Oh Boy!…… Really!!!?!PaulSacramento wrote:Perfection is not a state of being for humans but a state of "becoming".
God is perfect or He can't be "GOD".
The very understanding of the word God to a Judeo-Christian-Islamic believer means the ONLY perfect being in existence.
Can God create perfection?
That is kind of like asking can God create a square circle or a married bachelor to a certain extent but perhaps more correctly a stone to heavy that He can't move it.
God can't create Himself and since ONLY He is perfect then He would be creating Himself.
God can BEGET perfection, as we have in The Word, His Son Jesus.
God can create "very good" but perfection is not "possible" because, again, only God is perfect and that means creating Himself.
This is what happens when a mind so blindly accepts a belief that they are unable to objectively examine what it is that they believe.
I am trying to be gentle with how I address this response, but there is really no other way but through direct, no frills reproach.
This lends absolutely nothing of value to the conversation at hand.
This isn't a discussion about God creating 'himself', it's about God creating a human being…. Did you really think I was suggesting that we have some innate ability tucked away where we could become a God, create a dragon to jump on and ride off into the cosmos? I don't entertain discussions about stones too heavy to lift for the very same obvious reason.
I'm pretty certain God could create not just a "very good" sphere, but a "perfect" sphere without fear that 'he'd' be creating himself in doing so.
I'm equally certain that God could create a perfect (sinless) human being, with the perfect capacity and potential for knowledge and understanding (even though I do have my doubts at times

Everywhere I search this observable world, I am dumbstruck by the brilliance and perfection of it.
And here we are yet again, back at the beginning (imagine that) faced with the very same question.
Round and round and………………
Revolutionary wrote:How does a perfect, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent being create something imperfect?
We are either innately perfect, marred by our own fear and doubt to see otherwise; or we are innately imperfect, created as a perpetual model of 'unescapable' sin.
Now, if we are innately perfect, how can we refuse or deny that the same perfection exists within every life and every mind?
How can we not envision within that innate perfection, how humanity would actually operate if it were realized by and for all; and begin striving to create that tangible model/arena in order to produce a perfect reflection that is capable of demonstrating and nurturing it as an embodiment?
How can we not understand within that innate perfection, going around convincing minds that they are all sinful and that the only escape is through a savior, that it is highly contrary to such an embodiment?
How can we discard a single life and a single mind when we have the knowledge that it is innately perfect and that there is a real and tangible solution to it's full realization?
Or are we innately imperfect, created within a point of containment (sin), chasing our tail around and around in a giant circle always back to the beginning, stepping over lives as they fall along the path? We are commanded to believe that we are all sinful and that the only path of escaping that sin is by accepting a savior? Round and round and round it goes......