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Re: Aliens

Post by Starhunter »

neo-x wrote:pitchpatching verses doesn't make any any science any more relevant. And by ascribing such fantasy to it, you are basically insulting the scriptures. Aliens, secret tech, are you watching more tv than needed?
Did you study those texts and come up with anything?
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Re: Aliens

Post by neo-x »

Yeah, dramatic verses with ambiguity running through them. Some poetic metaphors and hyperbole combined.

You're missing the point.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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Re: Aliens

Post by Starhunter »

Remember God spoke these words to Job, and He was not trying to bamboozle him.

God was talking to Job about what he already knew. If you read the conversations/ speeches of his friends, it is obvious that they had discussions about these things, with the exception that his friends were more interested in the power of God in nature rather than His Sovereignty.

The point I am making is that there are forces in nature that cannot be known by people because they are in denial of anything that they cannot explain by 'science' falsely called, and what they cannot see. This makes them vulnerable to games Satan can play if he is allowed to by God. And it also means that they are totally clueless about what is thought to be "aliens from other planets."

By giving you a couple of texts in Job, does not give you anything, it's not helping you to learn at all because it is too difficult first up, except it shows that you may not know and that you may be wrong by saying that others don't know.
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Re: Aliens

Post by acid1103 »

I, like most of you, believe that a demon could certainly disguise itself as an alien, if there were something for Satan to gain. I have a friend who claims to have been abducted, and I can vouch for him that he is an intelligent, sane human being. He also claims to have witnessed "shadow people," with sinister-looking eyes.

My friend is not a Christian and lives a very secular life. He appears to be deep in sin, and it's only by chance that he told me of these things. Looking at his life from my perspective, I am 100% certain that the "aliens" and "shadow people" are delusions fabricated by Satan. The reason I am so certain is because it's working (from Satan's point of view.)

The thing about my friend's situation, however, is that he has never been a Christian. He has never believed in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, or God. (He does claim to be Shintoistic, but he lives like an athiest, and I think his Shintoism is just another delusion.)

That said, my point is this: those of us who are true Christians and who truly believe the Bible will be unaffected by ANYTHING Satan tries to throw our way, and there's countless examples of that in Scripture.
"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?"
"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
"Some boast in chariots and some in horses, But we will boast in the name of the LORD, our God. They have bowed down and fallen, But we have risen and stood upright."

I sometimes try to look at things from God's perspective. (I know I'm incapable of comprehending God's perspective, and I will never be equal to God, in any way. Just to clarify...) Obviously I never achieve my goal, but in my attempts I realize some things. God is our all powerful, all knowing creator. If we trust in Him and stop worrying about aliens, we might (notice, I said might) get further than we're getting now. We need to stop worrying about petty things and start listening to and obeying God.

What does it matter if Satan makes an army of "aliens" who swoop down and try to convince the world that they're angels (or whatever other stuff has been suggested here..) If we seek GOD rather than then world, He will reveal himself to us! Therefore, it will be no mystery to us as to whether or not the "aliens" are evil.

God is the way, the truth, and the life, and if we know the truth then we also know what's false. Don't lose sight of that.
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Re: Aliens

Post by Lonewolf »

I do believe that there is a high percentage of Christians who believe in aliens., having spoken on the subject with many Christians around me, both in the workplace and in my daily friends and family surroundings routine, the way most of them look at it is really quite simple, they think God could of created many other worlds. They never really think much about questions like if God created other worlds with other creatures similar to men, per say, are they then also made in the image of God, and are they too given a gospel and a promise like we have? Is there a repetition of the garden of Eden all over the universe?., all those questions that must be answered if we are to believe in what the Bible says about our unique relationship with God are not factored in., So, what would the adversary gain by convincing the world of alien life from other physically created worlds? if the adversary convinces mankind that such exist, then truly man would set his faith in that alien life, as opposed to God's redemptive work., man would readily accept a new tower of babel in this new technological age., man will be more ready to accept aliens as the saviors of this world and place whatever is left of Christ into the recycle bin.
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Re: Aliens

Post by neo-x »

I have seen ghosts demons, etc...I haven't seen aliens yet.
It would be a blessing if they missed the cairns and got lost on the way back. Or if
the Thing on the ice got them tonight.

I could only turn and stare in horror at the chief surgeon.
Death by starvation is a terrible thing, Goodsir, continued Stanley.
And with that we went below to the flame-flickering Darkness of the lower deck
and to a cold almost the equal of the Dante-esque Ninth Circle Arctic Night

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Re: Aliens

Post by Philip »

These are separate questions:

1) Do aliens exist somewhere in our universe?

2) Have aliens EVER existed in our universe?

3) Have aliens ever existed in other or previous universes?

4) Are any existing alien lifeforms intelligent beings like ourselves or are they just primitive biological life?

5) Have aliens been visiting earth?

The answers to numbers 1-4 are unknown. God has ALWAYS existed. Our universe's mere 14 billion years is but a few minutes on God's eternal timeline. We know from Scripture that He is always active and that He takes great delight in creating amazing things. So who knows what universes He may have created in other dimensions or that He created prior to our universe - that still exist or may no longer exist. We just don't know! The Bible is silent about that. And yes we are unique and God has planned a unique eternity with us. But God is also OMNIPRESENT - so, what does that suggest about other possible creatures in other places? We don't know! We are so human, earth and our universe focused that we always think that ALL God has physically created has only had to do with us and our universe. And even our universe is plenty vast enough to hide alien civilizations from us. But the limits and castastrophic realities of the physics and dangers of our universe strongly suggest that (#5) no aliens have been visiting us.
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Re: Aliens

Post by Byblos »

neo-x wrote:I have seen ghosts demons, etc...I haven't seen aliens yet.
A recent article (I'll try to look it up) claims that NASA will find extra-terrestrial life forms within a decade or 2. I'm hoping I will have retired by then, the line at the social security office will be outta this world. :mrgreen:
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Re: Aliens

Post by PaulSacramento »

Byblos wrote:
neo-x wrote:I have seen ghosts demons, etc...I haven't seen aliens yet.
A recent article (I'll try to look it up) claims that NASA will find extra-terrestrial life forms within a decade or 2. I'm hoping I will have retired by then, the line at the social security office will be outta this world. :mrgreen:
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Re: Aliens

Post by RickD »

I wonder if extraterrestrial aliens will come to the US to get free stuff, just like the human aliens. y:-?

E.T. May be getting free cheese with his Reese's Pieces.
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Re: Aliens

Post by Philip »

I wonder if extraterrestrial aliens will come to the US to get free stuff, just like the human aliens. y:-?

E.T. May be getting free cheese with his Reese's Pieces.
Here's what may become interesting - all those liberals who profess to being sincerely concerned with plight of poor people in this country (those who truly need and deserve financial and medical help by the government), I wonder what will happen when they realize that by supporting the invasion of illegals, that the resulting invasion is also overwhelming our system, and thus this will severly hurt America's truly needy. There are only finite resources and benefits available to go around. And so the very people our benefits and medical resources are designed to help will be greatly diminished by an influx of illegals. And what incentive does Mexico have to deal with their vast poverty and the related social issues if it's leaders know they can just keep dumping the poor over the border? When will the usual suspects (who often support politics that only perpetuates generational poverty) suddenly realize the alien invasion is hurting the very ones they have long championed. Don't get me wrong there ARE many people who truly need aid and help, who for a variety of reasons sincerely need it. But we're not gonna solve OUR problems if we also take on the problems of another country. And it's all driven by politics - as WHICH party do you think is most rubbing its hands together over a new demographic they can most successfully pander to?

And what will happen after the first group of terrorists stage an attack and are proven to have easily entered the country with Mexican illegals crossing the border?
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Re: Aliens

Post by Philip »

I wonder if extraterrestrial aliens will come to the US to get free stuff, just like the human aliens. y:-?

E.T. May be getting free cheese with his Reese's Pieces.
Here's what may become interesting - all those liberals who profess to being sincerely concerned with plight of poor people in this country (those who truly need and deserve financial and medical help by the government), I wonder what will happen when they realize that by supporting the invasion of illegals, that the resulting invasion is also overwhelming our system, and thus this will severly hurt America's truly needy. There are only finite resources and benefits available to go around. And so the very people our benefits and medical resources are designed to help will be greatly diminished by an influx of illegals. And what incentive does Mexico have to deal with their vast poverty and the related social issues if it's leaders know they can just keep dumping the poor over the border? When will the usual suspects (who often support politics that only perpetuates generational poverty) suddenly realize the alien invasion is hurting the very ones they have long championed. Don't get me wrong there ARE many people who truly need aid and help, who for a variety of reasons sincerely need it. But we're not gonna solve OUR problems if we also take on the problems of another country. And it's all driven by politics - as WHICH party do you think is most rubbing its hands together over a new demographic they can most successfully pander to?

And what will happen after the first group of terrorists stage an attack and are proven to have easily entered the country with Mexican illegals crossing the border?

Yes, I know :shijacked: But it's better than an entire country being hijacked by liberal anarchists!
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Re: Aliens

Post by Lonewolf »

Philip wrote:
I wonder if extraterrestrial aliens will come to the US to get free stuff, just like the human aliens. y:-?

E.T. May be getting free cheese with his Reese's Pieces.
Here's what may become interesting - all those liberals who profess to being sincerely concerned with plight of poor people in this country (those who truly need and deserve financial and medical help by the government), I wonder what will happen when they realize that by supporting the invasion of illegals, that the resulting invasion is also overwhelming our system, and thus this will severly hurt America's truly needy. There are only finite resources and benefits available to go around. And so the very people our benefits and medical resources are designed to help will be greatly diminished by an influx of illegals. And what incentive does Mexico have to deal with their vast poverty and the related social issues if it's leaders know they can just keep dumping the poor over the border? When will the usual suspects (who often support politics that only perpetuates generational poverty) suddenly realize the alien invasion is hurting the very ones they have long championed. Don't get me wrong there ARE many people who truly need aid and help, who for a variety of reasons sincerely need it. But we're not gonna solve OUR problems if we also take on the problems of another country. And it's all driven by politics - as WHICH party do you think is most rubbing its hands together over a new demographic they can most successfully pander to?

And what will happen after the first group of terrorists stage an attack and are proven to have easily entered the country with Mexican illegals crossing the border?

Yes, I know :shijacked: But it's better than an entire country being hijacked by liberal anarchists!

WOW :violin: There's too many things you wrote that I take issue with, starting with calling "people" illegals, especially since the first illegals in this continent were from the old continent, and if you read just a little bit more into local American history, you will also find out that Americans were once the illegals in the southwest which was once part of Mexico. But I'm not in this site for that type of participation, elephant or donkey, it's the same old thinking of keeping the riches for themselves while they divvy up the pie and leave the leftovers for the world. But you know what? I'm no longer of this world, so I'm not even going to try and stay thinking the way this world thinks and acts. Christ lives in me, and so I live for Christ, and with the Lord there is no illegals.
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Re: Aliens

Post by Philip »

There's too many things you wrote that I take issue with, starting with calling "people" illegals, especially since the first illegals in this continent were from the old continent
Haha, spare my the hyper-spiritual, politically correct nonsense! God recognizes the sovereighty of nations! And, yes, wrongful national actions are always WRONG. But you can't solve past sins by creating present problems. So you declare a problem in calling today's border crashers "illegals" but like the term for what happened in the past with American intrusion into Mexico and Indian lands. But who intruded into the formerly Indian lands before Spanish sovereignty in Mexico? And please name just one Indian tribe that didn't run off and war with the former inhabitants of THEIR lands - and native Americans want to get all pissy about the U.S. historically taking lands? Yes, such actions were wrong, but people have a VERY select and limited view of history. And people want those PRESENTLY alive to be held accountable for things done before they were born, by people who are long dead to other peoples who are long dead. And the lower-48 state borders have been in place for 102 years. So, please, spare me the politically correct mantra. Point is, ALL nations have done terrible things and taken over lands of previous inhabitants. But God says to respect the PRESENT laws of a land, and to obey it's leaders (and Who but God installed them?). And this was said during the Roman occupation of Israel. But the point is illegals are not respecting our country and its present laws. And those with political agendas are letting - even encouraging it to - happen. The U.S. has a right to limit who comes here, and what formal and orderly process that we provide for those wanting to immigrate. Mexico is a mess, and their mess shouldn't become an excuse to destabilize our country, or hurt our ability to take care of OUR poor. Now, that is not to say we shouldn't be concerned about poor people in other nations. But there HAS to be an orderly and protective process to who we let in. Not just illegal actions and chaos. But think any other nations on earth have near the LEGAL immigrants that the U.S. takes in? Think other nations tolerate masses of illegals pouring in? Absolutely not!

Lonewolf, start a new thread about this, we've hijacked this one enough!
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Re: Aliens

Post by Lonewolf »

Philip wrote:
There's too many things you wrote that I take issue with, starting with calling "people" illegals, especially since the first illegals in this continent were from the old continent
Haha, spare my the hyper-spiritual, politically correct nonsense! God recognizes the sovereighty of nations! And, yes, wrongful national actions are always WRONG. But you can't solve past sins by creating present problems. So you declare a problem in calling today's border crashers "illegals" but like the term for what happened in the past with American intrusion into Mexico and Indian lands. But who intruded into the formerly Indian lands before Spanish sovereignty in Mexico? And please name just one Indian tribe that didn't run off and war with the former inhabitants of THEIR lands - and native Americans want to get all pissy about the U.S. historically taking lands? Yes, such actions were wrong, but people have a VERY select and limited view of history. And people want those PRESENTLY alive to be held accountable for things done before they were born, by people who are long dead to other peoples who are long dead. And the lower-48 state borders have been in place for 102 years. So, please, spare me the politically correct mantra. Point is, ALL nations have done terrible things and taken over lands of previous inhabitants. But God says to respect the PRESENT laws of a land, and to obey it's leaders (and Who but God installed them?). And this was said during the Roman occupation of Israel. But the point is illegals are not respecting our country and its present laws. And those with political agendas are letting - even encouraging it to - happen. The U.S. has a right to limit who comes here, and what formal and orderly process that we provide for those wanting to immigrate. Mexico is a mess, and their mess shouldn't become an excuse to destabilize our country, or hurt our ability to take care of OUR poor. Now, that is not to say we shouldn't be concerned about poor people in other nations. But there HAS to be an orderly and protective process to who we let in. Not just illegal actions and chaos. But think any other nations on earth have near the LEGAL immigrants that the U.S. takes in? Think other nations tolerate masses of illegals pouring in? Absolutely not!

Lonewolf, start a new thread about this, we've hijacked this one enough!

Enough said, Phillip., I'm not at all interested in that type of debate here., Besides, I doubt very much that we would agree on much in such a topic. Best you go ahead and take care of "your own" as you stated. Peace to you, and lets let it be.
Your outward profession of having put on Christ, has as yet to put off Plato from your heart!
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