. From my point of view, that is analogous to Jesus talking about judgment.
You issue with judgement is a lack of understanding. The mafia analogy is incorrect because they want to extort something from you for no other reason than personal gain, God isn't doing that he is offering a free gift and a way out of our bad ways, he gains nothing from this transaction, in fact he lost, he was beaten, spat on and died for us, taking on our sin and beating death so that we can be made new. God doesn't choose to send us to hell (whatever hell may be, I think it is total annihilation) we choose to send ourselves there because our pride wont accept the free gift, these people don't want God. Could you imagine if God let in people against their will, the new creation would be full of people who don't want to be there and whop would perpetuate the evil from this world into the next. Doesn't sound like a loving God to me, a God that forces people to love him, a God that forces people to take his free gift, a God that would let evil men to continue to do evil in the new creation.
I think you went too far.

If it is for our good, then it is not malevolent, by definition.
I put good in quotations because it is not really good just someones perception of good, this point is moot.
1) Supply me with infinite knowledge
We already discussed this, infinite knowledge with a humanity that has the potential to do evil is a dangerous thing and not in their best interests. I would hardly think it would improve our situation at all, it could make it even worse, history tells us that knowledge does not stop mankind's propensity for evil.
2) Make me God OR
It is illogical to have two all powerful beings, if there are two, which one is more powerful than the other! There can't be two omnipotent beings.
3) Bring perfection to this world.
It is possible but not without upsetting our choice to choose to do the wrong thing.
A quick point: "Raping someone's mind against their will for their own 'good'" is an accepted medical practice for dealing with those who have moderate to extreme brain damage or deformities.
I don't see how this relates to God.