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Post by BavarianWheels »

XenonII wrote:Hey been here a few weeks but thought i'd post in here now...better late than never. lol

I'm Chris 25 years old from Australia, i've been interested in Christianity seriously for a little over 4 years now, after I had my first spirtual experience shortly after reading the Bible! Although I still have a lack of faith at times that i'm trying to overcome. :roll:

I also have a few personal problems at the mo and suffer from depression aswell as other mental disorders. Not even sure if I have Jesus in my life (wonder why he would want anything to do with me, I feel so useless a lot of the time lol) as I've heard the devil can appear to you in like a bright white light pretending to be the holy spirit and a couple of people online say that's what's happened to me. :shock:

I'm also an Astral Projector, I saw it mentioned so I thought i'd mention my ability, quite by accident it just started happening one day after another weird experience I won't go into detail here lol and i've done it probably a couple dozen of times since, nothing since April but i'm hoping to have another episode tonight! :twisted: Is it really of the devil or is it ok and is it proof of the soul and it's existance independent of the body. Someone told me when you do it evil spirits are moving in and out of you.

Anyway I hope to make some sense of it all, strengthen my faith and walk through this life in Christ. :D
The Bible is quite clear on spiritism/divination...it says keep away, Period.

You'll have to see for yourself, I suppose. Good luck.
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Post by XenonII »

BavarianWheels wrote:
XenonII wrote:Hey been here a few weeks but thought i'd post in here now...better late than never. lol

I'm Chris 25 years old from Australia, i've been interested in Christianity seriously for a little over 4 years now, after I had my first spirtual experience shortly after reading the Bible! Although I still have a lack of faith at times that i'm trying to overcome. :roll:

I also have a few personal problems at the mo and suffer from depression aswell as other mental disorders. Not even sure if I have Jesus in my life (wonder why he would want anything to do with me, I feel so useless a lot of the time lol) as I've heard the devil can appear to you in like a bright white light pretending to be the holy spirit and a couple of people online say that's what's happened to me. :shock:

I'm also an Astral Projector, I saw it mentioned so I thought i'd mention my ability, quite by accident it just started happening one day after another weird experience I won't go into detail here lol and i've done it probably a couple dozen of times since, nothing since April but i'm hoping to have another episode tonight! :twisted: Is it really of the devil or is it ok and is it proof of the soul and it's existance independent of the body. Someone told me when you do it evil spirits are moving in and out of you.

Anyway I hope to make some sense of it all, strengthen my faith and walk through this life in Christ. :D
The Bible is quite clear on spiritism/divination...it says keep away, Period.

You'll have to see for yourself, I suppose. Good luck.
Ok, that's what i thought. Others on here however seem to think its a fine thing to do. Thanks for the clarifciation. I haven't been involved in it since the last time I prayed and felt the presence of the HS (and a very strong annointing it was too!). :D
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Post by Prodigal Son »

xenonII: do you really astral project? my younger brother has done it twice; each time he freaked out and got whipped back in. i've tried but don't really have the patience. do you do it when you want, or does it just happen? do you think it's "demonic"? where do you go? do you just float around or can you actually travel places?

d00d: hello.
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Post by kateliz »

Hey guys, that stuff's not fun and games. I had a friend who was into Wicca tell me about doing that once. That stuff is of demons undoubtedly. God does not do things like that. What would be the point? God just doesn't do things like that. It's devised by demons to distract you from the true God and the way He works. Just like they appear as ghosts to confuse you, and also extra terrestrials, (called ETs apparently.) It's very dangerous stuff because becoming involved declares you an open door to demonic activity.

This friend also taught me how to "see an aura." She had us turn off lights, had some of us sit in front of a light colored wall. Then the ones trying to see the auras of the people sitting by the wall would semi-focus on the outline of the person against the wall. If you did it right you could see a haze around the person that was made of green, red, blue and maybe other colors, where the colors were swirling around each other in this haze-type thing. I saw them very vividly that night, and even more vividly when I myself taught others how to do it another time after that. What I also saw was a lump in the haze above the top of the people's heads. I had guessed it was stronger near the brain. Those colors could get very bright too.

Then, while watching this one girl's "aura" I saw a white hazy figure next to her that moved to rest it's head against her shoulder as I watched. I then looked at the others there and saw a white hazy figure next to each of them, but not leaning on their shoulders. I concluded by the loving act of the one that they were gordian angels. Then I sensed for mine and felt my hand go cold when I held it out to go into my "angel's" hand in front of me. My hand went cold several times by doing that.

I also went around the house doing "readings" of the spiritual presences in the different rooms, and even did a very impressive reading of the feeling each dining room chair gave out, depicting the emotions of the one that usually sat there.

I strongly regret my instigation of and participation in those events. Opening doors to demons.

I also sometimes have an out-of-body experience if I sit still for long enough and other circumstances are just right. It feels like I'm floating above my body, even when I move my body. I'm not sure what it is, but when I was reading a book on healing from sexual abuse years ago, (written by lesbians who gave very bad advice along with some good,) they explained it was because I was trying to escape my body. That also went for stubbing toes, like I was unaware of my body in some sense and so ran it into things. And I did stub a few toes after reading that! :wink: Now I think it's just a mental thing that just happens occassionally. I enjoy it when it happens because it feels good and is fun. Can anyone help me understand that better, please?

And yes, I welcome Xenon and the funnily named d00d. Exactly what inspired that name and it's peculiar spelling/"letters"/numbers?
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Post by Prodigal Son »

so it feels good but it's demonic? you enjoy it but think it's bad. hmm. tsk, tsk...katiegirl. maybe it is just a mental thing.

hey, xenonII, what mental disorders do you suffer from? just curious.
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Post by kateliz »

That isn't demonic, and it's not what you two are talking about. I do believe it's mental, but aren't positive about that yet. Just worried a little I guess. Most times now I try to hold it as much as I can, and also see how much moving I can do while keeping it. Sometimes it feels like I'm a foot above my body, and as if I could almost look down at it as being separate from myself. Sometimes I feel wholly detached from it although I can still move it a little, (lift a finger, turn my head a little,) but most of the time only partly detached. Other times I feel wholly attached and am amazed that I can feel so attached, (or in control,) and yet be so separate. It perplexes me, but I don't think it's demonic.
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Post by ochotseat »

kateliz wrote: I strongly regret my instigation of and participation in those events. Opening doors to demons.
At least you realized that it was demonic in nature before it was too late for you... :shock:
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Post by Prodigal Son »

i also sometimes have an out-of-body experience...i enjoy it when it happens...
i was talking about astral projection (out of body experiences). what are you talking about?
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Post by kateliz »

Well, the feeling of it, but not the real thing. That's what I meant. Sorry for the mix up. No, I've never walked anywhere or done anything other than float. I'm 98% sure it must be mental or even physical. I believe it only happens if I sit still for awhile, but not every time. Not sure of the real causes other than that.

ocho, what do mean "too late"?
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Post by ochotseat »

kateliz wrote: ocho, what do mean "too late"?
Too late as in too late for your soul.
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Post by XenonII »

Prodigal Son wrote:xenonII: do you really astral project? my younger brother has done it twice; each time he freaked out and got whipped back in. i've tried but don't really have the patience. do you do it when you want, or does it just happen? do you think it's "demonic"? where do you go? do you just float around or can you actually travel places?

d00d: hello.
Yes I really do astral project, I have been involved in this phenomenem on and off for several years now, it all started up after I saw something strange in the sky. :? I haven't had a episode since April but this is not unnusual because I have gone months even a year or more inbetween experiences before, then for a month I could have 3 or 4 experiences, one time I did it TWICE in ONE day!

And yeah when you first do it, it can be very "freaky" and this can make you terminate it prematurely, I get a bit more bolder each time I do it and let it progress a little bit more each time. :) I certainly dont just do it when I want it usually starts up on its own without any prompting from me! Sometimes I can't even just snap out of it I have to fight with all my strength to get out.

That's not to say I haven't done it through free will before but I have found when I've tried that it either doesnt work or it doesnt work out how I was hoping to and I end up fighting again to get out of it. I don't know if its demonic or not? Some say it is...It sure is a very unique spirtual experience. A gift from God maybe?

Where do I go? Oh usually I just float around in space, I seem to travel down a tunnel sometimes either up or down, what's amazing is I can usually hear the sound my travelling makes! So while I usually just float around in space,I have however been up a friends house once (although that wasn't so much astral projection as remote viewing) but I believe once or twice I have actually been down to the very pits of hell itself and another time practically all the way up to the gates of heaven! :D
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Post by XenonII »

Prodigal Son wrote:so it feels good but it's demonic? you enjoy it but think it's bad. hmm. tsk, tsk...katiegirl. maybe it is just a mental thing.

hey, xenonII, what mental disorders do you suffer from? just curious.
Same Sex Attraction Disorder (SSAD)
Anti-Social Personality Disorder (ASPD)
Depression, Paranoia and Panic Attacks
Oh yeah, and I'm obese too.
Of course the first one is what has caused all the others. :evil:
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