Indoctrinate U

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Indoctrinate U

Post by Kurieuo »

I've been doing quite a bit of research into IB programmes that are more and more popular and have been around some time now... I stumbled across this video.

The professor at the start encapsulates how teachers are to create curriculum to match the values and themes of IB.

But anyway, it's a long piece, but thought some here might find it interesting.


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Re: Indoctrinate U

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Yep, lived this when I went to college and learned about it in Social Work Classes as well as attending Teacher Certification Courses. Nowadays, in the USA, it has crossed the line into open psychological warfare and abject hate toward any who disagree with the scholastic and political norm...

Back in the 1940's, this would be called the 'fifth column' now it is called enlightened progressive hip thinking. As mentioned elsewhere, the old prof's still live in the past and have not realized how much the world has changed so they keep to sacred cow of race, gender, etc alive in order to silence all who oppose them in the most vile and immoral manner in order to destroy the USA and the Western ideal of Freedom. They pit immoral freedom against moral freedom and immoral love against moral love by use of the old moral equivalency argument framework. In college, I received training in this approach and rejected it then as I do now. There are Judas's in America who's hate is justified by a very false worldview pounded into the brains of the gullible.

Love does not mean blind tolerance because moral love will warn of dangers of living stupidly. Immoral love does not warn of true dangers and consequences of living stupidly, instead, it seeks to pit moral love against its own premises in order to justify immoral love as the supreme measure to live by. Therefore, you create more gullible stupid people unable to think for themselves about the dangers of living stupidly and easier entrapped to suck on the breast of the Nanny State...the rest of their stupid lives. Moral love warns about the dangers of exploitation to garner vote and raise an army of mind dumb minions. Moral love to the progressive is a vile thing that is the oppressor that needs crushed. That immoral love, put Christ on the cross but Christ conquered it and charged us to do the same.

Likewise you have immoral freedom verse moral freedom. God sets the tone of moral freedom we are to follow as that is true freedom. Moral freedom warns against immoral freedom. No sane parent would build their kids swing set on the busiest freeway in the land. God parents protect and teach their kids not to play in the street. That is the idea of moral freedom. Immoral freedom tells moral freedom it is oppressive, children should do anything and play anywhere they like and if on the freeway, the excess world population is reduced as a good thing.

The bible warns of this very thing increasing in the later days midst a time when even the elect maybe possible to deceive...

Isaiah 5:20 and 2 Tim 3:1-5 - 2 Peter 2:1 - 2 Peter 2:18-19
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Re: Indoctrinate U

Post by Kurieuo »

Thanks B.W. for those verses. Very relevant.

Also saw it like "moral" and "immoral" freedom and truths. Truth isn't moral, but that is certainly the way many of "liberal" (or should we start calling them Humanist "conservatives") behave.
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Re: Indoctrinate U

Post by B. W. »

Kurieuo wrote:Thanks B.W. for those verses. Very relevant.

Also saw it like "moral" and "immoral" freedom and truths. Truth isn't moral, but that is certainly the way many of "liberal" (or should we start calling them Humanist "conservatives") behave.
I would say raw truth verses subjective truth. The raw truth verifies right and wrong but subjective truth cannot verify any right or wrongs.

Here are a few thoughts on the following:

Immoral freedom without constraints verses moral freedom with its inner constraints. Moral freedom is what God gives and immoral freedom is what the devil offers. I think Romans 1:18-32 expresses this concept.

Immoral love verses moral love. Immoral love is subjective and based on human approval while moral love is revealed by the Creator for us to govern by and be governed by. Moral love tells the raw truth and knows right and wrong. Immoral love does not as it is based upon tolerant intolerance of a ruling social elite telling people what they want to hear, all subjectively induced and based for consolidation of political power in the hands of a few or just one. There is more to the Fall in the Garden of Eden than first meets the eye. You could say, the devil won a voting block against God with Adam and Eve, granting them immoral freedom and immoral love for power/control/security...
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Re: Indoctrinate U

Post by Seraph »

Now if only conservatives could be on the side of moral freedom, truth, and love. Maybe then they'd have a right to condemn liberals as ungodly USA destroyers. When you see someone complaining about the blackification of America, that homosexuals should be disowned by their parents and driven into the sea, and that poor people with no health insurance are just "s**t out of luck" and that no effort should be made to ease their burdens, you can usually be sure that it isn't a liberal saying those things. The republican party has a monopoly on Christianity in American politics that is just wrong. They're the true indoctrinators.

Complete marxism may not be a Christian philosophy, but pure unregulated capitalism isn't much closer if you really break it down. You may have freedom from the government, but other titans of the business world inevitably show up and rewrite the rules after awhile. Liberal hearts may be in the wrong place on a lot of moral issues, but I think their heart is in the right place on others.
Last edited by Seraph on Sat Feb 08, 2014 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indoctrinate U

Post by B. W. »

Seraph wrote:Now if only conservatives could be on the side of moral freedom, truth, and love. Maybe then they'd have a right to condemn liberals as ungodly USA destroyers.
Liberal concept of truth, love, freedom is subjectively based and used as a weapon to pit actual love, freedom, and truth against itself in order to control all as a puppet master would. For example, the Communist Party is not outlawed in the USA, yet, the current administration is using the IRS to silence free constitutionally protect political speech and voting rights against opponents. Moral Love warns against destructive behaviors and does not endorse them as normality. Why doesn't the news media show what actually goes on during a Gay Pride parade? Why are the ill health facts of the gay lifestyle ignored? or the ill effects of bitterness, envy, strife, backbiting, slander imposes upon a person. Moral Love simply warns and is crucified by those who live by the standards of immoral love in the process.

Yes, moral love condemns twisted immoral love and since it does so, it is hated by the left. You and I will be held accountable by Almighty God as we all will stand before him to give an account one day. Therefore, indulge us, and pretend you are standing before God on your day - what would you say?
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Re: Indoctrinate U

Post by jcgood »

Stop whining, complaining, and fear-mongering......and open your own private schools.....end of discussion....

There should be a violin playing in the background...

Actually I am a proponent of private schools......pretty weird for my unearned label here as a "leftist...Marxist....(whom I have never even read)....

But we all know that those labels are just to shut down actual discussion...

Lord knows... we might actually end up on the side of understanding....oh no!.. :esurprised:
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Re: Indoctrinate U

Post by Kurieuo »

To who are you talking to, or what are you talking about jcgood?

My kids are attending a private Christian school here in Australia, so I expect you don't have much to do with me.
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Re: Indoctrinate U

Post by jcgood »

K from Australia:
To who are you talking to, or what are you talking about jcgood?

My kids are attending a private Christian school here in Australia, so I expect you don't have much to do with me.
Hi K.....I like your country...very friendly people...I actually would join married Australian couples' tables at the hotels in Sydney

...when I travel...I am a journalist at heart...and I have put Australia on the top of my "most friendly" list so far...

In Sydney....A good samaritan saved my life and drove me to my next hotel...because the one I booked went out of business... when I was sick
jet-lagged, and stressed, stranded without a cell phone... and look what God provided.....

I actually experienced your health care system....I was able to walk right in to a doctor's appointment in Sydney and Melbourne and they charged me only
$40 U.S. very impressive.....

How can I not love that country?

..To answer you question.....I am referring to the U.S...and it's backwards approach to almost everything.....unwise.

Where their should obviously be private schools....the U.S. adopts public, socialist schools with their chilling, arrogant, socialist pledge of allegiance and indoctrination...

Bur where there needs to be appropriate not for profit health care....our heads are stuck in the sand..and we have to listen to all
the ignorance and moaning and groaning about ."obama-care"; which is non-socialized medicine...ignorantly being called.."socialized".. y:-/

Please...K....take me out of this nightmare....Australia was friendly, clean, educated....and what struck me how many assimilated Asian business owners that I met...

good job on immigration and gun control..... the world's model... :clap:

The quality of life in Sydney... reminded me of how this country used to be circa 1964...before the war on Labor...

The worst neighborhood in Sydney....was nothing like the many horrific graffiti filled ghettos here in Urban USA.
"The wise are those who utter words with respect to God's ears and eyes".. JC Goodman

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Re: Indoctrinate U

Post by Kurieuo »

Hmmm, it seems I largely misunderstood your comments.

Keep in mind, when visiting other countries there is a certain "honeymoon" period where you see things via rose-coloured glasses. Our health care has many holes... and we have poor immigration policies to bring in "skilled immigrants" at the expense of Australian citizens, while telling anyone who needs help from their countries to bugger off. Every country has holes.

Re: Obamacare" -- I'd have to agree with those who see it for what it is. Yes, a good health care system is needed in any country. This one looks to be poorly implemented and heavily motivated by agendas. It is strange to me that employers are forces to subscribe, for example, to abortion. Then lots of people actually suffering and even dying because they no longer have the health care they did. I'm lucky in that I'm just used to government to a large degree assuming responsibility for the health of people.

Anyway, all the best.
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Re: Indoctrinate U

Post by jcgood »

Thanks K..for the nice reply...

I concur...because I actually had a horrible experience at a Sydney Emergency rose colored glasses here
I was having a little anxiety...and I was on new medication for HBP....I had no health insurance
To my horror.....they said I would not be treated unless I gave them my credit card!

but the Lord intervened....and a Christan man laid his hands on me...and asked the Lord to heal me...
I ended up walking out of there....blessed...and not stolen from.....

Nothing down here is perfect..but I didn't see little nation states down under. We have huge non-assimilated ghettos ...where it feels like you are actually in eg. Mexico...not here

...Obama care is a debacle....only because...anything less than single-payer health a debacle....
"The wise are those who utter words with respect to God's ears and eyes".. JC Goodman

The problem with a that he doesn't know that he is one ...JC Goodman

"Whining and complaining about...the government...or being zealously partisan;
is actually and honestly..... a distrust in the sovereignty of God...JC Goodman
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