The healing power of light

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The healing power of light

Post by Gman »

Kind of interesting.. Why? It appears that certain types of low frequency light are actually beneficial to biological organisms. However what is even more interesting is that the Shekinah glory of G-d which was also a type of light that seemed to also have some healing power in a sense that Aaron's staff budded when it got close to it Hebrews 9:1-5. Also that Moses face glowed when he got closer to G-d Exodus 34:35.

Wound healing device. The wound-healing device made by Quantum Devices Inc. in Barneveld, Wis., is a small 3.5-inch by 4.5-inch (90 by 145-millimeter) portable, flat array of light-emitting diodes, or LEDs. A nurse practitioner places the LED array on the outside of a patient's cheek where it shines for just over a minute each day, promoting wound healing and preventing mouth sores caused by radiation and chemotherapy. Quantum Devices, the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, and researchers at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee are conducting the multi-year project through a contract with the Technology Transfer Department at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. (NASA/MSFC photo by B. Himelhoch, Medical Center Graphics Inc.)


Light-emitting diodes promote cell growth. Skin, bone and muscle cells grown in cultures are exposed to the same light-emitting diodes used to treat wounds in patients and grow plants in space. Biologists at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee have shown that cells exposed to the near-infrared light grow 150 to 200 percent faster than ground control cells not stimulated by the light. Through a research project funded by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., scientists are trying to learn more about the way cells convert light to energy and identify the wavelengths of light that are most effective at stimulating growth. (NASA/MSFC photo by B. Himelhoch, Medical Center Graphics Inc.)

Source: // ... 3-199.html
Last edited by Gman on Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The healing power of light

Post by Gman »

Kind of makes me think why people might have lived longer in the earlier days.. Genesis 5:5
Glowing red light from High Emissivity Aluminiferous Luminescent Substrate, or HEALS technology, has been proven to aid in the healing of human wounds, burns, diabetic skin ulcers and oral mucositis. Glowing red light from High Emissivity Aluminiferous Luminescent Substrate, or HEALS technology has been proven to aid in the healing of human wounds, burns, diabetic skin ulcers and oral mucositis. (NASA/MSFC/Higginbotham)

A nurse in the Bone Marrow Transplant and Cellular Therapy Unit at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital demonstrates use of a WARP 75 device. A nurse in the Bone Marrow Transplant and Cellular Therapy Unit at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital demonstrates use of a WARP 75 device. (NASA/MSFC/Higginbotham)

View all images A NASA technology originally developed for plant growth experiments on space shuttle missions has successfully reduced the painful side effects resulting from chemotherapy and radiation treatment in bone marrow and stem cell transplant patients.

In a two-year clinical trial, cancer patients undergoing bone marrow or stem cell transplants were given a far red/near infrared Light Emitting Diode treatment called High Emissivity Aluminiferous Luminescent Substrate, or HEALS, to treat oral mucositis -- a common and extremely painful side effect of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. The trial concluded that there is a 96 percent chance that the improvement in pain of those in the high-risk patient group was the result of the HEALS treatment.

"Using this technology as a healing agent was phenomenal," said Dr. Donna Salzman, clinical trial principal investigator and director of clinical services and education at the Bone Marrow Transplant and Cellular Therapy Unit at the University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital. "The HEALS device was well tolerated with no adverse affects to our bone marrow and stem cell transplant patients."

The HEALS device, known as the WARP 75 light delivery system, can provide a cost-effective therapy since the device itself is less expensive than a day at the hospital and a proactive therapy for symptoms of mucositis that are currently difficult to treat without additional, negative side effects.

The device could offer patients several benefits: better nutrition since eating can be difficult with painful mouth and throat sores; less narcotic use to treat mouth and throat pain; and an increase in patient morale -- all of which can contribute to shorter hospital stays and less potential for infection, added Salzman.

LEDs are light sources releasing energy in the form of photons. They release long wavelengths of light that stimulate cells to aid in healing. HEALS technology allows LED chips to function at their maximum irradiancy without emitting heat. NASA is interested in using HEALS technology for medical uses to improve healing in space and for long-term human spaceflight.

Ron Ignatius, founder and chairman of Quantum Devices Inc., of Barneveld Wis., developed the WARP 75 light delivery system for use in the trial. The device uses the HEALS technology to provide intense light energy: the equivalent light energy of 12 suns from each of the 288 LED chips -- each the size of a grain of salt. It is one of many devices using HEALS technology, developed in collaboration with NASA.

In the early 1990s, Quantum teamed with the Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics – a NASA-sponsored research center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison – to develop Astroculture 3, a plant growth chamber using near infrared HEALS technology for plant growth experiments on shuttle missions. Over the years, Quantum has worked to develop HEALS technology for use in medical fields, specifically with pediatric brain tumors and hard-to-heal wounds such as diabetic skin ulcers, serious burns and oral mucositis.

"With the help of NASA's Innovative Partnerships Program, Quantum Devices and its medical partners have been able to take a space technology and adapt it for an entirely different application to significantly help people here on Earth," said Glenn Ignatius, president of Quantum Devices. "This collaboration between NASA and commercial companies has spurred innovation that is touching millions of lives on Earth -- for the better."

Watch a short video about HEALS in action:

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Re: The healing power of light

Post by 1over137 »

What about radiation therapy?

Hmm, is light considered only the visible part of electromagnetic spectrum or the whole spectrum? :shock:
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

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Re: The healing power of light

Post by Gman »

1over137 wrote:What about radiation therapy?

Hmm, is light considered only the visible part of electromagnetic spectrum or the whole spectrum? :shock:
What about it?
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8
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Re: The healing power of light

Post by 1over137 »

Gman wrote:
1over137 wrote:What about radiation therapy?

Hmm, is light considered only the visible part of electromagnetic spectrum or the whole spectrum? :shock:
What about it?
How Bible understands it?
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: The healing power of light

Post by Gman »

1over137 wrote:
Gman wrote:
1over137 wrote:What about radiation therapy?

Hmm, is light considered only the visible part of electromagnetic spectrum or the whole spectrum? :shock:
What about it?
How Bible understands it?
You mean light? I don't know what you are asking... But the glory of G-d is revealed in some type of light. What type of light it is I'm not exactly sure but the frequency appears to be either used for good or bad consequences. I guess I wouldn't want to be around it when it is used under judgement.

Matthew 17:2 - There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.
Revelation 1:14-16 - The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. 15 His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16 In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.
Revelation 21: 23 - The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.
Revelation 19:12 - His eyes were like a fiery flame, and on his head were many royal crowns.
Acts 9:3-4 - As he (Paul) neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”
Acts 9:8-9 - Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. 9 For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything.
Acts 26:13-15 - About noon, King Agrippa, as I was on the road, I saw a light from heaven, brighter than the sun, blazing around me and my companions.
Hebrews 12:29 - For indeed, our God is a consuming fire!
Luke 17:24 - For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other.
Matthew 24:27 - For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
Habakkuk 3:4 – His splendor was like the sunrise, rays of light flash from His hands, where His power was hidden.
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8
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