All I know is that I am revealing the truth to the best of my ability and I can't help it if using cannabis has helped me explain the truth more clearly.1over137 wrote:Do you think God is pleased by your proclaiming the cannabis?
1over137 wrote:Would you advise searching person to take it?
It would depend on the person. I certainly wouldn't advise anyone unbalanced to take it, certainly not without careful supervision anyway. I would however advise anyone who is seriously considering using cannabis to first carefully read the warning I give in my opening post.
it was by experience that I came to know what many professors of psychology and psychiatry keep trying to warn others about: Cannabis can and often does cause short term memory loss, anxiety, fatigue, loss of concentration, delusions, paranoia and much worse besides.
I would say: If you are a person searching for God and decide to use cannabis then treat it with the utmost respect and care and when you have found the God of reason and truth, plead constantly with Him for His Spirit to guide you, or else expect despair.1over137 wrote:Would you say to him: you know in small amounts it cannot harm you and it helped me to come to God. Why not to say the whole world: people, help yourselves with cannabis, it's a good thing when taking in small amounts.
How small were the small amounts in relation to normal amounts? How unbalanced were those who were harmed by the “small amounts”? Was there any other stimulus used at the time they used the small amounts? In order for me to form a rational conclusion on any new findings on this subject, I need all the facts. Until then I can only go on my own experience and the experience of those who I trust.1over137 wrote:You ignored scientific links posted by B.W. pointing to harm some even if taking in small amounts.
1over137 wrote:And, when saying this:I am asking you: do you love Rick? Do you love B.W.?The second is this:‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
For as long as I love and value the Lord Jesus Christ above all other men and gods I will love every individual as myself and will therefore seek to do what is good and best for all of them.