Oregon School Shooting

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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

RickD wrote:Daniel,
To add to what Jac was asking, I'd like to know why you think it's wrong to defend the lives of your family if at all possible. Do you really think God wants us to sit back and watch our wives and children get injured or killed, if we can prevent it?
Did God step in with violence to save his son, no he didn't. If someone was going to kill me and my family I would do my best through non violent means to stop it but I wouldn't attempt to kill. I am not afraid of death, what does it matter if I or my family die, the only thing that would scare me is the second death but I am at peace with God so I have no worries there.

Why are you so afraid of death Rick that you would violate something which is sacred and not yours to take.
Last edited by Danieltwotwenty on Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by Proinsias »

My concern is more that there is not a third party consultant between Jac and his guns, there's just Jac and his guns. In theory it sounds nice, you want your gun, you go consult with a third party who decides if you have a decent case for you having access to your gun, and you either get your gun or you get restrained whilst you physically lash out due to not getting the outcome you hoped for. If you have a proposal for every gun owner in the US to have an independent third party with absolute control over individual access to firearms on a use by use basis your scenario may have some relevance, if you don't it strikes me as absurd.
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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by Jac3510 »

Proinsias wrote:My concern is more that there is not a third party consultant between Jac and his guns, there's just Jac and his guns. In theory it sounds nice, you want your gun, you go consult with a third party who decides if you have a decent case for you having access to your gun, and you either get your gun or you get restrained whilst you physically lash out due to not getting the outcome you hoped for. If you have a proposal for every gun owner in the US to have an independent third party with absolute control over individual access to firearms on a use by use basis your scenario may have some relevance, if you don't it strikes me as absurd.
Straw man. I didn't say I didn't believe in any kind of firearm regulations. Philip has made this point repeatedly. There is absolutely NO reason a law-abiding citizen should not be permitted to have a weapon. Common sense regulation and enforcing the laws we actually have would be a great start. Jon Stewart is about the furthest thing from a conservative, and he offered some comments towards real solutions that don't mean out and out banning.

http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/7ilag ... s-the-boom
http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/ptyuh ... boom---atf
Proinsias wrote:I don't think you are hearing me. Preference for ice cream is a moral issue
And that, brothers and sisters, is the kind of foolishness you get people who insist on denying biblical theism. A good illustration of any as the length people will go to avoid acknowledging basic truths.
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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by Proinsias »

I was referring to your scenario re the high minded liberal between you & your guns with a shooter approaching. The scenario strikes me as absurd.

I can't access the links, US only.

I'm permitted to have weapons but I can't have guns.
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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by RickD »

Daniel wrote:
Did God step in with violence to save his son, no he didn't.
Let me make sure I'm understanding this correctly...you are equating Christ, who willingly gave His life for the sins of the world, with somebody defending his family from a drugged out home invader?
If someone was going to kill me and my family I would do my best through non violent means to stop it but I would attempt to kill. I am not afraid of death, what does it matter if I or my family die, the only thing that would scare me is the second death but I am at peace with God so I have no worries there.
Why are you so afraid of death Rick that you would violate something which is sacred and not yours to take.
Me? I've never owned a gun. I've never even shot a real gun. I may not ever own a gun. I have no desire to own a gun. With that said, you guys have some of the most ridiculous arguments against somebody owning a gun if he wants.
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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by Philip »

To echo Rick, I'm not a gun guy - although I have three pistols, they were all given to me. I've hardly ever shot guns. I've only been hunting - once. While I know how to handle a gun and fire it, safely, I'm not terribly comfortable in holding them. I have enormous respect for them. But the idea that I wouldn't be defenseless if someone ever tried to break in makes me feel better. I do know that if you pull a gun, you may not have any time for hesitation. And until about two years ago, I had NEVER even owned a gun.

Also, I would say a gun is not typically useful if one doesn't have a good alarm system and if he doesn't keep his doors and windows locked. And when asleep, that alarm system should be ARMED. As if you don't see, hear or have prior warning that an (especially ARMED) intruder has breached your home and he comes in on you by surprise, then a gun will likely do you little good. And it needs to be loaded and available for quick access (and yet safe from kids).
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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

RickD wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Did God step in with violence to save his son, no he didn't.
Let me make sure I'm understanding this correctly...you are equating Christ, who willingly gave His life for the sins of the world, with somebody defending his family from a drugged out home invader?
If someone was going to kill me and my family I would do my best through non violent means to stop it but I would attempt to kill. I am not afraid of death, what does it matter if I or my family die, the only thing that would scare me is the second death but I am at peace with God so I have no worries there.
Why are you so afraid of death Rick that you would violate something which is sacred and not yours to take.
Me? I've never owned a gun. I've never even shot a real gun. I may not ever own a gun. I have no desire to own a gun. With that said, you guys have some of the most ridiculous arguments against somebody owning a gun if he wants.
I have no issue with owning guns, not sure how you got that. What I do have an issue is with the types of guns and the reasons for owning them and lack if any regulations. What I also take issue with is using violence against violence and I think your arguments for them are ridicules. :roll:
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by Philip »

What I also take issue with is using violence against violence and I think your arguments for them are ridicules. :roll:
Daniel, while I think I can see where you are coming from, you should realize that yours is a personal view and not a Biblical one. The following offers a series of Biblical snapshots over the issues of God's instructions related to self defense and weapons: http://www.biblicalselfdefense.com/
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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by Gman »

Ultimately, I believe, a believers true weapon are his/her words.

2 Corinthians 10:3-6 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 6 And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.

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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Philip wrote:
What I also take issue with is using violence against violence and I think your arguments for them are ridicules. :roll:
Daniel, while I think I can see where you are coming from, you should realize that yours is a personal view and not a Biblical one. The following offers a series of Biblical snapshots over the issues of God's instructions related to self defense and weapons: http://www.biblicalselfdefense.com/

I have read many counter articles to these types of justifications, it doesn't prove anything, if your saying my view is not Biblical then your isn't either as I can justify mine with the Bible also. :shakehead:
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by Philip »

Daniel: I have read many counter articles to these types of justifications, it doesn't prove anything, if your saying my view is not Biblical then your isn't either as I can justify mine with the Bible also. :shakehead:
Daniel, yes, people can spin Scripture to "prove" what they desire it to. But the examples in the link are clear in their meanings - with specific examples and of appropriate contexts. That you don't believe them to mean what they say because of your personal beliefs isn't a proper way to interpret Scripture. As these specific passages contradict what you assert to be true. Show me where a few of them are wrong - by your assertions. And I can guarantee you cannot show that using force - even necessary violence - to protect one's family is not supported by Scripture. And the only way you can use to support your viewpoint would be to take verses out of their context. Show us differently. With what you assert about no violence having a moral place, I'm guessing you have significant issues with many OT passages.
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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Philip wrote:
Daniel: I have read many counter articles to these types of justifications, it doesn't prove anything, if your saying my view is not Biblical then your isn't either as I can justify mine with the Bible also. :shakehead:
Daniel, yes, people can spin Scripture to "prove" what they desire it to. But the examples in the link are clear in their meanings - with specific examples and of appropriate contexts. That you don't believe them to mean what they say because of your personal beliefs isn't a proper way to interpret Scripture. As these specific passages contradict what you assert to be true. Show me where a few of them are wrong - by your assertions. And I can guarantee you cannot show that using force - even necessary violence - to protect one's family is not supported by Scripture. And the only way you can use to support your viewpoint would be to take verses out of their context. Show us differently. With what you assert about no violence having a moral place, I'm guessing you have significant issues with many OT passages.

You entitled to your opinion Phillip, I just don't share it. All you have is your interpretation and I have mine, I am not going to sit here and type pages of material as most of it is easily accessible on the net and if you are unable to use Google that's not my problem. I have RSI so I am not going to continue, you are able to research yourself as I have done, I am convinced in my own mind that I am called by scripture to nonviolent action and you are convinced that violence is the answer and this is where the conversation ends, but you are free to continue to say things about my position which arn't true but I am also free to ignore you. :wave:
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by Philip »

Daniel, I'm truly not trying to be disrespectful.
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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by Danieltwotwenty »

Philip wrote:Daniel, I'm truly not trying to be disrespectful.
I know Phillip, it's all good mate. I just don't see the point of debating the issue, there are good arguments for both sides and as with all topics people fundamentally just want to be right, even myself, it is very statistically rare that anyone ever changes their mind based on someone's argument, they have to reach their own conclusions on their own through their own research. Like the whole creation debate, it's a complete joke and a waste of time, people just think their right and everyone walks away angry and self righteous. I try to take my lead from Christ and that is all I can do, what I have learned however is that when I have gone against my convictions when my family was being put under threat and I lashed out violently it always ended up making a bad situation worse, not only for myself but also for my family and the aggressors. Violence only begets violence, it is a continual cycle that can only be broken by love and self sacrifice. That is my position which is based on Christ, scripture, life experience and the convictions of the spirit.
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever.Amen.
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Re: Oregon School Shooting

Post by neo-x »

Jac3510 wrote:I appreciate the apology, neo, but none is really necessary. I would simply put the same scenario to you I've put to everyone else. If someone is about to shoot your family member and you could stop them with a gun, would you do it? If not, then I just say that you are deeply morally confused.

And yes, I CAN spiritually justify killing someone. I have a moral obligation to protect both my life and the lives of my loved ones. I'm not a pacifist. I find pacifism deeply unChristian (see, again, the article by Lewis I referred to earlier). If the only way to protect them is by the use of deadly force, then deadly force is justified. The principle is called the law of double effect.

I'm sorry for your losses, too. I hope the people responsible were brought to justice. I hope next time that you or one of your loved ones are in danger, you'll be blessed enough to be able to protect them. I simply ask that you don't try forbid me from protecting my family, because if it comes down to it, there is no neutral ground here. You are either on my side or you are on the rapist's side. Either you are going to hand me the gun so that I can protect myself or you are going to withhold it from me and allow my daughter to suffer that fate. If you put yourself in the latter camp, then not only is an apology necessary, but so is repentance.
Before I begin, let me say that:
1. I write with no ill will or heated debate etc. And I understand what you feel, I have been through it too. And I don't mean to make it light of it, it is not.

2. I am familiar with Lewis's essay and am I am not impressed. Though Lewis remains one of my best writer. However since that was years ago I refreshed my memory by going through it again. My conclusion remains the same, and I disagree with Lewis.

Now Christ taught Jews under cruelty and oppression of the brutal roman laws and customs, that you must forgive your enemies. Romans used to unjustly have the Jews carry huge loads over great distances, Christ said if one takes you far you go farther. Why do you suppose he said those things when by some, Christ was not a pacifistic nor were his teachings?

I wonder if Paul had been assassinated by a group of Christians, whom he was obviously persecuting? Do you suppose that would be a justifiable killing?

And I find you wrong on the spiritual matter Jac. Sure I will give you the gun and I have no right to stop you either nor I am doing that. And I might reach for the gun myself if I am in the same situation as you put.

But there is no way this can be justified spiritually without rejecting the core message of the Gospel. That we should forgive those who persecute us, harm us, oppress us.

And there is also no neutral ground here, either you project God's love and forgiveness or you don't, which he commanded us to do.

But let me give you something real not a hypothetical, and I didn't want to share this but now I am putting it down only because I think you need to also see where I am coming from, its neither pacifism not cowardice. Some time earlier three enraged and armed Muslim men entered my home, got my father outside they were furious because their brother had come to Christ through us. They beat my father, slapped him, shoved him down in the ground. Where I was standing, there was my brother hunting rifle just two steps away from me to my left. They threatened to kill my dad and my family.

My bro's rifle is single barrel. I thought I could shoot one person if I moved quickly, but in the end I didn't. You know why? not because it was not worth it. No. But because I knew that my father would not want me too, even if they killed him. How could he preach to others, love and forgiveness of God when he himself can't follow it or show it?

If he killed then I don't see how he could keep a straight face and talk about all that the gospel preaches. It will be hollow and superficial.

But apart from that, lets say, we do stop a rapist by killing him. Then I think we would be answerable to God. If my daughter or sister is the one suffering this act, I'd intervene, by force, beat the guy, with an inch of his life probably, but no I won't kill him. So don't mistake my attitude with pacifism I am not a tree hugger but I also believe in this "forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."

Jac, if lets say Paul and Peter, two of churches highest heads, tried to rape a girl, would I still be justified if I killed them?

The rapist could be anybody Jac, your president, your mom, my dad, my brother. You could be a rapist too, so could I. So are we justified in killing in every such instance?

Someone tried to rape me when I was a kid, do you think killing him is justified because he has two small kids to raise too?

I propose this isn't as black and white as one would think.

Spiritually you are no more the master of life of another or your own faults than the person you are about to kill. You can cast the first stone jac, but you better be sinless that is the only way you are justified...and that is equal to playing God.

Also since we are discussing this, why do you think that the early church was EXCLUSIVELY non-violent and non retaliatory?

According to you, is the term "christian-pacifist" an oxymoron?
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