Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and family...

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Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and family...

Post by DRDS »

I know I sound like a broken record, but I felt like I needed to get this out to focus on another area of my previous like minded threads. Now assuming that most or nearly all of my friends, family, acquaintances and so on end up lost and in hell, do you think in order for me to be happy in heaven will God create more people or more.... "something" for me and others like me to enjoy and or to make up for the bad misfortune?

I know that in the Bible it does say that God will wipe away all tears, I'm mainly just trying to explore further into how He will or how He could do that. Another possibility could be that there could be something so awesome, brilliant and loving about His direct presence when you are around Him face to face that just that in and of itself will be enough to make up for losses like that I just mention as well as all other losses.

I'm just curious as to what you all think, do you all agree with my assessments or do you think He will do something else to make up for such losses and if so, what do you think it will be? Anyways, as always, thank you all for your time. GB.
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Re: Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and famil

Post by 1over137 »

I guess we have new family

Matthew 12
Changed Relationships

46 While He was still speaking to the crowds, behold, His mother and brothers were standing outside, seeking to speak to Him. 47 Someone said to Him, “Behold, Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside seeking to speak to You.”[ao] 48 But [ap]Jesus answered the one who was telling Him and said, “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” 49 And stretching out His hand toward His disciples, He said, “Behold My mother and My brothers! 50 For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother.”
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and famil

Post by DRDS »

Great response! I never viewed that verse that, but you certainly do have a point. If somehow I don't get to have children in this life, in the afterlife if there are any children that died as preborn infants because of abortion and both their parents die lost, I would love to be like a father or a parent to one of them.

Surely there will be such people in situations like that. And if the concept you are giving turns out to be right, which it looks like it does indeed stand a great chance, than perhaps I'll get to do something like that. Thank you so much for that amazing insight.
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Re: Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and famil

Post by 1over137 »

But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and famil

Post by neo-x »

True love will remain true. If god is unhappy that a sinner perished then how it could be that we who may lose loved ones will not feel that sorrow. I think heaven will come with that love, sorrow and understanding. Just like in this world we grow up and realize that we can't help but love our loved ones even when they make wrong choices. We love them but we also gain understanding that true purpose and meaning comes with personal decision and choice. I think the same is true for heaven. We may feel sad for a while but we would also be able to understand why things can't be different. I don't think anyone who ever loved will be able to just skip on the sorrow without a problem. I Can't in anyway rejoice if my family is not in heaven... But I can understand. And perhaps someday in heaven, I will truly understand the sorrow of God too, because I only lost a few loved ones.... But his loss would be greater because he gave his son up for the whole world, because he loved them all, and many of them would not make it... that sorrow outweighs all my sorrow.

You need to trust God.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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Re: Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and famil

Post by DRDS »

Well something else I was going to mention, besides the obvious sorrow, how will people in heaven who have very few if not any family members deal with the lucky folks who came from Godly families who either has their entire family and or nearly all their entire family with them? How are the "have nots" going to keep from having jealousy or animosity over the "haves" in this case?

Because that in and of itself is bound to not set well with many people especially those who prayed all their lives for their lost loved ones only to be disappointed in knowing that they did not make it into heaven.

That and I'm still wondering just why God will allow Himself to be defeated by satan at least in who will have the most human souls at the end of time. Again, as I mentioned before, since satan is not even comparable to God in power much less even being close to being equal (again it's like comparing the power of a weakest almost non existing atom or a weak three legged gnat to the power of the entire universe and even that is not a good description of the power comparison between God and satan) than surely God must have some kind of awesome plan or at least some kind of backup plan on further ensure Himself that He will have heaven more populated than hell.

And again I think He will create more human beings either out of thin air or from other worlds, or He will crate non human or sub human type beings like more angels or cherubs or something. Because again, I just don't see God just allowing satan to have the last laugh in this crucial area. It wouldn't be like God to allow Himself to get defeated like that in that area. So surely something must make up for whatever is lost.
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Re: Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and famil

Post by 1over137 »

You will see then. As neo said, trust God.
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and famil

Post by neo-x »

DRDS wrote:Well something else I was going to mention, besides the obvious sorrow, how will people in heaven who have very few if not any family members deal with the lucky folks who came from Godly families who either has their entire family and or nearly all their entire family with them? How are the "have nots" going to keep from having jealousy or animosity over the "haves" in this case?

Because that in and of itself is bound to not set well with many people especially those who prayed all their lives for their lost loved ones only to be disappointed in knowing that they did not make it into heaven.

That and I'm still wondering just why God will allow Himself to be defeated by satan at least in who will have the most human souls at the end of time. Again, as I mentioned before, since satan is not even comparable to God in power much less even being close to being equal (again it's like comparing the power of a weakest almost non existing atom or a weak three legged gnat to the power of the entire universe and even that is not a good description of the power comparison between God and satan) than surely God must have some kind of awesome plan or at least some kind of backup plan on further ensure Himself that He will have heaven more populated than hell.

And again I think He will create more human beings either out of thin air or from other worlds, or He will crate non human or sub human type beings like more angels or cherubs or something. Because again, I just don't see God just allowing satan to have the last laugh in this crucial area. It wouldn't be like God to allow Himself to get defeated like that in that area. So surely something must make up for whatever is lost.
This may sound harsh but it isn't. You need to NOT think about things which you are just concocting out of thin air. You appear to have a very narrow understanding in this regard, please I don't say it as an insult.

First of all there is no ego war between God and Satan, not on God's part at least, period. No ones doing it to have the last laugh...the population in heaven is in no way the bar to evaluate who did the best, devil or God. God doesn't have to fill heaven in order to "win". This is a theological blunder. If Satan has all the world in hell, he still "loses", let that sink in please.

And on the second note, every one takes their losses, including God because those who he loved and they didn't come to him will perish too. And satan would be bound and then thrown eventually in the lake of eternal no one comes out unscratched. Christ had to die, he gave up something to give us salvation.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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Re: Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and famil

Post by DRDS »

Well another thing that comes to my mind regarding this, assuming that what you said is true, and that there are only a few thousand or even a few hundred that make it into heaven, won't that make things very boring and lonely?

Now granted, I've read a ton of good material or should I say "feel good" material on heaven by folks like Randy Alcorn, Anthony Destefano, Grantley Morris and so on, but what if they are wrong and heaven really is a 1st century legalistic bore fest with no technology and nothing to do, with only a handful of God's bitter, hateful and self righteous "finest"? And if the only kind of people in heaven for the most part are the Amish, the Quakers or the Westboro Baptist Church what will that say about God's character?

Now turning to the brighter side for a second, assuming that Alcorn, Destefano, Morris and other people who paint a more positive picture of heaven are correct, than surely God must continue to create even after the end of time because He would have to do something to at least keep us from getting bored with Him and with each other. But if they are right than God must then be much less boring.... and mean and legalistic and so on.

But I'm afraid that you may like the legalistic persona of God am I right on that? And if that is the case, assuming then that you, me, the Amish, the Quakers and the Westboro Baptist church are the only groups that make it in, just how will we entertain ourselves? Just how will we be able to get along with everyone assuming they keep their hateful, bitter, legalistic attitudes?

I guess we will have to hope that 1over137 makes it in too because she may be the only one that will be able to make heaven interesting and fun. :D So I'm certainly going to keep my fingers crossed on that aspect of the afterlife for sure.
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Re: Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and famil

Post by neo-x »

That is not what I said...I said, no one knows if heaven has more people or not, and it isn't your concern, or mine to contemplate on this, when we really can't do it.

Why on earth would you say that I like a legalistic persona of God?
I don't, and I don't appreciate you declaring that without any proper reason.

As for the rest of your post, I really have no idea how you can connect such opposites. To me it makes no sense. The conclusions you are drawing are so absurd, I really don't know how to address those.

I can only tell you one thing...STOP WORRYING and let God do his job. trust him. He will do what is best.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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Re: Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and famil

Post by 1over137 »

And to add to neo's post, keep your fingers crossed not only for me but also other not boring people, haha. :)
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and famil

Post by DRDS »

Will do 1over137, but on a side note, I noticed that many here call you a queen, which I think is nice but it's also slightly unfitting. Because the way I see it, calling a woman a queen is almost like calling a woman mam in the 21st century, it makes women feel old. The reason why I say that is that's what my mom thinks and she doesn't like being made to feel old. At the very least, you should be called a PRINCESS. :D Also when I hear the word queen I tend to think about the evil RED queen, which certainly doesn't fit you, you are more like the sweet, innocent and pretty Alice! :D But anyway, I better stop before officer y:o) busts me again! See you later. y>:D<
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Re: Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and famil

Post by 1over137 »

But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
-- Philippians 1:6

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Re: Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and famil

Post by RickD »

DRDS wrote:Will do 1over137, but on a side note, I noticed that many here call you a queen, which I think is nice but it's also slightly unfitting. Because the way I see it, calling a woman a queen is almost like calling a woman mam in the 21st century, it makes women feel old. The reason why I say that is that's what my mom thinks and she doesn't like being made to feel old. At the very least, you should be called a PRINCESS. :D Also when I hear the word queen I tend to think about the evil RED queen, which certainly doesn't fit you, you are more like the sweet, innocent and pretty Alice! :D But anyway, I better stop before officer y:o) busts me again! See you later. y>:D<


Our Queen Doctor is old! She's 30 for crying out loud!!!!! :mrgreen:
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24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Assuming that I lose all or most of my friends and famil

Post by DRDS »

Now I'm offended, because that's MY AGE TOO! :oops:
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