Who said that Satan is a fallen angel who tempts, kills...?

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Re: Who said that Satan is a fallen angel who tempts, kills.

Post by jerzy »


You said: “That you refuse to see and understand is fine, that is your choice.”

As I said earlier, I was in the Trinitarian shoes long before many here were born. You didn’t even attempt to explain your "version" of Trinity God (there are many child-like stories) because you know that you have nothing; not a single proof text to offer. All you have is a man-made story which were imposed upon Christianity by pagan rulers of Rome and cultivated in barbaric ways to become “the essential Christian doctrine of Christ's deity” as RickD just said. He knows that it is not God’s teaching but a “Christian” man-made stories called doctrine.

You said: “Since you clearly made up your mind about YOUR theology”

Which of the texts I pointed to was my “theology”? Did I need to molest hundreds of texts like Jn 12:47-50, Jn 17:3, Jn 20:17, 1Cor 8:6, Heb 5:7 the way the Trinitarians do? Did I need to add the three heavenly witnesses to 1Jn 5:7? Did I have to explain what the NT word “logos” or the OT word “dabar” mean to which John referred in Jn 1? Did I have to use Jerome’s “mistakes” to correct God?

You said: “I do not think this is the place for you…”

I understand my friend. The truth may prick conscience of some. Perhaps you cannot take God’s word as it was delivered once for all?

You said: “…I suggest that, unless you are open to different view…”

As I said earlier, I care less for people’s views. I got the sure word of God. The eternal life hangs on IT. No Trinitarian can deliver on any of thousands of their differing or contradicting promises.

You said: “…coming back doesn't make a lot of sense.”

Coming of Jesus doesn’t make a lot of sense to many.

One wonders why they call themselves Christians or followers of Christ if they care less for his word.

Aren't they wolfs in sheep skins?

Don’t we know them by their idolatry and blasphemy imposed by the most barbaric means know to the world?
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Re: Who said that Satan is a fallen angel who tempts, kills.

Post by krystyna »

What a topic.

It looks like nobody can prove that Satan is a fallen angel.

All I can see is out-of-context inferences that the prophecy about fall of the king of Babylon in Isa 14:12 or king of Tyre in Eze 28 supposed to be “understood” as fall of an angel Satan. But who said that an angel called satan fell in the first place?

Similarly, nobody seems to care that the great red dragon of Re 12:3 is the one who was cast out in Re 12:9. It would kill a lot of profits if it was” discovered” that it has something in common with kings and kingdoms. But since it has been selling so well why correcting it?
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Re: Who said that Satan is a fallen angel who tempts, kills.

Post by B. W. »

krystyna wrote:What a topic.

It looks like nobody can prove that Satan is a fallen angel.

All I can see is out-of-context inferences that the prophecy about fall of the king of Babylon in Isa 14:12 or king of Tyre in Eze 28 supposed to be “understood” as fall of an angel Satan. But who said that an angel called satan fell in the first place?

Similarly, nobody seems to care that the great red dragon of Re 12:3 is the one who was cast out in Re 12:9. It would kill a lot of profits if it was” discovered” that it has something in common with kings and kingdoms. But since it has been selling so well why correcting it?
Well, krystyna, Let's see... Jesus for starters said Satan fell...

Luke 10:18, "And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." NKJV

Rev 12:7,8,9, "And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

As for Ezekiel let me know when the King of Tyre was in the Garden of Eden and called a covering Cherub mentioned in Ezekiel 8:13, 14 and when was the Holy Mountain of God in Tyre?

You do not understand Hebrew expression of symbolism do you?
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Re: Who said that Satan is a fallen angel who tempts, kills.

Post by PaulSacramento »

OIvey !
*face palm*
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Re: Who said that Satan is a fallen angel who tempts, kills.

Post by Seraph »

B. W. wrote: As for Ezekiel let me know when the King of Tyre was in the Garden of Eden and called a covering Cherub mentioned in Ezekiel 8:13, 14 and when was the Holy Mountain of God in Tyre?

You do not understand Hebrew expression of symbolism do you?
I think that there is sufficient evidence in the Bible that Satan is a fallen former servant of God, but if I may play (snicker snicker) devils advocate, while the verses in Ezekiel are clearly not talking about a human king, are they necessarily talking about the devil? It doesn't address the king of tyre outright as the devil, it could potentially be talking about someone else.
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Re: Who said that Satan is a fallen angel who tempts, kills.

Post by PaulSacramento »

When Taken as a whole, the verses that speak of Satan in the OT and NT, make it clear ENOUGH that Satan was a fallen angel.
Of course people are free to disagree BUT what they are NOT free to do is state that nowhere in the bible does it state that Satan ISN'T a fallen angel since it is explicitly stated such in Luke 10:18.
Unless of course one can prove that there are other beings in heaven besides God and His angels and that Satan was one of those other beings.
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