Obama Would Veto Bill to Ban Taxpayer Abortion Funding

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Obama Would Veto Bill to Ban Taxpayer Abortion Funding

Post by Kurieuo »

Came across this and thought it would be relevant here.

I get the feeling the tides are actually changing, and more and more people in the US are seeing through the lies to realise that abortion takes the life of a human being, isn't safe for women or rare, etc. The thing I don't get, is why not use the taxes elsewhere, like positive investment into society to stimulate the economy further? Don't mean to comment on US politics, just found it interesting... expected even... that Obama would veto. Australia has its own issues though.
  • The House of Representatives yesterday approved legislation that will put in place a complete ban on taxpayer funding of abortions that ensures abortions are not directly funded in any federal governmental program or department. The White House says President Obama would veto it.

    The legislation combines several policies that must be enacted every year in Congressional battles and puts them into law where they will not be in jeopardy of being overturned every time Congress changes hands from pro-life lawmakers to those who support abortions.

    The House voted 227-188 for the bill with 221 Republicans and 6 Democrats voting to ban taxpayer funding of abortions under HR 7 while 187 Democrats and one Republican voted against it.

    According to the Washington Times, the president would issue a veto if the measure is somehow approved in the Senate or attached to legislation the Senate passes.

    As a controversial bill banning federal abortion funding heads to the House floor this week, the Obama administration is threatening a veto if it reaches the president’s desk.

    Extracted from: http://www.lifenews.com/2014/01/29/obam ... abortions/
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Re: Obama Would Veto Bill to Ban Taxpayer Abortion Funding

Post by RickD »

Really doesn't surprise me, coming from him. State funded murder of our most vulnerable. I can't think of anything worse. :shakehead:
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Re: Obama Would Veto Bill to Ban Taxpayer Abortion Funding

Post by SeekingSanctuary »

If it just got past the Senate that would be a huge deal.

More young people are becoming prolife, I think we might see it come to an end eventually. But we have to be realistic, it won't end in the next few years. It will take decades before voting demographics shifts enough on something like this to really change things, maybe longer.
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Re: Obama Would Veto Bill to Ban Taxpayer Abortion Funding

Post by jcgood »

Since abortions are legal here in the U.S.....I am not surprised that they have taxpayer funding.
I don't think I would have bombed and murdered the thousands of innocent children and people in the recent "State Funded" wars...either....for the sake
of "national security"...

We can pray for the Lord to give us the Grace to live in an evil country....
He lived through Roman occupation....all the way to the Cross...without one complaint....And Paul?

I think we can handle this...

Lawlessness is prophesied to increase more and more....before His coming....
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is actually and honestly..... a distrust in the sovereignty of God...JC Goodman
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