USURY...The Forgotten Evil

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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by Philip »

On this forum, it is important to have one's facts straight before answering questions - or you might fall into the abyss of poor logic and dubious facts. For example:


Old Man: Stop! Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, 'ere the other side he see.

Sir Lancelot: Ask me the questions, bridge-keeper. I'm not afraid.

Old Man: What is your name?

Sir Lancelot: Sir Lancelot of Camelot!

Old Man: What is your quest?

Sir Lancelot: To seek the Holy Grail!

Old Man: What is your favorite colour?

Sir Lancelot: Red! ... I mean bluuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! [falls down the crevice screaming]
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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by jcgood »

Jack wrote:
Also I note that trying to talk to JC is like trying to talk to a person from another planet.
Thank you for the compliment!
Thanks for realizing the gulf of understanding between us.
Next step...hard...actual love.....take responsibility for the reason that you don't understand me and feel empathy
instead of making critical digs against me

Understand...I am a member of the body of Christ....what you have said or done to are doing or saying to Him ...Acts 9:4

"The wise are those who utter words with respect to God's ears and eyes".. JC Goodman

At least I know which planet I am on.... brother are on Planet Conflation...for example
We both know that a nation with a 14 trillion dollar economy is not a failed nation.
...On my planet...with the understanding of Solomon and The Lord's clear Matt. 6...

You have conflated with success
Is that what Jesus teaches?

You have "anti- Americanism'....with fleshly desires...with your obtuse statements...."I want Europe"...
You can't understand that ...the systems of the world are going to be destroyed...because they are corrupt and lawless

In the book of Acts...all the worshippers of all stirred up against ...the apostles preaching...calling it .."Anti-Diana"..
Which is similar to this false exaltation about a mediocre post-modern mecca of anti-Christian, anti-family, culture of materialism..inaptly called "United States"..
Of America....
When thinking people call this country ...The Divided Corporate Plutocracy of Conflation...AKA...."A Culture Of Death" James Dobson aptly puts it
If you don't know these famous, mainstream can google them.

This is what Charles Stanley referenced...just this morning.....and most of the other preachers on radio.....I love my brothers....I am not alone on my planet

What did Solomon say....Who the Lord made the most glorious....?....Vanity...
What did Jesus Say?.....even Solomon in all his glory....was not even fashioned as wonderful as the lilies of the field

....put that in your mind...and think about it...America is a cesspool of the place that will be revealed..where I live now
with His Kingdom.

You cannot grasp that I am opposing are these inappropriate exuberant expressions about the world and fleshly desires...that I have put away
because as the Lord has Romans, Galatians..etc.

I used to be like you....and The Lord has transformed where I am now....

That's what planet I am on..I moved away from ...subjective...Post-modern thinking...

....that's why I get all the flack..because I oppose lawless libertarian capitalistic individualism.....because it's not in my planet, my heart, my Bible, my logic
..and my life..
....Nobody here has ever been able to use anything but a sentence or two of criticism to oppose my work
..that's not legitimate discussion

I am free....on my planet.....blessed....full of joy peace and the Holy Spirit....abiding in Him.....
Maybe you can visit sometime...?

My posts are my invitations to all to come here...
I hope you get free of the shackles of your thinking..
"The wise are those who utter words with respect to God's ears and eyes".. JC Goodman

The problem with a that he doesn't know that he is one ...JC Goodman

"Whining and complaining about...the government...or being zealously partisan;
is actually and honestly..... a distrust in the sovereignty of God...JC Goodman
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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by jcgood »

On this forum, it is important to have one's facts straight before answering questions - or you might fall into the abyss of poor logic and dubious facts. For example:
......The Dictator said....
...Question....By what standard are you using to judge...."poor or dubious"....on this forum..?

Obviously...I am using a different standard.....but it's not appropriate for a dictator to choose my standards.....comprendes?

I would think that the American way would be to let people decide for themselves.....
Don't you have a enough faith in people to be able to let them decide....for themselves....what is "poor" or "dubious"

The intended goal of a forum is not agreement (impossible)....but understanding....(possible)...with love, empathy and a little effort

That's the problem here...thinking that there is some certain human standard for logic.....democracy..capitalism...

.. I am of Paul....I am of Appolos....I am Post millenial.....I am American me division and misunderstanding

In case you haven't noticed....I rely on Scripture and my relationship with make my case

It's the Holy Spirit's ministry to reveal Truth....and teach us how to communicate with virtue, nobility, and His wisdom..
just like Jesus did

Cutticism*.....helps nobody....and impedes actual understanding

That's the ONLY logical go about "Christian Discussion".....and the only hope for

virtue, nobility, peace, and understanding to enter in..

I have yet to see that here.....

I pray that I am seen as a person.....not just a false, political label

most of you are more harsh than my unbelieving friends

Peace be unto you.

* Cutticism........a large swath of cut and paste...followed by a short, line "criti-byte"...or short critical
comment...that is not backed up by anything.....especially not by Scripture...
...because it assumes that everyone should have the same standard of this "unidentified united collective 'borg' ".....that the writer
has treasonously violated....
"The wise are those who utter words with respect to God's ears and eyes".. JC Goodman

The problem with a that he doesn't know that he is one ...JC Goodman

"Whining and complaining about...the government...or being zealously partisan;
is actually and honestly..... a distrust in the sovereignty of God...JC Goodman
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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by B. W. »

Science is man's invention - creation is God's
(by B. W. Melvin)

Old Polish Proverb:
Not my Circus....not my monkeys
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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by Philip »

Oh, it was Sir G that didn't know his favorite color - bit rusty on my HG lines.

JC, surely you aren't ranting against a Monty Python bit? Don't you think it's funny?

You could have played the king's part, because: "Well, you have to know these things when you're a king, you know." :D
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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by jcgood »

JC, surely you aren't ranting against a Monty Python bit? Don't you think it's funny?

You could have played the king's part, because: "Well, you have to know these things when you're a king, you know." :
...I didn't even watch the M.P. bit.....

...I used to like M.P. when I was stoned on pot in my teenage years...

...I am seriously hoping for actual understanding here....someday

...BTW....I am learning to become a King......from my His Kingdom...know what I mean?
"The wise are those who utter words with respect to God's ears and eyes".. JC Goodman

The problem with a that he doesn't know that he is one ...JC Goodman

"Whining and complaining about...the government...or being zealously partisan;
is actually and honestly..... a distrust in the sovereignty of God...JC Goodman
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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by RickD »

When I was a kid, I had a teacher who complained about students not understanding him. Not a single student understood him. You'd think he'd catch on that the students weren't the problem. Some people just don't understand.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by Philip »

Well, when I was a kid, I prayed a LOT ... for Cs! :pound: Almost never had my homework done. Bombed out of college the first time (when I was 18 - I thought college was about beer and girls). Went back as an adult and made mostly As in getting my journalism degree - good think that I didn't waste all that time studying in high school (which truly lived up to its name, unfortunately). And I must be a prophet because I told everyone, especially, my HS math teachers, that algebra and calculus would both be total wastes of time and that I'd never use either. Organic chem? PLEASE! So far, so good! :mrgreen: Heck, I can barely balance a checkbook ... er, actually, my wife does that :ebiggrin: .
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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by JackHectorman »

JC Good Wrote
Thank you for the compliment!
Thanks for realizing the gulf of understanding between us.
Next step, hard, actual love, take responsibility for the reason that you don't understand me and feel empathy
Instead of making critical digs against me
Understand, I am a member of the body of Christ, what you have said or done to me, you are doing or saying to Him ...Acts 9:4

"The wise are those who utter words with respect to God's ears and eyes".. JC Goodman
At least I know which planet I am on
You my brother are on Planet Conflation for example

On my planet with the understanding of Solomon and The Lord's clear words in Matt. 6...
You have conflated money with success
Is that what Jesus teaches?
You have conflated my "anti- Americanism' with fleshly desires with your obtuse statements "I want Europe"...
You can't understand that the systems of the world are going to be destroyed because they are corrupt and lawless
In the book of Acts all the worshippers of Diana got all stirred up against the apostles preaching calling it "Anti-Diana"

Which is similar to this false exaltation about a mediocre post-modern mecca of anti-Christian, anti-family, culture of materialism..inaptly called "United States" Of America
When thinking people call this country The Divided Corporate Plutocracy of Conflation, AKA "A Culture Of Death" as James Dobson aptly puts it
If you don't know these famous, mainstream Christians you can google them.
This is what Charles Stanley referenced just this morning and most of the other preachers on radio I love my brothers I am not alone on my planet
What did Solomon say Who the Lord made the most glorious....?....Vanity
What did Jesus Say? Even Solomon in all his glory was not even fashioned as wonderful as the lilies of the field
Put that in your mind and think about it.

America is a cesspool of need in comparison to the place that will be revealed where I live now with Him in His Kingdom.
You cannot grasp that I am opposing are these inappropriate exuberant expressions about the world and fleshly desires, that I have put away
because as the Lord has commanded, in Romans, Galatians, etc.
I used to be like you, and The Lord has transformed me, to where I am now
That's what planet I am on, I moved away from subjective post-modern thinking

That's why I get all the flack, because I oppose lawless libertarian capitalistic individualism, because it's not in my planet, my heart, my Bible, my logic and my life
Nobody here has ever been able to use anything but a sentence or two of criticism to oppose my work
That's not legitimate discussion
I am free on my planet, blessed, full of joy peace and the Holy Spirit, abiding in Him
Maybe you can visit sometime?

My posts are my invitations to all to come here
I hope you get free of the shackles of your thinking
Peace brother

The Dictator said
Question. By what standard are you using to judge"poor or dubious" on this forum?
Obviously I am using a different standard, but it's not appropriate for a dictator to choose my standards. comprendes?
I would think that the American way would be to let people decide for themselves
Don't you have a enough faith in people to be able to let them decide for themselves what is "poor" or "dubious"

The intended goal of a forum is not agreement (impossible), but understanding (possible), with love, empathy and a little effort
That's the problem here, thinking that there is some certain human standard for logic democracy, capitalism
I am of Paul, I am of Appolos, I am Post millennial, I am American me = division and misunderstanding
In case you haven't noticed I rely on Scripture and my relationship with God to make my case
It's the Holy Spirit's ministry to reveal Truth and teach us how to communicate with virtue, nobility, and His wisdom
just like Jesus did

Cutticism* helps nobody and impedes actual understanding
That's the ONLY logical way to go about "Christian Discussion" and the only hope for virtue, nobility, peace, and understanding to enter in
I have yet to see that here
I pray that I am seen as a person not just a false, political label
Most of you are more harsh than my unbelieving friends
Peace be unto you.

* Cutticism: A large swath of cut and paste, followed by a short, subjective one line "criti-byte", or short critical comment that is not backed up by anything, especially not by Scripture
Because it assumes that everyone should have the same standard of this "unidentified united collective 'borg' that the writer has treasonously violated.

Heh heh, I've been out here a long time, and I ain't never seen nothing like that up there ... lol ..
You're quite a guy. You're a poet!
That up there is a type of religious poetry, and as we know ~~ there is such a thing as "poetic license."

What is "poetic license"? Well, poetic license, when you boil it down, means that words can mean whatever you want them to mean.
Poetic license means that its super cool if you want to use the word Sodom to describe a Buick, a wall clock, and an orange tree.
That wouldn't be a problem, 'cause you're a poet and words mean whatever you say they mean.

You can change 'em around too. You know, like on Monday "love" can mean one thing, and on Tuesday the same word "love" can mean the opposite.
Why is that? Simple, its because you're a poet, and you write poetry [like that long poem you wrote up there] and the definitions of words are determined by you.
And your poetry doesn't have to rhyme. You can be a free-form poet ~~ the "Allen Ginsberg" on the edges of Christianity, holding forth.

May the good Lord bless and keep you as you struggle with your verse
But may you cut back on the dots that look like this: .............
I took the "dots" ( ..........) out of your poetry, and rearranged the text of your poem to make it more, er, beautiful and flowing.
I stand speechless.
I am overwhelmed.
You have floored me.
With your poetry.

You clearly speak the language of the anointed.
But I have been left out in the cold, un-anointed.
I have failed to attain to your level of understanding.
I'm just out here struggling, doing without [your wisdom].
Poor me.

I have no unkind words for you.
I have no criticism.
You are a poet.
Poets are beyond criticism.
Because poets write from the heart.
They are deep "men of good feelings" and all good feelings are good.
The good cannot be criticized. /mild sarcasm

I previously said that talking to you was like talking to a person from a different planet.
I see now that was not precisely correct, because we're not doing any actual talking.
All I am doing is just reading your "poetic responses" to what I write.
Fascinating stuff too. Very scary, but still fascinating.
You're talented.

May the good Lord bless and keep you, JC.

And at the same time may the good Lord continue to deal
with highly flawed America on the basis of Mercy and Grace.
Lord we pray that you will not deal with us on the basis of
your Justice [we could not survive it], but that you will be
merciful and gracious to America because of the merits of
the Lord Jesus. Dear God, we pray for your blessing and
your protection upon we your Church here in America.
Forgive us for our sins. 1 John 1:9


♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich." 2 Cor. 8:9
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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by 1over137 »

But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by jcgood »

Thank you for your prayer... writing...and public most people's.....have various messages....

For example...
The intended goal of a forum is not agreement (impossible), but understanding (possible), with love, empathy and a little effort
That's the problem here, thinking that there is some certain human standard for logic democracy, capitalism
I am of Paul, I am of Appolos, I am Post millennial, I am American me = division and misunderstanding
In case you haven't noticed I rely on Scripture and my relationship with God to make my case
It's the Holy Spirit's ministry to reveal Truth and teach us how to communicate with virtue, nobility, and His wisdom
just like Jesus did
This is called admonishing...not "poetry"

...Col. 3:16...Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

I know that cutticism is easier for you...but I perceive that you are able determine...poetry from admonishing.....right?

In the last post....I helped you see your duplicity putting your writing up to the same overly critical standards...that impede understanding

Am I in the Land Of Oz?......Is America Sodom?
That level of like......"Straining the gnat...but swallowing the camel"....and derail a thread on usury
It's just not appropriate.....and it distracts from the valid point I made about overlooked injustice disguised as good...from on usury

The point is ...try empathy.... trying to understand why I would even...."poetically" call America....Sodom...?
Jack....why do you think I am writing this....what's my motive?

"The more questions asked..the more the understanding.....and vice versa"....JC Goodman

Based on your post...that BTW....made me smile and like you....

You are still stuck in argument mode....
Because even if I was won over to your way of thinking...

"yeah ..I guess oppressing and creating poor people out of thin not that bad.....just a work in progress.. see you at the mass murder next week.."

What is it that I have gained?

NOT POETRY...Teaching here.....FYI....The only physical nation that was God's People......Israel...Old Covenant

In the New Covenant....only individuals are blessed by God through Jesus Christ...Eph 1:3

Nations are just legal entities..

You can ask the Lord to bless America....because those who love Him can ask Him anything...

The New Covenant...declares that there are two is the god of the world......and the other is God's

The nations are irrelevant for now...God will deal with them in the future....

Psalms 2:8,9...Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, And the very ends of the earth as Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron, You shall shatter them like earthenware.'

If you care to refute this....please use Scripture...otherwise I won't even look at it

"The wise are those who utter words with respect to God's ears and eyes".. JC Goodman

The problem with a that he doesn't know that he is one ...JC Goodman

"Whining and complaining about...the government...or being zealously partisan;
is actually and honestly..... a distrust in the sovereignty of God...JC Goodman
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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by 1over137 »

I am kind of discriminated. This is thread about American and I am not American and do not live there. Would like to jump into discussion but kind of cannot. :econfused:
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by RickD »

1over137 wrote:I am kind of discriminated. This is thread about American and I am not American and do not live there. Would like to jump into discussion but kind of cannot. :econfused:

Count yourself as one of the lucky ones. You're better off staying out of this...believe me. :shock:

Anyone ever see the movie, The Beautiful Mind?
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by 1over137 »

I love that movie
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: USURY...The Forgotten Evil

Post by Philip »

Or "The Titanic?"

Countries, like people, at times exhibit evil, sometimes less so, sometimes more so. But God has the big picture, has always had it, and thus sees EVERY country's good and bad all at once. It's the PEOPLE in the countries that make their overall morality what it is. And from the midst of unbelievers and immoral political leadership, there are often those that honor God. From every country and tribe there will be people in Heaven. One God, one Kingdom Church (though presently made up of various denominational flavors). So getting too hung up on political boundaries can be unproductive. EVERY country has terrible sins and will continue to as long as there are fallen, sinful human beings within their borders. Countries are like corporations, they are no more or less moral than those running them, making the decisions behind their actions.
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