A good response to atheist's OT "evil" God objection

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Re: A good response to atheist's OT "evil" God objection

Post by Gman »

Just an FYI...

As for the size of some of these "nephilium" they weren't exactly 10 feet plus tall giants.. The dead sea scrolls has given us some new measurements on those sizes. Many are starting to see the manuscripts such as the Greek Septuagint augmenting the stories in the Bible to fit their giant story..

"The nephilim were presumably destroyed in the Flood, but further giants are reported in the Torah, including the Anakites (Numbers 13:28-33), the Emites (Deuteronomy 2:10), and, in Joshua, the Rephaites (Joshua 12:4). The Bible also tells of Gog and Magog, who later entered into European folklore, and of the famous battle between David and the Philistine giant Goliath. (The King James Bible reports Goliath as "six cubits and a span" in height”over nine feet tall, (over 2.75 m) (1 Samuel 17:4 KJV), but according to other unverified texts, manuscripts, and accounts (the Septuagint, a Hebrew Bible (Greek), the 1st century historian Josephus, and the 1st-2nd century BC Dead Sea Scrolls all give Goliath's height as "four cubits and a span," approximately 2.00 m or about six feet seven inches)."


The idea here is that those measurements where corrupted by the Greeks when they translated the Bible. Instead they inserted their god's sizes (from Greek mythology) into the Biblical stories..

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_%28m ... _mythology
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Re: A good response to atheist's OT "evil" God objection

Post by DRDS »

Yes, good point, I've also noticed that in Marzulli's presentations many of the elongated skulls that he has shown isn't really giant as what most of us would think of as giant. Yes, they are much larger than normal human being's skulls but they aren't as large and as massive as for instance, a tyrannosaurus rex skull.
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