I need some help...

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I need some help...

Post by Anonymous »

I was guided to come here. I am in a big trouble and have a couple of questions to ask and hope that somebody who knows enough would help me.
First I've been talking to and asked help from this spiritual creature(Im pretty sure its a spirit of a forest since it can control the wind and the rain) or god. I was told that I should know its name and ofcourse the fact that is it good or bad and what is it. And if it is a forest spirit then does it belong to wicca? And do I have to have my religion strictly named or is it okey if I use magick from many different cults? I mean can I study different ways of using it and practise everything? I was told that I would be punished after doing so.. is it true? What kind of magick are Christians able to use? If you know something about this could you give me an address? I was Christian when I was younger and Im considering turning again... I need somebody to look after me and defend me at this messy situation I've gotten myself into. If I continue asking help from the crature I got and turn to Christian, will I be punished? Ok, sounds stupid but since it worked I wouldnt want to stop it.
I was told too that after twice trying spiritism there might be an evil creature teasing me, true? I ve been told so many stuff and its hard to know whats true and who is lying.
And the last thing, theres this guy, am I able to trust him? I feel like trusting nobody and its terrible! Please help me. Thank you!
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Post by SourceofLiFe »

Be very careful.

It is true that there are evil spirits out there who give you certain abilities in return, they possess you. These spirits can be evil and turn against God. You must separate between white and black.

From the sound of your situation, it seems like it is not toward the good.

If the spirit came from God, the real God, creator of the Universe, farther of Jesus, you should be able to sense it.

What you have heard so far is all true, it's also located in the bible.

You are in a very dangerous position.

You shouldn't ask "what will I get" you should be more concern about your life.

This is extremely serious matter and you must consult with expert, have a guide who served for God and Jesus Christ from the beginning, someone perhaps who is in their 70's and was a Christian since birth.

Finding such a mentor is critical, for this person may guide you to the lord and help protect you from harm.

As for using magic, that sounds very dark. Spirit of the Forest?

You should be careful. Pray to God and seek for help immediately.

Do not let the dark side get to you.

I wish you luck and success.
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Post by Mastermind »

Wicca is a dumb trend that appeared roughly 50 years ago and is a mixture of several ancient religions, so if you want to know what religion that spirit would belong to, don't look at wicca. Perhaps ancient druidic or pagan religion would be more accurate. That said, SourceofLife is right. Be extremely careful when dealing with spirits. It could be a divine one(an angel for example), or perhaps a creation of God about whose existance He did not feel necessary to reveal to us, or it could be a demon(as I suspect the case is). Based on my somewhat extensive studies of demonology, the end result is usually extremely messy for the foolish practitioner. Dealing with te Devil is a sure way to land your ass in hell. About magic, first and foremost, use NOTHING that is supposed to come from other gods or creatures. The only spirit that you should rely on is God, or one of His angels if he should choose to send them to you. I still hang on to my "Divine Spirit" theory, in which I won't go into too much detail. My theory is that since the spirit of humans was made in the image of God, it was probably blessed with a proportionally weak ability to manipulate things with its power and our mind. As a result, strict mental discipline may help you uncover some of the gifts that God might have blessed you with, but for obvious reasons, keep hidden from those that might abuse them. Again, care should be taken as this would probably draw atention to yourself from less pleasant sources like the Devil who might figure out a way to use it against you.
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Post by Prodigal Son »

using magic is strictly forbidden to christians. if you want verses that state so i can get them for you.

sounds pretty scary. i think you should stop. what did you do, anyways?

about the guy...don't know if you should trust him. don't have enough information.

just the fact that you're feeling so confused and scared should tell you you are running in the wrong direction. TURN AROUND NOW!


Post by Anonymous »

Dear Moonflower,

First let me award you for seeking answers from the bible, which in turn is the word of God.
Let me start by saying - it is and always has been - even for the Jews to perform magic(k). There is biblical evidence for this. One of the commandments of the Torah - the old testament was: "dare ye not practise the Yidoni, or commune with those who call themselves the Onanim." In otherwords, Do not practise magic and do not consult with magical seers.

I don't understand really why you would need magic. Indeed many say - but Jesus used magic. I cannot stress this enough - Jesus did not use magic and Jesus certainly did not heal with Reiki! Jesus heals with faith - now let me explain this. Jesus tells us, that we can move mountains if we have true faith. Very few of us have true faith and the ability to do this - even me, a sinner am not faithful enough to move mountains. Jesus also gave to His disciples the ability to heal and speak in tongues - this seems like magic doesn't it? No - indeed Jesus opens our minds to the possibilities of God - for with God nothing is impossible.

Please note, at no point does the bible say that there is NO such thing as magic. Perhaps, magic is a force of the Earth - a force relevant by the prince of the Earth - Satan. It is our duty as Christians not to delve into this however; and also - not to try to commune with the dead.

If you would like the scriptural references for this please let me know and I will get them for you. If you need any help with anything else concerning this do not hesistate to contact me. And I encourage everybody else to do the same, for we are instructed to bring in the sinner, and help those in need. It is OUR fault if we turn people astray and do not help them.

With every blessing,
Your Friend,
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Post by Felgar »

SourceofLiFe wrote:It is true that there are evil spirits out there who give you certain abilities in return, they possess you. These spirits can be evil and turn against God. You must separate between white and black.
SourceofLiFe is right here - Satan's power is real but evil.

If you are able to read this, please break any fellowship with this creature immediately!!! The more you become involved the stronger this spirit's hold on you will be, and the more difficult it will be to break free. And once you're ensared, this servant of the Devil (or it may be the Devil himself) will destroy you - he wants only to destroy!

My advice would be to walk away from the computer and into the nearest evangelical church and tell the minister there that you have dabbled with evil spirits and want to be free. Pray with him and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour - for Jesus is the only one to have power over life and death. Your eternal life, (and it looks like your physical one too) hang by a thread - choose Jesus before it's too late!

I've said a prayer that you would be freed immediately from this spirits hold and any Christian who reads this should do the same.

There are ways to determine if this spirit is good or evil, but they are dangerous and also I don't think you'd be getting that warning from inside if it were good.

Christians can wield great power, but what we do wield is not ours. It is the power of the Holy Spirit working through our Faith as explained by FrAndrew. So the notion that Chrisians perform any magic feat is incorrect. However, with the protection and will of the only living God we, as Christians, are able to fight spiritual battles through prayer. And Satan and his forces have no hold on us, because we serve the one and only God. To that end, a final closing thought. If this spirit appears to you once again and you reject him, he may try to harm you. If he does, pray to Jesus "save me Jesus; for I have sinned" while you still can, and you will be delivered to safety.
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Post by Mastermind »

Spirits don't need to be satanic to possess you and do harm. At any rate, "magic use" depends on what one means by magic. I usually refer to magic as a source of power that does not come from within the person, and any power that comes from God would be good magic(IE, faith). Anything else IS strictly forbidden.
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Post by Felgar »

Mastermind wrote:Spirits don't need to be satanic to possess you and do harm.
Well there are only two types of spiritual beings, satanic ones (demons) in the service of Satan, and heavenly ones (angels) in the service of the Lord. I don't think an angelic spirit would ever possess you (as that is the job of the Holy Spirit - of God Himself) and so based on that I would claim that only satanic spirits will possess someone and do them harm.

Just wanted to clarify my understanding of your statement there Mastermind...
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Post by Mastermind »

Felgar wrote:
Mastermind wrote:Spirits don't need to be satanic to possess you and do harm.
Well there are only two types of spiritual beings, satanic ones (demons) in the service of Satan, and heavenly ones (angels) in the service of the Lord. I don't think an angelic spirit would ever possess you (as that is the job of the Holy Spirit - of God Himself) and so based on that I would claim that only satanic spirits will possess someone and do them harm.

Just wanted to clarify my understanding of your statement there Mastermind...
I disagree. God does not have to inform us everytime He chooses to create another spirit, or type of spirit, and as a result, we cannot know for sure whether we are only limited to angelic and demonic spirits.
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Post by Felgar »

Mastermind wrote: I disagree. God does not have to inform us everytime He chooses to create another spirit, or type of spirit, and as a result, we cannot know for sure whether we are only limited to angelic and demonic spirits.
I want to be very clear before we go too far with this. Are you claiming to me that you believe there could possibly be spiritual beings that are neither in the service of the Lord nor in the service of Satan?
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Post by Mastermind »

I cannot tell you where their allegiance lies or even verify their existance. All I am saying is that if God chose to create additional spirits, it is within His power and right, and dismissing their possible existance would be rather counterproductive.
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Post by Felgar »

Mastermind wrote:I cannot tell you where their allegiance lies or even verify their existance. All I am saying is that if God chose to create additional spirits, it is within His power and right, and dismissing their possible existance would be rather counterproductive.
I was going to respond but I feel that this is secondary to the very important purpose of this thread which was to help guide moonflower. Out of respect for moonflower and his need for help we can continue this in another thread if you feel so inclined.

Post by Anonymous »

Mastermind wrote:
Felgar wrote:
Mastermind wrote:Spirits don't need to be satanic to possess you and do harm.
Well there are only two types of spiritual beings, satanic ones (demons) in the service of Satan, and heavenly ones (angels) in the service of the Lord. I don't think an angelic spirit would ever possess you (as that is the job of the Holy Spirit - of God Himself) and so based on that I would claim that only satanic spirits will possess someone and do them harm.

Just wanted to clarify my understanding of your statement there Mastermind...
I disagree. God does not have to inform us everytime He chooses to create another spirit, or type of spirit, and as a result, we cannot know for sure whether we are only limited to angelic and demonic spirits.
I disagree with your statement Mastermind. I believe truly that there are two strands of spirit and the answer to all this lies in creation. When Satan fell away from God, he wasn't evil because he was made that way, but because he seperated himself from the LORD. That was the fall of Satan. Now any spirit that God creates is angelic and good - although if it seperates itself from God becomes abnormal - since sin is not normal. This is a hard one to get your head around - but even if God was creating "neutral spirits" cf.shabbath 13:4 then these would be the entisement of the devil - not of God. God has nothing to do with magic and mystical pagan spirits.
About Satanic spirits - these spirits cannot enter a person filled with the holy spirit - Because evil means seperation from God, any spirit that enters with the holy spirit is destroyed. Thank the Lord that our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit!

In Christ,
Fr Andrew
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Post by Mastermind »

About magic, it depends what you refer to as magic. I consider any spiritual interference brought about by an individual to be magic, be it divine or demonic. It may not be the Biblical definition, but that is the one I go by.

Now about spirits. By netural, I mean they are like humans. They have the ability to choose, and perhaps they do not benefit from the information that angels have about God's existance, so some might be good, some might be evil, and the overhwelming majority may not even have anything to do with our world.

Post by Anonymous »


From which source did you get your information from? Can you explain this a little more?

In Christ,
Fr A
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