Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Now, here is something really bizarre:
Sunday Assembly is a Church for atheists & agnostics and ''those looking for a church,'' according to the interview I heard with the two founders. The movement started in the UK and has since
infected spread to the USA.
Sunday Assembly

...if you like Church but hate God.
First off, if you hate god then you're not an atheist. Only theists hate god. Hating church is an option for everybody, though.
Now regarding the "church," I can think of a number of reasons that it might be appealing to a lot of people. First, I've known a lot of Christians for whom church was mostly about socializing and networking. I imagine that nonbelievers would appreciate having a similar opportunity without having to sit through a sermon.
Second, just because we don't believe in gods doesn't mean that we don't value opportunities to get together and discuss things like ethics and morality and to share stories about our lives and experiences.
Third, nonbelievers have to contend with as many challenges as believers do, and it's nice to have a network of caring, supportive people in your corner.
Fourth, for people struggling with substance abuse AA has long been the only game in town. That means that if you're a nonbeliever trying to get clean you're going to have to do it in a religiously charged environment. An event like Sunday Assembly would provide an opportunity for nonbelievers to get together and try to create a self-help program of their own.
And finally, there's the issue of good works. There are plenty of nonbelievers that want to do something to help their fellow man, but would rather not work with a religious charity. They would welcome a chance to do good works with like-minded people.
Alas, there's nothing like that around here, and I'm not interested in trying to found it myself.