Faiths Of The World

Discussions on a ranges of philosophical issues including the nature of truth and reality, personal identity, mind-body theories, epistemology, justification of beliefs, argumentation and logic, philosophy of religion, free will and determinism, etc.
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Faiths Of The World

Post by Believer »

Now, I haven't done much research on this subject in which I am going to present, but I hope you will be able to help me out.

Through some of my research, I have found that between different faiths, whatever they may be, miracles and healings DO take place. So in question, how does one determine that their faith is the right one over all others if miracles and healings take place? I have thought about it and came to some kind of unfinished conclusion that perhaps God laid out different faiths to follow for the different people of the world. Universally meaning that if that person follows their faith accordingly, they will enter heaven or whatever that religion teaches as eternal rest. But then the problem arrises when we see in the Christian Bible that NO ONE goes to God EXCEPT through Jesus Christ. So then, how would anyone get to heaven that doesn't follow the Christian faith yet miracles and healings happen to them? I take that God loves each and every one of us and wants us to have good lives, so He will do righteous things for people of all faiths, but when it comes to salvation, they MUST decide which is the correct one. It's like an array of treasure chests that all contain gold coins but only ONE of the treasure chests holds the extra mother of all treasures.

Also, in some relation to the above situation, my mother and father seem to have this on their mind, that our religion MAY be wrong (Christianity) but accepts it as truth anyways and whatever happens in the afterlife happens, whether it being heaven or hell. So the fact that we know that satan can come as an angel of light, present signs and wonders, and knows all scripture (that's what satan claims, but could be a lie to look like truth!), how do we know satan hasn't possibly corrupted our Bible? I mean, there could be more scripture that no one is aware of except God and satan. I think the Islam faith contains 80% of what our Christian faith teaches except it says Jesus was nothing more than a prohphet, and other things. So HOW DO WE KNOW, what religion is true and hasn't been corrupted by satan? Satan whispers lies into our ears that appear to be truths and so what if our writers of the Bible were victims of this? God allows free will, so what can be done? This isn't so much of my problem, but rather for my parents, but I am interested as well.
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Re: Faiths Of The World

Post by Felgar »

HelpMeGod wrote:But then the problem arrises when we see in the Christian Bible that NO ONE goes to God EXCEPT through Jesus Christ.
Brian, please try to keep your questions much more concise and down to a single question. There's like 20 issues in your post and it's impossible to address them all sufficiently.

I will say that the portion I quoted is actually NOT a problem. We can all agree (I hope) that Abraham will go to heaven. And since ALL come to the Father through Jesus, then clearly Abraham must as well. Bottom line is that not every person who enters heaven through Christ necessarily hears the complete message of the Gospel.

Having said that, not every religion leads to heaven either. Other religions are perversions of the truth - and it's up to you to honestly seek and determine for yourself which is based on a foundation of truth and which isn't. Don't forget that it's God's promise that if you seek, you shall find.
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To Brian

Post by Christian2 »

Hi Brian,

You asked:
Satan whispers lies into our ears that appear to be truths and so what if our writers of the Bible were victims of this?
How do you know that you aren't a victim of Satan? How do you know that Satan isn't whispering in your ears in an effort to get you to doubt the Bible? How would you know that wasn't true?
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