did the earth ever really stand still?

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Re: did the earth ever really stand still?

Post by neo-x »

It never says, the earth stopped. Part of the reason why for so many centuries Christians thought that the sun revolves around the earth. If we were to go by what the text says, and says alone, and had we been living 1000 years ago we'd be thinking the same, the sun revolves around us, because in its very frank reading that is exactly what the passage implicates.

If we can accept that Christ rose from the dead, then accepting this should be easy or so the logic entails. If we accept one miracle why not accept all? And I see this being stated.

Miracles are by their nature supernatural, who is to say God didn't exactly halt the sun the moon and earth?

By the way the koran makes the same argument, it says the sun and the moon are in their orbits and it assumes that the earth is fixated and these bodies revolve around the earth.

Jac, a question, if you and me were living lets say a 1000 years ago, and reading this passage and have the same methodology of reading the text as you are calling for here, would you agree with me that this means exactly what it says, that the sun stopped and the moon too? what would be your thoughts. As for me hypothetically, I would say yes I agree with the passage as is, and further it was not the earth which stopped but the sun and the moon since that is what was prayed for.

And if you agreed with me, in which case, in light of present, we'd both be wrong. How do you see this reflecting on our reading the text as is? Being wrong but still being consistent?
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
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Re: did the earth ever really stand still?

Post by Silvertusk »

To be honest - I don't know why this is a discussion. I for one am happy to see some scientific evidence for a lot of stuff mentioned in the Bible - but also I am happy to accept a lot of the stories on faith. God is omnipotent - lengthening the day should be childs play for him. I have some days at work when I think it is never going to end ;-)

Why is it not reported anywhere else - not everything that happens has multiple attestations - we have one thought - the Bible and it is a case of whether you believe it or not. As I said - it could also have been a localised effect as well. So everyone on the planet experienced a normal day.

Who knows - maybe God sped up the perception of everyone there so time seemed longer - maybe God made their minds work faster. Who cares..
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Re: did the earth ever really stand still?

Post by Starhunter »

It says that the moon remained in the valley, which could mean that it may have traveled fully or partly around on the horizon, meaning that the earth kept spinning, but with the axis moving over on its side, as said by others.
That would make the change smoother - by comparison only, as far as 'science' is concerned, it would still wreck the earth, however, there are greater contexts of power presiding over nature which God uses, as mentioned for instance in Job 37: 12,13. Chapter 38, talks about the "day-spring," the "cloud" and "thick darkness." These are supernatural forces which govern matter. Genesis 1, begins with "waters" and "Light" from which matter appears - with water, earth, air and light, which are tangible and conceivable products of the forces which cannot be seen with the natural eye.
These invisible forces were understood by the ancients, by observing the things that are created, Romans 1:20 The state and behavior of matter indicated the activity of those forces.
It is not wrong to imagine the creation "Waters" to be natural water, but others also understand that the earth did not materialize until the third day.
In a simple formula, The Word produces Light which produces matter. Genesis gives the details of that process, with divisions, expanses, combinations etc. of those supernatural elements.
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Re: did the earth ever really stand still?

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Silvertusk wrote:To be honest - I don't know why this is a discussion. I for one am happy to see some scientific evidence for a lot of stuff mentioned in the Bible - but also I am happy to accept a lot of the stories on faith. God is omnipotent - lengthening the day should be childs play for him. I have some days at work when I think it is never going to end ;-)

Why is it not reported anywhere else - not everything that happens has multiple attestations - we have one thought - the Bible and it is a case of whether you believe it or not. As I said - it could also have been a localised effect as well. So everyone on the planet experienced a normal day.

Who knows - maybe God sped up the perception of everyone there so time seemed longer - maybe God made their minds work faster. Who cares..
I concur. :)
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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