Hyper Grace

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Hyper Grace

Post by B. W. »

There are several new waves of teaching within the body of Christ that are subverting sound Christian Doctrine and replacing Christian Theology with peculiar modes of thinking. I will address a few of these in the Theology Thread here on this Forum for discussion and comment.

Next is Hyper Grace movement.

Got Questions Defines Hyper Grace as follows
The term hyper-grace has been used to describe a new wave of teaching that emphasizes the grace of God to the exclusion of other vital teachings such as repentance and confession of sin. Hyper-grace teachers maintain that all sin, past, present, and future, has already been forgiven, so there is no need for a believer to ever confess it. Hyper-grace teaching says that, when God looks at us, He sees only a holy and righteous people. The conclusion of hyper-grace teaching is that we are not bound by Jesus’ teaching, even as we are not under the Law; that believers are not responsible for their sin; and that anyone who disagrees is a Pharisaical legalist...

Got Questions Link Quote
Hyper Grace is a legalistic form of Grace and taking God's Grace to an extreme that the bible does not go concerning God's Grace. Yes, God's Grace is free and forgives and covers all sin's of Christians and that is a biblical truth that cannot be denied. Here is where Hyper Grace advocates captures a person and goes beyond God's free salvific gift, taking it beyond the pages of the bible. In fact, what Jesus mentions in Luke 24:46,47 is not adhered too. If you mention what Jesus said in Matthew 28:20 or Luke 24:47 you are condemned by such advocates as an legalistic heretic that teaches a works based salvation and are thus shouted down with ridicule from even bringing up the words of Jesus Christ or Paul, or Peter, John, Hebrews, or James on this matter. For those that teach such, salvation involves mental consent as faith and 'happy' feelings as fact that one has Grace and not works.

Hyper Grace came about as a revolt against the abuses and extremes from the old Holiness movement imposed during 20'th Century. Hyper Grace folks do this with a legalistic vengeance that astounds me personally! Mention the Lordship of Jesus Christ in a crowded theater full of Hyper Grace folks and see what happens! Very little grace shown!

Have you run across the influences of Hyper Grace?

How is it affecting the local and Christian Church today?

Truth is, God's grace produces life transforming Faith in God that leads one to obey God as child to parent. In Hyper Grace extremes, such obedience is an option to ignore, not the Goal of Grace...
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Re: Hyper Grace

Post by SeekingSanctuary »

I disagree with part of your defined definition. I've read a lot by Paul Ellis on his site (he's a retired Ultragrace pastor who keeps up a blog call escapetoreality) and watched two biblestudies from an Ultragrace church located in California. For starters
-Ultragrace is divided some what on confessing sins to God.
-Strictly speaking, they believe a true Christian does follow the teachings of Christ out of love for Christ not because of a need.

I actually do recommend some stuff on Paul Ellis's site. He is a great writer and I'm sure you'll find an article or two you'll agree with. In fact you sounded like him in your post describing peopling obeying God like a parent does a child via love. HOWEVER they have a lot of junk, too. I've seen them talk about laying on hands and healing people (Andrew Wommack), Dream Interpretation (True Grace Church, California, don't know the speaker's name), and speaking in tongues (Paul Ellis mentioned it).

I'm curious what you're experience is. You sound like you are talking about a slightly different group then I've encountered. Still, you're spot on when it comes to the condemnation part, they really do view Christianity as black and white, them and everyone else. However I didn't understand this sentence
For those that teach such, salvation involves mental consent as faith and 'happy' feelings as fact that one has Grace and not works.
Could you reword that for me?
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Re: Hyper Grace

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SeekingSanctuary wrote:I disagree with part of your defined definition. I've read a lot by Paul Ellis on his site (he's a retired Ultragrace pastor who keeps up a blog call escapetoreality) and watched two biblestudies from an Ultragrace church located in California. For starters
-Ultragrace is divided some what on confessing sins to God.
-Strictly speaking, they believe a true Christian does follow the teachings of Christ out of love for Christ not because of a need.

I actually do recommend some stuff on Paul Ellis's site. He is a great writer and I'm sure you'll find an article or two you'll agree with. In fact you sounded like him in your post describing peopling obeying God like a parent does a child via love. HOWEVER they have a lot of junk, too. I've seen them talk about laying on hands and healing people (Andrew Wommack), Dream Interpretation (True Grace Church, California, don't know the speaker's name), and speaking in tongues (Paul Ellis mentioned it).

I'm curious what you're experience is. You sound like you are talking about a slightly different group then I've encountered. Still, you're spot on when it comes to the condemnation part, they really do view Christianity as black and white, them and everyone else. However I didn't understand this sentence
For those that teach such, salvation involves mental consent as faith and 'happy' feelings as fact that one has Grace and not works.
Could you reword that for me?
The point of these threads is to open dialogue and have others respond however they will and discuss the topics I am being to the forefront. So with that, these are for the members of the forum to discuss among each other more than dialogue with me.

As for the sentence: "For those that teach such, salvation involves mental consent as faith and 'happy' feelings as fact that one has Grace and not works."

I was trying to be gracious and respectful as this can open a can of worms. Basically what I meant is how salvation comes by intellectually agreeing with the the tenets of salvation spoken of in the New Testament and one is saved. Personal salvation is based on an intellectual level of faith rather than the radical life transforming personal faith. When applies to Hyper Grace, included is a feeling of happy relief that one no longer lives by hyper holiness models so ones intellectual faith has a substance to it - an emotion - feeling. This does not last too long when the pains of life sweep in or when the Lord begins cleaning you up inside. Also often, I notice that Hyper Grace leads to abuses of the gifts of the Holy Spirit or their neglect. Both of these I'll explain more on latter. Hope this helps.
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Re: Hyper Grace

Post by B. W. »

One of the forms of Hyper Grace teaching spins off into this concept concerning love.

As you read the account of the Fall in Genesis chapter three, the devil entices with half truths. Half truths are still falsehoods nevertheless. Hyper Grace leads into this as well. It takes a truth concerning God's love and grace and stretches it into a 'Has God not said' area. What do I mean then?

It is the, 'God loves everyone' approach that makes the primary focus" that: we must never condemn as God would never condemn but love everyone into the Kingdom. After all, it is the goodness of God the leads to repentance, therefore, we just love and accept everyone. All that condemnation about eternal judgment must cease because God will never condemn anyone. Repentance is a dirty word and has no place in evangelizing the lost.

The above illustration illustrates the deceptiveness of this teaching. John 16:8-11 is ignored or re-translated. Everything about Christianity is taught as all lollipops and roses and spins off into seeking emotional highs. The Holy Spirit's governing influence is left out. Any mention of his influence is condemned as being works salvation oriented and thus rejected. From several comments here, I see that folks have not encounter this style of teaching, that is yet. Please note, that what I mean by hyper grace is that it is not biblical grace as taught form the bible. It takes truths about grace and spins off into an area that avoids the governing influence of the Holy Spirit united with the Word. Instead, people ignore this and parrot the teachers and phrases of the teachers of the Hyper-Grace above the Lord's.

We can thank the Hyper Legalsit teachings for spurring this Hyper Grace-ness to its extremes. It is a re-action to the legalist. Both these weaken folks, so be aware when you hear the Hyper Grace teachings and please avoid falling for it as it leaves out the governing influence of the Holy Spirit united with the Word in exchange for motivations by human feelings and happy phenomenon. I have seen how the Kundalini influence easily captures the Hyper Grace movement. So please be aware!
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