bippy123 is needing your prayers again

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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by Philip »

Bip, you, your dad, your mom have all been in my prayers. And you and your parents are in God's hands - and He knows exactly what He's doing. Still praying for miraculous healing for you all. You've had a lot on you my friend, and your incredibly positive attitude and constant encouragement have been a powerful witness to those on this forum. May God bless you as we all continue to lift you up. It's hard to understand these things, and in them and through them, we simply must trust and keep praising God.

I'll PM you soon - my response to yours.

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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by DRDS »

I love you bro, hang in there, everyone here is praying for you. And I"m going to spend all day tomorrow praying for you. GB you for everything you have done for me and for everything you have done for everyone here, you are by far one of the kindest and greatest individuals I have ever met in my life. I'm so grateful just to have these interactions with you on the web. You have helped me so much and I'm always here for you bro. God bless.
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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by bippy123 »

Philip wrote:Bip, you, your dad, your mom have all been in my prayers. And you and your parents are in God's hands - and He knows exactly what He's doing. Still praying for miraculous healing for you all. You've had a lot on you my friend, and your incredibly positive attitude and constant encouragement have been a powerful witness to those on this forum. May God bless you as we all continue to lift you up. It's hard to understand these things, and in them and through them, we simply must trust and keep praising God.

I'll PM you soon - my response to yours.

Thank you so Much for the kinds words Philip. I just came back from the hospital and it is looking very bad for my dad. He failed his swallow test, and he has cancer throughout his bones. I saw him but he wasn't awake, and and I gave him kisses on his shoulder and told him that he is my angel and I love him so much. He is the best Christian man I know ( he is non denominational) . He is my father, brother and best friend all rolled into one. I loved watching silent movies with him. I know that im gonna have to make the toughest decision of my life soon. He told me if he ever was in a state where he couldn't be helped anymore he told me he wanted me to let him go to be with our lord :(

Thank you so much Philip, im sure my dad would have loved you and everyone else on this forum.
God bless u all and thank you for being here :)
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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by bippy123 »

DRDS wrote:I love you bro, hang in there, everyone here is praying for you. And I"m going to spend all day tomorrow praying for you. GB you for everything you have done for me and for everything you have done for everyone here, you are by far one of the kindest and greatest individuals I have ever met in my life. I'm so grateful just to have these interactions with you on the web. You have helped me so much and I'm always here for you bro. God bless.
No bro you are wrong, it is my honor and pleasure to know you. I told you bro u have a quality that God blessed you with most and that is a great Heart. When Christ picked his apostles he picked them because they were pure of heart. This is what I see in you bro, don't ever lose this gift that the good lord has given you in abundance. I am very lucky to have you as a friend and im very lucky and blessed to know all the people on this forum. Your zeal and love for the lord is amazing and im drawn to it like a magnet.
If you guys ever need anything just ask
God bless you bro :)
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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by 1over137 »

Bippy, one day our dad with be with the Lord and one day you will be there with him y@};-
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by bippy123 »

1over137 wrote:Bippy, one day our dad with be with the Lord and one day you will be there with him y@};-
You are so right my friend, It is the one day I look forward to with all my heart. He was such a simple , down to good earth Good hearted man. Just give him his oranges and soccer on sunday and he was a happy camper. 2 days ago I came into the hospital and told him I loved Pops (him) very much and he said " I love you to Bobby" and when I heard that it was like a choir of angels sang to my heart and I cried tears of joy. :amen:
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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by Philip »

Bob, just take comfort in the fact that, when his time comes, the day your dad takes his first step off the planet will be the best day he has EVER had. He'll be in the very presence of the Lord. And in terms of eternity, the time of missing him will be but a blink of the eye. How blessed is the man to have a loyal and loving son like you! And so a time will come when you'll have no less time to enjoy adventures with your dad. And so perhaps one day we can all plan a trip with our dads to become mutually acquainted, amidst the splendor of God's beauty. Our destiny as believers is wonderful, how could anyone not desire it?

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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by bippy123 »

Philip wrote:Bob, just take comfort in the fact that, when his time comes, the day your dad takes his first step off the planet will be the best day he has EVER had. He'll be in the very presence of the Lord. And in terms of eternity, the time of missing him will be but a blink of the eye. How blessed is the man to have a loyal and loving son like you! And so a time will come when you'll have no less time to enjoy adventures with your dad. And so perhaps one day we can all plan a trip with our dads to become mutually acquainted, amidst the splendor of God's beauty. Our destiny as believers is wonderful, how could anyone not desire it?

Thank you so much Philip, the thought of one day being reunited with him for all eternity is the thing that gives me consolation right now. My older brother doesn't want me to make any decision on Dad right now for a week or 2 until he flies over from Washington. The first thing I do when I get there is hug Jesus and tell him thanks for giving me the graces during the oughest of times to hold onto him and then im gonna find my dad and hug him and never let the little guy go.

Philip , Thank you so much doe being here, you are truly a heart felt servant of our Lord :)
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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by RickD »


I feel for you my friend. Hang in there. Take comfort in knowing all his troubles will be over soon, and he will be with The Lord.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by bippy123 »

RickD wrote:Bippy,

I feel for you my friend. Hang in there. Take comfort in knowing all his troubles will be over soon, and he will be with The Lord.
Rick thank you so much my friend, This is the only thing that brings me comfort right now. I know he misses my grandpa very much. I just dont want to see him suffer right now . My older bro said not to do anything until he flies over and we talk more. He still holds out a sliver of hope, but my fear is of the pain caused by the cancer as well and to respect my dads wishes. We talked about this day many times before and he said if he is unware of his surroundings or cant do things for himself anymore to to let him go. I still pray and hope for a miracle, but let the Lords will be done.

In my 46 years of life I have never been separated from My pop for more then a few days. We were inseperable and did everything together. He had a simplistic beautifull Faith In God that shined in his actions. Just give him his soccer, family and banana and bread sandwich on sundays and he was good to go. When My analytical Mind was out of control he would bring me down to earth with a joke and a hug.

Its so hard because my flesh side misses him so much, but my heart and soul wants the best for him. What can be better then being with Jesus in heaven for all eternity. I dont know of anything else better.

Still holding on, but accepting the lords will , whatever it may be
After all Christ's eternal love in heaven is the ultimate goal of all Christians
I wish he would take us all now, but that is my selfish side speaking :)
Thanks again Rick, if you ever need someone to talk to you have a friend here
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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by DRDS »

Heavenly Father please be with bippy123 and let him feel and sense your love and peace. Protect him from anyone that is trying to make things worse on him. Overall, let your will be done in regards to his dad, but if any way possible Father, please please heal him and make him well. Either way, please love and comfort bippy123 during this time, let every fiber of his being be saturated in your love, peace, safety and grace. Thank you so much for being with him in times past, thank you so much just for creating him and allowing him to be in our lives and the many great things he has done for us. Please hold him close to your heart and let him know that you are always with him. Thank you Lord in the name of Christ I pray, Amen.
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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by bippy123 »

DRDS wrote:Heavenly Father please be with bippy123 and let him feel and sense your love and peace. Protect him from anyone that is trying to make things worse on him. Overall, let your will be done in regards to his dad, but if any way possible Father, please please heal him and make him well. Either way, please love and comfort bippy123 during this time, let every fiber of his being be saturated in your love, peace, safety and grace. Thank you so much for being with him in times past, thank you so much just for creating him and allowing him to be in our lives and the many great things he has done for us. Please hold him close to your heart and let him know that you are always with him. Thank you Lord in the name of Christ I pray, Amen.
Thank you so much bro, if you were here id give you a big hug, your an absolute angel. My dad was about to be transferred to a nursing facility today that seemed very open to alternative treatments (like medical cannibas etc) but before they could transfer him he started having trouble breathing and I was called in as he was put in ICU. When they finally let me in to see him I could barely hold back my tears. I knelt down beside his bed and kissed all 10 of his toes. It just seems like the good lord wants my angel dad now. My heart feels like it has a huge hole ripped through it. My greatest consolation was that my dad was no longer angry with God anymore over my mom's stroke and over what a priest tried to do to him when he was a kid back in Lebanon.

My aunt about 4 days ago showed him a picture ofJesus and asked him if he recognized him. He said yes , it was jesus Christ the messiah, his savior and he kissed the picture and smiled. When my aunt told me this yesterday I balled like a baby with tears of Joy :) . I am comfortable knowing that my dad will be with our lord and my grandfather for eternity :).

Today as I stood in line picking up a double cheeseburger for my younger bro, an older gentleman saw me and asked if I loved the lord> I said with all my heart and we struck a friendship. Turned out that he didn't find Christ until he was 53 years old and before that he had done every sin you could count on. We had a very long talk (while my brothers burger got cold :mrgreen: ), and I ended up making a great friend. His story reminded me of the parable of the lost sheep that the shepard rejoiced so much over finding and I told him that. I just had a feeling that I was supposed to be there at that moment and I had a feeling my dad was smiling. I cant explain how. Just a sense I had.

Please pray for his Friend Kenny who has been irreligious for quite some time but is one of the nicest guys you can find :)

Please pray that the lord will heal my broken heart. My Dad was my best friend.
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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by RickD »

I'm so sorry Bippy.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by neo-x »

God be with you brother. I don't have much words but If I could, a big hug to you. God's grace is shown in our weakness and in our grief. Your father would be so much better now. Let that peace give you comfort.
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Re: bippy123 is needing your prayers again

Post by PaulSacramento »

bippy123 wrote:
DRDS wrote:Heavenly Father please be with bippy123 and let him feel and sense your love and peace. Protect him from anyone that is trying to make things worse on him. Overall, let your will be done in regards to his dad, but if any way possible Father, please please heal him and make him well. Either way, please love and comfort bippy123 during this time, let every fiber of his being be saturated in your love, peace, safety and grace. Thank you so much for being with him in times past, thank you so much just for creating him and allowing him to be in our lives and the many great things he has done for us. Please hold him close to your heart and let him know that you are always with him. Thank you Lord in the name of Christ I pray, Amen.
Thank you so much bro, if you were here id give you a big hug, your an absolute angel. My dad was about to be transferred to a nursing facility today that seemed very open to alternative treatments (like medical cannibas etc) but before they could transfer him he started having trouble breathing and I was called in as he was put in ICU. When they finally let me in to see him I could barely hold back my tears. I knelt down beside his bed and kissed all 10 of his toes. It just seems like the good lord wants my angel dad now. My heart feels like it has a huge hole ripped through it. My greatest consolation was that my dad was no longer angry with God anymore over my mom's stroke and over what a priest tried to do to him when he was a kid back in Lebanon.

My aunt about 4 days ago showed him a picture ofJesus and asked him if he recognized him. He said yes , it was jesus Christ the messiah, his savior and he kissed the picture and smiled. When my aunt told me this yesterday I balled like a baby with tears of Joy :) . I am comfortable knowing that my dad will be with our lord and my grandfather for eternity :).

Today as I stood in line picking up a double cheeseburger for my younger bro, an older gentleman saw me and asked if I loved the lord> I said with all my heart and we struck a friendship. Turned out that he didn't find Christ until he was 53 years old and before that he had done every sin you could count on. We had a very long talk (while my brothers burger got cold :mrgreen: ), and I ended up making a great friend. His story reminded me of the parable of the lost sheep that the shepard rejoiced so much over finding and I told him that. I just had a feeling that I was supposed to be there at that moment and I had a feeling my dad was smiling. I cant explain how. Just a sense I had.

Please pray for his Friend Kenny who has been irreligious for quite some time but is one of the nicest guys you can find :)

Please pray that the lord will heal my broken heart. My Dad was my best friend.

As some here know my dad passed away on April 12 of this year.
It is bittersweet because I am glad he is free of that accursed disease he had ( ALS) and that his spirit is with Our Lord BUT I miss him terribly at times.
We can take comfort in knowing that the spirit of our loved ones return to God and that they are at peace immersed in HIS love, a love that we can only begin to imagine, a love so perfect, so all encompassing that they lack nothing and are more fulfilled then ever before.

You are in my prayers my friend :)
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