
Discussions on Christian eschatology including different views pertaining to Jesus' second coming, rapture and tribulation, the millennium, and so forth.
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Re: Aliens

Post by Starhunter »

Jannah wrote:Thank you Neo but I will post as I see fit, if you do not want to read my post, then don't. And furthermore if you and any others find the topic of ALIENS and the end times disrupting to your "mental" state i.e. Depression then leave this forum. This is a REAL topic that deserves to be discussed, is VERY relevant to today and is not going away...
I am eager to hear you, even though I am under self imposed code of silence!

(FL that's funny!)
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Re: Aliens

Post by Starhunter »

Neo, let go, "thou shalt not vex thy neighbor" Did you forget breakfast?
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Re: Aliens

Post by melanie »

Starhunter wrote:I know I sound wacky.

I was five when I asked my teachers and parents what matter is. Their answers were interesting but unsatisfactory, little billiard balls whizzing around each other, in a smokey cloud of electrons. I wanted to know how the billiard balls were there.

Nature and the Bible have been my only sources of study.

I had learning disabilities, unable to read or hear what people are saying, only able to understand graphs, pictures, geometry and few maths formulas etc.

Whenever someone read the Bible, from the age of two I would sit up and listen for up to an hour, so my Mum tells me. I could read the Bible before I learned to spell at the age of six, but no other books.

When I was given children's learning books, with simple lines like -"John went to the shop" I would put the book down because it has no interest for me. "So what! what did John buy? Does not say, who is John anyway, he's just made up by some adult."
My exact thoughts, and I remember the day.

I went through primary, high school and uni without studying or listening in class, and exercised just enough effort in exams to pass. It's easy, people test you by, trick questions, long boring material, and impracticable gibberish, maths formulas and language from the grave called Latin.

Now what options does the world give you here? Aliens or hoax? No other possibilities?

Did you know that when Germany began using bombers in WWII, many villagers had not even seen a car before?

I bet if you tried to explain it to them before it happened..."What a case we have here Elsie! get some tea and warm blankets for the poor man."
Thank you for responding Starhunter
I just wanted to respond not only to this message on this thread, but as a collective response to the messages on a few different threads over the last couple of days. I wanted to start out by saying that my strong point is not science, I have an interest, but there are many other interests that I find more engaging and spend my time on. I say this because I honestly do not know if what your saying regarding 'matter' is true or delusion as I do not have strong enough background knowledge to make an assumption either way.
What I can say is that I don't put to much confidence in scientific theory as fact. There are far too many contradictions, if it was definitive there would not be so many polar theories. When a new discovery is made the previous theory that many quote as fact is brushed aside for the "new" theory which becomes the new "fact" and the cycle just continues. I know this is inevitable to a certain degree, due to new discoveries being made, but I view them as they are and that is theories.
I am not someone that gets caught up in the creation debate, I have my opinion, but you know what I could be wrong and quite frankly I don't care. God created the universe, He created earth and He created every living creature therein. That's good enough for me. My faith has zero dependence on such matters, it is not tied into any scientific belief whatsoever. I acknowledge that others have found their way to The Almighty though science and I think that's great, they may use that knowledge to bring others to God and that is awesome. By whatever means a person is led to salvation is a blessing in my book.

My loving Father has revealed Himself to me over the years in the most definitive, awesome, humbling of ways that in a world full of uncertainties it is the only thing that I am 100% certain on. I love Him and trust Him with everything in my heart, spirit and mind that I have to give. He is my friend, my confidante, my teacher, my judge, my master, my protector, my God and most importantly to me my Father.

Where am I going with all this? Sorry for the rambling. I do not begrudge you for not wanting to pigeon hole yourself. I have always been a square peg, in life in general and that is no different within the church. I have been told I have blind faith (I totally disagree, my faith is anything but blind), that I have too much faith (I believe in my Fathers 100% divine protection), that I am deluded and self-righteous (when I have revealed things that I have been shown, harsh criticism follows, with questions like "how do you know" through dreams, visions, truths being spoken directly to my spirit. People do not want to hear this, Christians do not what to hear this), I have been asked "who are you to think you know something the rest of us don't" to which I have responded I am nobody special, no more so than anybody else.
About 12 months ago Some truths were revealed to me, and it was like the puzzle pieces all starting fitting perfectly together. When I first started down the rabbit hole, I would often think, no way, it can't be, really? Then I would have those moments when the HS would prove it to be truths and I would be completely blown away, after a while it became easier to accept without my scepticism fighting it so much.

Not so long ago, before I joined here, what had been shown to me was so profound that I had to share it, not too many times I'm a pretty quick learner but it was met with resistance. I have pride, too much some times and I have always been someone that has had what I say usually validated (God has blessed me with a bit of the gift of the gab) but this was a whole new experience for me and I didn't like it. I had a moment where I broke down and cried, I asked God, why show me these things if no one is going to believe me anyway. Then the HS spoke to me and firstly told me I needed to be still. I was so caught up in it and it was tiresome, then secondly I was told that these things were revealed to me so that I would know, it was not my responsibility to get people to believe, that is not my job, that is God's job. This took alot of weight off my shoulders. Then I came here and my first post was about aliens, it was general and my intention was to reveal what else I had been shown in regards to the deception I believe is coming, then I realised because of my gun ho approach, the nature of what I was talking about and because this was a personal revelation God had made to me, I would approach the forum in a different light. And I am glad that I did.

Starhunter I don't know if your truths are mere delusion or something a lot more profound, but what I can say is, if the HS is working in you and bringing you closer to the truth, it is for you. I am not saying don't share it, but don't expect people to embrace it, because they won't. People want fact, something tangible to grab onto, and I get that. A couple of years ago if someone had of said hey Mel, then gone on to tell me what I now know I would have asked if they had taken their midday meds. Now I'm the nut job ;)

I hope I haven't offended you, that is not by any means my intention :)
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Re: Aliens

Post by melanie »

Jannah wrote:Though I am not familiar with any scripture relating to aliens kept in a cluster of stars. I believe what you are referring to is the Nephilim in Genesis 6:1-4, Numbers 13:33 and Ezekiel 32:27. Although you probably already know that if you have read The Cosmic Conspiracy, I have not personally read that one but have read LA Marzulli's stuff and I believe Stan shares his point of view. Also a good book to read in hopes of understanding the Nephilim, there origin and end time significance is The Book of Enoch while this book is not to be considered cannon or of the 66 books in the bible it is historically and authentically known to be written pre Noah's flood just google it to read up on its authenticity. Having read some of the responses to this post I must say that while there is no "proof" of aliens there is a biblical context to fallen angels having sex with women and producing an offspring called the Nephilim, before and after the days of Noah. In The gospels (Luke17:26) Jesus states that the end times will be "as in the days of Noah"; as we'll the rates at which people are reporting UFO'S is staggering not to mention the alien implants which have been reported by abductees that have been found and verified by science experts such as DR Roger Leir. It does not take much research into the phenomena to realize that it is both genuine and highly malevolent and most certainly is the greater part if not the whole of the coming great deception talked about in scripture.
Hi Jannah :)
I agree with you, it is the coming great deception spoken of in scripture.
When I was 18 my boyfriend (now my husband) and my sister where travelling home from an interstate trip and had a very close encounter with a UFO. It lasted over about 15 mins and at one stage was directly infront of the car, very visible and very frightening. I am very grateful that I experienced it with other people otherwise I would have thought I was losing my marbles. I spent the next 16 years thinking that there must be aliens from other planets, it was the only conclusion that could explain the type of craft we had seen. I was a Christian and wasn't sure how that fitted in with my beliefs, but I put it behind me and never spoke about it. Recently it has been revealed to me they are not aliens from another planet, but fallen angels/demons posing as aliens to deceive and manipulate mans perception of them. I was shocked when I looked on the internet and realised that I was not the only one that held this belief.
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Re: Aliens

Post by Philip »

If one wants to endorse unproven scientific conjecture (and thus not established, provable scientific fact) and the metaphysics necessary to allow aliens to visit us, they can do so. But that won't prove this has been happening. And if one wants to realistically assess well-established physics principles and ponder the billions of tremendously fast-moving objects and vast distances necessary for aliens to have been visiting us, then they must conclude that if the aliens are physical beings traveling on PHYSICAL crafts, then they are subject to the very same and seemingly insurmountable reasons why this is physically impossible. And an ability for an alien craft to approach light speeds would NOT make overcoming the vast distances more probable, as the faster they could go would mean the FAR more likely that any such physical craft would be blown to smithereens not long after ramping up to warp speed.

Read this to see why: ... from-there

To argue against the above, by asserting supposed superior technologies is to move into the realm of metaphysics and unproven, merely (HIGHLY) theoretical "science" - which means one can FEEL all they want about how their beliefs in aliens visiting earth. And so a logical question should be, have people truly been seeing things that APPEAR to be aliens or alien crafts - as that is a different question entirely.

However, and as I've mentioned many times, I would not rule out that God has put other lifeforms somewhere in our universe. But He's not told us about them and we have no proof of them - which means He MAY have or He may NOT have. But unless He has created life that is not subject to the very same physical laws that governs our universe, then they necessarily have metaphysical capabilities. If so, I'm thinking they probably don't need a flying saucer to visit. Scripture tells us that our battle is against unseen powers and principalities that are out to deceive and destroy us. Which means all bets are off as to what they might be capable of and what they might do to deceive.
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Re: Aliens

Post by Jannah »

Hi Melanie,

I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that! You were wise to quiet yourself about the subject till you heard from The Lord. I have not personally experienced this UFO phenomenon but after troubling statistics now at 350 sightings a day across the globe and incidents such as the mass sightings in Arizona I became troubled and took it to scripture where I found that there was most certainly a fallen race called the Nephilim found in Genesis. The alien agenda has a lot to do with the bringing in of New World Order that is referenced in scripture, the mark of the beast and, as well when Jesus comes to take his church part of the deception is that they will try to say it was aliens and not Christ! I believe it's important for the body of Christ to be read and prepared for such deception. Some great authority's on the subject are anything written or produced by L.A Marzulli, his videos "the watchers" are very informative another I suggest is "Aquarius the age of Evil" by Kieth Thompson this one you can find on You Tube, just to name a few. Blessings to you!
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Re: Aliens

Post by Jannah »

Hi Philip the curious,

These are not aliens from another planet... These are Satanic interdimensional spirit beings.The fact that there craft can vanish into thin air already proves that they do not travel by our laws of physics.
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Re: Aliens

Post by Philip »

Hi Philip the curious,

These are not aliens from another planet... These are Satanic interdimensional spirit beings.The fact that there craft can vanish into thin air already proves that they do not travel by our laws of physics.
I merely posted because I wanted people interested in this issue to realize the physical impossibility of aliens visiting us - REAL aliens. While many experiences may be psychological delusions or they may have a rational explanation, it's that small percentage of inexplicable, fantastical experiences that may well be demonic in origin.
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Re: Aliens

Post by Starhunter »

There are a few thousand people in the world who are aware of a kind of science which is not known about in general, nor is the public, including common scientists, capable of understanding it.

The average person has the mental capacity to comprehend it and work with it, but it cannot be taught because of the prejudice and incredible ignorance abroad, as well as preconceived and 'proven' opinions.

So if there are objects or creatures which can disappear from sight, it is automatically assumed to be the occult by Christians and a hoax or mental thing by others.

It's a pity because this ancient technology will be used to deceive people, about a new millennium of peace etc.

"Fire falling" from the sky is a major phenomenon which will be used to convince people that "God is displeased" about a certain religious injunction which is not being taken seriously. These fearful events will cause people to do whatever they are told, as if God told them to, and as if He is warning the world, that they will be destroyed if they don't comply.

At the same time there will be another set of miracles which are designed to give people a false sense of comfort.
Precisely the confirmation of the doctrine that the dead live on and can be contacted.

While the new technology can sport supernatural wonders and other types of beings, fallen angels or demons appear as the apostles and Christs, as well as personally representing your own deceased loved ones as if they are in a better world and have come to comfort the living.
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Re: Aliens

Post by Starhunter »

In ancient times it was forbidden by God to consult wizards and witches - those who claim to have contact with the dead.
But Saul, who had cut off his relation with God, went to a witch, and guess who she saw coming up out of the ground? Was it really Samuel or was it a demon image of Samuel?

Your answer depends on whether you believe Satan or God.
Satan said that if you disobey God you will be as gods and never die. Genesis 3:4,
God said you will die if you disobey Me, and you will not live in any form, unless I resurrect you.

The pagan doctrine of the immortality of the soul is Satanic in origin, and it is on this very point that he began his mission on earth in the garden of Eden, and it is how he ends his long campaign against Christ. The whole world is already deceived on this one point, through the entertainment industries, and false religions. so that when the mark of Satan is in question, nearly everyone will accept it without hesitation. As predicted "the world wondered after the beast."

Rev 13:13, Luke 21:26,
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Re: Aliens

Post by Starhunter »

Here is a sample of ancient tech in Job 1:16. The early Chaldeans and Sabeans, used this ancient tech. They could cause a local storm, or lightning, even from a clear sky. They also came back and carried Job's cattle away about 12,000. A triad of bands ( - see Job 38:31) came down onto them and took them away. they could build a whole city out of stone, with water canals, gardens and all, in a matter of a few days.
"There is nothing new under the sun" said Solomon.

Have you ever wondered why the ancients were 'obsessed' with the constellations? Because nature is under the power and influence of other forces not recognized by "science so falsely called." And these forces change all the time, on a micro scale and macro scale. If one was aware of them to use the differences or delays as power, then one had to study the position of the celestial bodies. And everybody else can be amazed and just worship the person using the tech, or the stars or their associated 'gods' of these forces.
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Re: Aliens

Post by neo-x »

Nothing like that happened SH. There was no secret tech in Job 1:16. Please have a little more respect for the scriptures. Reading into the text what is not there, and making science fiction up is not what we should be doing.

No wonder we're made fun of. If I'd be a non-christian, I'd read this, think of it as shear lunacy and move on. This place is God and science, not God and sci-fi.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
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Re: Aliens

Post by PaulSacramento »

Starhunter wrote:In ancient times it was forbidden by God to consult wizards and witches - those who claim to have contact with the dead.
But Saul, who had cut off his relation with God, went to a witch, and guess who she saw coming up out of the ground? Was it really Samuel or was it a demon image of Samuel?

Your answer depends on whether you believe Satan or God.
Satan said that if you disobey God you will be as gods and never die. Genesis 3:4,
God said you will die if you disobey Me, and you will not live in any form, unless I resurrect you.

The pagan doctrine of the immortality of the soul is Satanic in origin, and it is on this very point that he began his mission on earth in the garden of Eden, and it is how he ends his long campaign against Christ. The whole world is already deceived on this one point, through the entertainment industries, and false religions. so that when the mark of Satan is in question, nearly everyone will accept it without hesitation. As predicted "the world wondered after the beast."

Rev 13:13, Luke 21:26,
The issue of immortality of the soul is a tricky one because, it is abundantly clear in many passages that the soul can die, YET for us to have a concrete understanding of what that means we must first agree on what soul means and how it relates to spirit.
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Re: Aliens

Post by Starhunter »

neo-x wrote:Nothing like that happened SH. There was no secret tech in Job 1:16. Please have a little more respect for the scriptures. Reading into the text what is not there, and making science fiction up is not what we should be doing.

No wonder we're made fun of. If I'd be a non-christian, I'd read this, think of it as shear lunacy and move on. This place is God and science, not God and sci-fi.
The topic is Aliens, so a common view of science does not even enter into it. In regards to more respect for the scriptures?

If you can explain Job 38:16-21, then we can discuss ancient science, but until then, no.

I'll even give you clues, Jeremiah 31:37, Proverbs 25:3.

God tells Job what it is by asking him specific Q's with the answers in the Q. Read Job 38:4-16 all verses are talking about the same phenomenon.
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Re: Aliens

Post by neo-x »

pitchpatching verses doesn't make any any science any more relevant. And by ascribing such fantasy to it, you are basically insulting the scriptures. Aliens, secret tech, are you watching more tv than needed?
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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