Advice on intercession aka praying for others

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Advice on intercession aka praying for others

Post by DRDS »

Hello everyone, as you have seen by my recent posts in the prayer request section of the message board, I know many people who have needs and who need prayer. In addition the worse things get in the world the more we as believers should be praying for others specifically for their guidance and protection.

Hence the reason for this thread. I'm needing some ideas on how to be more effective as far as praying for others specifically for their needs and for their protection. And since nearly all of you here pray for other people, I was wondering, one, do you usually get positive results and if so what do you do to get those results?

I.E. do you try to achieve some form of moral goodness over a period of time which would then make you on good enough terms with God in order for Him to answer your request? Or I.E. when praying for someone if you pray with such intensity and consistency does that usually make a big difference in getting a response?

Now I know that God is not like a vending machine or a genie that grants three wishes but I've known people in the past who seem to always have prayers answered and who are able to pray for their loved ones salvation and they later end up becoming believers. I'm just wondering what is it that they are doing that is getting results? Because to be honest, with me, I currently don't think I"m getting much results. Any help in this area will be appreciated. Thank you for your time. GB.
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Re: Advice on intercession aka praying for others

Post by neo-x »

No one is trying to achieve moral goodness. But to remain ready for prayer, anytime, one must keep himself holy. Abstain from what drives us away from God. Everyone can occasionally slip on that too but I think you get my point, prayer especially intercession is put simply spiritual war so to say. You are standing up for someone who may be oppressed at the hands of the satan, that could be a lot of things, both spiritual and physical. Intercession is always not a light matter in my opinion. You are standing for someone else, for your prayers to be effective you must have faith. The best prayer is when we have a clear mind. Holiness helps us have that. Holiness in daily life helps overcoming the desires of the body as Paul wrote.

If you yourself require prayers, I would suggest you drop intercession for now. Pray for others like we all do. But Intercession is different, that is a very specific prayer for a specific purpose where you engage yourself on their behalf and you don't stop until its over, that's intercession.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
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Re: Advice on intercession aka praying for others

Post by melanie »

Jesus tells us in the book of Matthew "And when you are praying do not use meaningless repetition, as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him". Repeated words with intensity are not needed.
Jesus tells us in Luke the story of the Pharisee and Tax Collector "I fast twice a week; I pay tithes for all that I get. But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his chest, saying ' God be merciful to me the sinner!' "I tell you this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted" Moral goodness is not needed.
Faith and love is all that is required. We hear these words spoken all the time but what do they really mean? Faith that God exists?, faith that he created the universe? The Pharisees had this kind of faith in bucket loads but Jesus taught us time and time again that this kind of faith alone doesn't bring us closer to our Father. It is faith that when we stumble he picks us up, when we cry he hears our sorrow and wipes away our tears, when we have no words to utter but look to Him, he hears what is in our hearts anyway. When we surrender ourselves to Him, knowing that what we can't manage, He can. When we are weak, He is our strength. When it seems every door is closing, He is holding another ten open for us. Faith that when we can't see or understand his plan for us it's okay because our all-knowing, all loving Father is in control, if we let Him, He will guide us, strengthen us and protect us even when it isn't clear to us at the time.
Our father loves us more than we can begin to fathom. The love we have for our children, as all consuming and over-whelming in its strength that it is, doesn't even come close to the love He feels for us, as He is LOVE. We would do anything for our children, protect them at all costs, sometimes even if that means that we stand by with a watchful, loving eye and allow them to fail at times, allow them to make mistakes, for if we stood in every time, they would never learn, grow or mature. We let our children fail, make mistakes then we teach them how they can grow from their grievances. Our Father doesn't always answer our prayers in a way we would want, but He is always listening, He is always there to pick us up when we fall and He is always there to pass on the lesson that perhaps we needed to learn. Sometimes the lesson doesn't become clear for quite some time, but it is always there. Have faith that God is always right beside you, even in times of hardship and distress.
And love Him, love Him with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul. He doesn't want relentless, repetitive prayer He wants our love, adoration, devotion and our trust. Trust in God, as your Father. A Father that loves, guides and protects. Yes He is The Almighty, sovereign Ruler of all things, the Alpha and the Omega, but he is our living, personable Father, surrender yourself to not only the notion of God the creator but God our loving Father. Your prayers will never fall on deaf ears when you pray in absolute love and trust.
I also like everyone have friends and family that I love dearly who are lost and stumbling, I pray for them and leave it in my Father's wise and loving hands. He has the whole world in his hands, those hands are big and strong enough to carry us all.
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Re: Advice on intercession aka praying for others

Post by DRDS »

Sorry for getting back so late. These are very great responses! Yes I'm looking to engage myself in someone else's behalf. I was wondering from what you all know, does one have to be a solitary monk in order to do this type of intercession successfully? I mean, can a person like me, hold down a daytime job and still do intercession effectively or do I need all the hours of my day in order to do it? And again, just how morally perfect do I have to be in order to achieve results? Specifically what I'm mainly wanting to intercede for are things like people's salvations, protection from present or future dangers, that certain people will sense peace, love, hope and so on in their daily lives. Things like that. So if you all could help me with some more ideas that will be great. Thank you all so much again for your time.
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Re: Advice on intercession aka praying for others

Post by B. W. »

DRDS wrote:Sorry for getting back so late. These are very great responses! Yes I'm looking to engage myself in someone else's behalf. I was wondering from what you all know, does one have to be a solitary monk in order to do this type of intercession successfully? I mean, can a person like me, hold down a daytime job and still do intercession effectively or do I need all the hours of my day in order to do it? And again, just how morally perfect do I have to be in order to achieve results? Specifically what I'm mainly wanting to intercede for are things like people's salvations, protection from present or future dangers, that certain people will sense peace, love, hope and so on in their daily lives. Things like that. So if you all could help me with some more ideas that will be great. Thank you all so much again for your time.
Well, I prayer all throughout the day, no matter what I am doing. I seek others and to be led to others or others led to me so we can join in intercessory prayer. When God puts this together, things happen. However, we can pray intercession alone as well too. Do you find your words run out - so you don't have much left to say? There is a unique manner to prayer is to be real before God and talk to him as you would a personal very close friend about whatever matter. Since you are engaging on prayer on another's behalf - look for a few folks, even here, get there email addresses and have correspond concerning this matter so you all prayer together... There are many ways to engaged in intercessory prayer.

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Re: Advice on intercession aka praying for others

Post by DRDS »

Another question I have concerning this is, when we pray for others as far as trusting God to bring about whatever outcome He wants to, should we let go of our worry and concern for that person and if we do, is that indeed a true sign we are trusting God? Basically by giving up our worry for that person and whatever circumstances they are in is that what you all think God wants us to do in order to have our prayers for such and such person to be answered or does He want us to continue to worry for that person since it's a sign that we are suffering for them or at least sharing in their suffering? Thanks for your time.
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Re: Advice on intercession aka praying for others

Post by RickD »

Concern shows you care.

Worry shows you need to trust God .

In a nutshell, IMO, fwiw.
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24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: Advice on intercession aka praying for others

Post by neo-x »

DRDS wrote:Another question I have concerning this is, when we pray for others as far as trusting God to bring about whatever outcome He wants to, should we let go of our worry and concern for that person and if we do, is that indeed a true sign we are trusting God? Basically by giving up our worry for that person and whatever circumstances they are in is that what you all think God wants us to do in order to have our prayers for such and such person to be answered or does He want us to continue to worry for that person since it's a sign that we are suffering for them or at least sharing in their suffering? Thanks for your time.
Its a good question.

God doesn't want us to worry and keep worrying...and worry is not the same as faith, nor its our concern which makes a prayer real. All of this is missing the point. The point is that someone is in trouble and whether we like it or not, its is up to us, as children of God to help the fallen humanity whenever we could.

Your trust in God is your faith in God nothing more nothing less. Don't let feelings govern your prayer and spiritual life.

Intercession however means you keep praying until the thing is done, until your prayers are heard. That is the difference between just praying for someone or interceding for someone.
Last edited by neo-x on Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
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Re: Advice on intercession aka praying for others

Post by B. W. »

neo-x wrote:
DRDS wrote:Another question I have concerning this is, when we pray for others as far as trusting God to bring about whatever outcome He wants to, should we let go of our worry and concern for that person and if we do, is that indeed a true sign we are trusting God? Basically by giving up our worry for that person and whatever circumstances they are in is that what you all think God wants us to do in order to have our prayers for such and such person to be answered or does He want us to continue to worry for that person since it's a sign that we are suffering for them or at least sharing in their suffering? Thanks for your time.
Its a good question.

God doesn't want us to worry and keep worrying...and worry is not the same as faith, nor its our concern which makes a prayer real. All of this is missing the point. The point is that someone is in trouble and whether we like it or not, its is up to us, as children of God to help the fallen humanity whenever we could.

Your trust in God is your faith in God nothing more nothing less. Don't less feelings govern your prayer and spiritual life.

Intercession however means you keep praying until the thing is done, until your prayers are heard. That is the difference between just praying for someone or interceding for someone.
Well said Neo, discernment is needed to tell if it is worry or a gut wrenching - I MUST PRAY THROUGH !!! DRDS -That - I MUST PRAY - is a sure sign of the Holy Spirit wanting to pray through you till you feel a release. If that is the case, ask the for the Holy Spirit's drenching empowerment for intercession and don't worry what you might say.

Worry on the other hand is not gut wrenching - I MUST PRAY - but rather emotions. There is a difference. I MUST PRAY is inward compulsion - you cannot stop and no weariness involved as there is a power behind the need. As for Worry, well that just wears you out.

This is where the gifts from the Holy Spirit are needed. Ask for the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, discernment, and faith. Wisdom is the - how too's. Knowledge is the intimate knowledge of someone or something and what wisdom is needed for a breakthrough. Discernment is needed for you to tell what is of the Lord, what is of you, and what is the root cause of the issue. Faith is the means to release a person, in your case. Just ask for the empowerment and drenching from the Holy Spirit ask him to grant you the words needed to pray through. That simple...

Don't be fooled by thinking the gifts of the Holy Spirit have fizzled out - we need them. Just ask the Lord for that baptism of empowerment which is his ability to work effectively through you. After the task is done, it will lift off, till next time you need it.
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