Am I wrong?Prodigal Son wrote:bizzt:
okayyes however weed is a relaxant.
What I am trying to say is doing Drugs no matter if it is Marjuana or Cocaine you are still putting something in your Body that Effects your Mind. Do you not see the problems that would create in a person? As does Alcohol if you abuse it.
Not at all it is not about Pressure but it is about the exposure of Sin. Just as Alcohol is legalized and even getting Drunk is legalized! However being Drunk does what? It limits your motor Functions, Makes you look and act like an Idiot!! (Not Christ Like), I could go on and you get the point! Pot however has some of the same implications! Affects your motor Functions, it affects your mind and ability to comprehend. So saying as a Christian that you think it should be legalized is basically saying that the problems that it causes are ok as well!Prodigal Son wrote: that's cool. so don't drink and don't smoke out. and hopefully you don't feel any pressure from me to do either just because i think weed should be legal and alcohol should stay legal. if you were pressured, i'd be a little worried.
So you have no problems with the legalization of Homosexual Marriage, and no problems with the legalization of Pot. So if the Government legalized Cocaine or Heroin would that be ok with you? The Bible should be the Clear Picture not what the Government OR what your opinion is. There are always 3 sides to the Story 2 opinions and the Truth. The Truth is the Bible and the Bible says Homosexua Acts are a Sin! Period!Prodigal Son wrote: me, i be burnin' not concernin' what nobody gotta say...recognize it; legalize it. well, actually, i haven't smoked since i became christian (soon to be one year!); am trying to stop drinking. but those, again, are decisions between each person and God.
That is why I tried to lean my last bit towards the TopicProdigal Son wrote: oh yeah, this is a homosexuality thread, you know?