QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

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QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by ConfusedCowboy »

THE EXPERIENCE: When I was a young man (17) I had what I thought was a dream in which I saw my future children. I won't give you the particulars except to say that one of the children was handicapped and there were other characteristics that I noticed such as hair color, behavior, personality, etc. When I awoke, I felt strongly that this was not a normal dream so I wrote it down in my journal. Years later, when my children began to be born, I noticed that they matched precisely those in my dream, including their birth order, the handicapped child, and the other physical and personality characteristics I noted.

THE QUESTION: What the heck was that?!! Is this proof of God, a convergence of some Star Trek-ish space time continuum, or what? I have wondered about this all my life and would appreciate some sincere opinions. And please don't just say, "yeah, its God" and just leave it at that. I want explanations please.

If you think its God, explain why.
If you think its proof I am an alien, explain why.
If you think I am a prophet, explain why (and send your donation to...).

Ok, I phrased the above a bit silly, but the question is sincere. I'd love your insight.
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Re: QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

ConfusedCowboy wrote:...the question is sincere. I'd love your insight.
I don't doubt the impact your dream must have had on you. In all probability, your memory of the original dream has been modified over time to suit the unfolding events of your life.

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Re: QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by ConfusedCowboy »

A plausible theory, except I wrote it down in my journal when it happened and the details I wrote down subsequently matched to each child when they were born. I doubt I could have unconsciously manipulated my DNA to cause my unborn children to match my dream.... Unless I'm a superhero. I suppose that is a possibility? :)
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Re: QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by SeekingSanctuary »

He said he wrote it down, so I assuming the only characteristics he listed are the ones written down. Hey, C.C, is this an accurate assumption?
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Re: QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by ConfusedCowboy »

You are correct. I dreamt that I had two boys, followed by three girls, and that the second boy was handicapped, and that the middle girl had very dark hair (unlike the other children). That's the gist of what I wrote down, although there was other characteristics.
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Re: QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by Lonewolf »

Yeah, I'm sorry, but I don't believe you had a dream that later came true at all., there was no foretelling of the future in that dream you "wrote down." I just don't buy it.
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Re: QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by ConfusedCowboy »

Not asking you to believe me.

Asking for possible explanations.
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Re: QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by melanie »

That's a bit harsh lonewolf.
Why is so difficult to believe that this sort of thing happens? People are limited by their own experiences I guess, if it hasn't happened to them then it can't be true.
I'm interested to see B.W's response, he has mentioned that he had a dream where the events over the years have unfolded, I'm not going to assume that everyone Confusedcowboy, B.W are all lying, I don't see what the point would be.
I have dreamt quite a number of things over the years that have come true, most of them mundane, rather pointless happenings in my life, I'm not too quick to say that all of these dreams are from God because I don't see why it would be necessary. I had a dream not so long ago that I was bent over my toilet sticking something to the inside of the bowl, a white strip, in the dream I was thinking 'oh that's sticky' then I woke up. I was half asleep and thought what was that about, then rolled over and went back to sleep. A few days later I was at the supermarket and wanted to get a smelly thing for my toilet, I was sick of the ones you hang off the bowl, they fall off and are annoying. I saw some new thing that said one the packet, stick on, I couldn't see what it looked like but thought id'e give it go. I got home opened it up, it was a white strip, I leant over the bowl and was sticking it on, I thought "geez that's sticky" in that moment my dream came flooding back into my memory, I had dreamt what had just happened. I laughed, it was ridiculous but true. I have no idea why I would dream that, it has no significance to anything. I know it sounds absurd, but it's true.
I don't know why it happens, do our spirits escape the time continuum in our dreams, can they travel ahead of time? Don't know but fascinating!
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Re: QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by Starhunter »

Having dreams of the future is human and natural, but the instincts to be able to properly interpret them has vanished with time. The majority have not had those abilities for thousands of years. Also the ability to have intelligible dreams has also gone with the ability to interpret dreams.

But the Bible indicates that some individuals and even tribes had the ability to interpret their own dreams and that of others.

There are special kinds of dreams that are given by God called visions, which I am not talking about here.

Some dreams like yours are very vivid and specific, and they can be a projection of your genetics, personal tendencies etc. which your brain is able to figure out from the information it gets from your body, its senses and all your thoughts and experiences. In other words the mind has the capability to analyse itself more accurately than we are able to appreciate while conscious. Whenever we are hurt or injured, whether physically or emotionally, the brain communicates with that part of the body and sends out all the necessary repair signals. We are "fearfully and wonderfully made" by God.

If our conscious thoughts were in harmony with what God intended for man, then we would be able to see the future with far more accuracy than now. But our mind has been so spoiled by sin that we have no idea of what we are capable of.

The reason the subconscious mind can still do wonders is that it has a far more complex way of working, and it is not so easily controlled, even though it is a product of all our thoughts.

You may ask how would my brain know which girl I would marry. It knows everything you like and don't like, it knows what pheromones trigger you, what voice attracts you, and what circumstances you will react to. So in your case it was fairly accurate.

If you examine your dream carefully you will find oddities, or mismatches as well, so we are not perfect.

Are you capable of learning more on how to interpret dreams? yes.

Are all your dreams significant, no, but some will be.

Should we order our lives by dreams, NO. Because that will be like folding a pizza onto itself. Our thoughts must always be altruistic, outward and God centered.
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Re: QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by RickD »

I vote "tumor". Better go to the Dr. :eugeek:
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Re: QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by B. W. »

ConfusedCowboy wrote:THE EXPERIENCE: When I was a young man (17) I had what I thought was a dream in which I saw my future children. I won't give you the particulars except to say that one of the children was handicapped and there were other characteristics that I noticed such as hair color, behavior, personality, etc. When I awoke, I felt strongly that this was not a normal dream so I wrote it down in my journal. Years later, when my children began to be born, I noticed that they matched precisely those in my dream, including their birth order, the handicapped child, and the other physical and personality characteristics I noted.

THE QUESTION: What the heck was that?!! Is this proof of God, a convergence of some Star Trek-ish space time continuum, or what? I have wondered about this all my life and would appreciate some sincere opinions. And please don't just say, "yeah, its God" and just leave it at that. I want explanations please. If you think its God, explain why. If you think its proof I am an alien, explain why. If you think I am a prophet, explain why (and send your donation to...).

Ok, I phrased the above a bit silly, but the question is sincere. I'd love your insight.
Well, what does the bible speak on this subject:

Job 33:14, 15, 16 For God may speak in one way, or in another, Yet man does not perceive it. 15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, When deep sleep falls upon men, While slumbering on their beds, 16 Then He opens the ears of men, And seals their instruction. NKJV

It is possible that the Lord gave you such a dream about about you. You mentioned that this has come to pass and that passes the real test but what of its context, what do you sense about the dream now?

Dreams from the Lord are not forgotten and do not change in the mind due to the passage of time. Please do your own research within the bible on dreams. God sends dreams to saved and unsaved folks for various reasons. Another course to understand such dreams are the symbolism of the dream such as Daniel interpreting the two prisoners dreams demonstrates this. As

The context of the verses from Job quoted above lead to this: Job 33:17, 18, In order to turn man from his deed, And conceal pride from man... NKJV

What does that reveal to you concerning feeling like a prophet or an alien? It is possible that the Lord, at a certain point in your life may call you to do do something and warn of pride that must be dealt with before one proceeds further in whatever God calls one to do. So, only you know the context and the ambiance of the dream when it was first revealed - what was it?

Next why do you feel called? When you think of a fivefold ministry calling, what comes to your ego - an ego increase or brokenness before the Lord? It maybe that the Lord was showing something about your families needs, so, how have you handled that so far - does it need healing - do you? What about your conduct needs reformation? (Job 33:17 NASB)

As for Melanie's comment concerning my dream:

Yes, I had a dream that went on for months every night. Where the dream ended one night, it began at that point the next. It revealed certain events that happened throughout my life as well as the need to deal with personal issues and as markers during my life sojourn in a sort of pilgrims progress sort of way. I keep that to myself. But I did marry the woman I saw in my dream - so I tease her and say - your are the girl of my dreams... then the work and toil and compromise of marriage sets in... :lol: y@};-
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Re: QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by Lonewolf »

Please forgive me, I do not mean to be harsh just to be harsh., I sometimes speak faster than I can think., but having said that, I do believe as Mr. B.W. has put it down, dreams of the type just don't come around just because., either it is your sub-conscious, per say, or, it is God telling you something., either way you want to label it, you already know in your heart and in your mind what is going on., you just have to acknowledge it and reconcile yourself.

Even though I don't doubt that God still speaks to us in any way possible, including dreams, I do however believe that for the most of us, it is a diff age; an age where dreams are not the main way of communicating to us.

We have far more knowledge of scripture written today than we ever had, we have far advanced in science, we have enhanced philosophy and developed the art of poetry, on and on we can go on with what we have today at our disposal to 'verify' God and how we are to live., and if dreams are but a type of a 'singular' way of "discovering God," than so be it., but to be wondering whether it's an alien thing or not, well, in my book, that's like toying around with comic books for your own personal dream interpretation of what's going on in your head and with your life.

Last edited by Lonewolf on Wed Jul 30, 2014 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by ConfusedCowboy »

Love the comments so far. They have given me a lot to think about.

Here's some more info... after my first child was born (a son), I didn't think much about it. But then, after my second child was born with his (unanticipated and undetected) handicap, I pulled out my journal entry and re-read it. After that, I began "watching" more closely. When the third child was a girl (i.e. matched the birth order I saw in my dream), I became convinced something was going on. When my wife was getting ready to deliver our fourth child (also a girl, and also as per the gender from my dream), as we drove to the hospital, I told my mother (who accompanied my wife and I), that the baby would have thick, dark brown hair, and very dark, almost coal black, brown eyes (unusual for our family - all have sandy brown hair, lighter eye colors, and were practically bald at birth). She asked why I thought so. I told her about my childhood dream then (hadn't told anyone except my wife up to then). When my daughter was born and matched my description, my mother was shocked and told me she thought there was something to it.

Our last child was a girl (also as predicted). And that was it, no more children (my wife had her tubes tied during the delivery of our last child). So the birth order of gender, physical handicap, physical descriptions, and number of children was as I had seen in my dream.

Over the years, I have wanted to believe that this is proof of the existence of God, but the skeptic in me wants to find some other plausible explanation, such as some cosmic space/time convergence or some phenomena that man doesn't understand. So, this forum seemed a good place to solicit opinions.

I had the dream in 1981. Wrote it down in my childhood journal (which I have since lost - can't find it), but I re-wrote into my adult journal in 1987 when I couldn't find my original journal. My first child was born in 1991, 10 years after the dream, and 5 years after I wrote it down the second time).

Thanks for what you wrote, and keep them coming. I'd love to have some other opinions to mull over.
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Re: QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by melanie »

Lonewolf wrote:Please forgive me, I do not mean to be harsh just to be harsh., I sometimes speak faster than I can think., but having said that, I do believe as Mr. B.W. has put it down, dreams of the type just don't come around just because., either it is your sub-conscious, per say, or, it is God telling you something., either way you want to label it, you already know in your heart and in your mind what is going on., you just have to acknowledge it and reconcile yourself.

Even though I don't doubt that God still speaks to us in any way possible, including dreams, I do however believe that for the most of us, it is a diff age; an age where dreams are not the main way of communicating to us.

We have far more knowledge of scripture written today than we ever had, we have far advanced in science, we have enhanced philosophy and developed the art of poetry, on and on we can go on with what we have today at our disposal to 'verify' God and how we are to live., and if dreams are but a type of a 'singular' way of "discovering God," than so be it., but to be wondering whether it's an alien thing or not, well, in my book, that's like toying around with comic books for your own personal dream interpretation of what's going on in your head and with your life.

I agree with you lw, most dreams come from our sub-conscious, some people experience dreams that come from another source, like God but the two are distinguishable. I say 'like' God because it is possible to have dreams that are more significantly meaningful but are not from God. When God communicates to us through dreams, they are different in nature to 'ordinary' dreams and you do know in your heart and mind that it is of God, but not necessarily the meaning behind the dream, prayer can help to interpret them.
I don't think philosophy, science, poetry ect, has any bearing on God's desire to communicate to His children through dreams, these things may have had an effect on humanities understanding of God, but I don't think that they have had an impact on The Almighty and His purpose. Dreams were not used in the Bible to 'verify' or 'discover' God but to relay a message, a prophecy and/or teaching of Gods desire. I don't think philosophy, poetry or science in all it's advancement can ever substitute a revelation from God, they are not even close to that level of profoundness.
I have had a number of dreams that I know are of God, many of the dreams are of things that have not yet come to pass. I won't bore you with a run down, dreams tend to be a lot more interesting to ourselves than to others but I will disclose one, it isn't prophetic in nature but in a way the most significant.
I had this dream when I was 19. I was standing in an open picnic type area, I wasn't in Australia but a foreign country, there were lots of people around, eating and enjoying the day, a very festive type atmosphere. Out of no-where a massive lion, twice the size of a standard lion appeared, it started attacking people, it was chaos, people running everywhere and screaming. I followed some people into a toilet block, I saw people running into cubicles and hiding so I went to the last cubicle and locked the door. I heard the lion breaking down the doors of the other cubicles and attacking the people inside, I heard their screams and them being attacked, it was beyond terrifying. I waited in my cubicle knowing that the lion was getting closer, it broke down my door and i was certain I was going to die, it stood there staring at me, then this peace came over me I knew it wasn't going to hurt me despite the horror I had just seen and heard.
It spoke and said "follow me". I followed him out of the toilet block, I wasn't scared, and past the picnic area. We walked together for a long time,through fields and open grasslands, all the while the lion spoke to me. Now I remember everything about the dream clearly except what the lion spoke to me about for all that time we were walking, I remember us clearly walking and talking but not the details of what he was telling me. Then I regain clear clarity again. Evening was coming on and I told the lion I was tired and needed to rest. He laid down and I laid down next to him, I rested my body against his soft fur and lay my head on him. I have never felt in my waking life so much peace, love and safety. The lion lifted his head and looked at me and spoke some last words that I have never forgotten he told me he loved me, that he would never leave me and that he would always protect me. I have no words to begin to describe what I felt in that moment, I was in a place of love and safety beyond comprehension.
I don't think that dream was just from God, I believe that lion was God.
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Re: QUESTION: Proof of God, Time Travel, or Tumor?

Post by B. W. »

ConfusedCowboy wrote:Love the comments so far. They have given me a lot to think about.

Here's some more info... after my first child was born (a son), I didn't think much about it. But then, after my second child was born with his (unanticipated and undetected) handicap, I pulled out my journal entry and re-read it. After that, I began "watching" more closely. When the third child was a girl (i.e. matched the birth order I saw in my dream), I became convinced something was going on. When my wife was getting ready to deliver our fourth child (also a girl, and also as per the gender from my dream), as we drove to the hospital, I told my mother (who accompanied my wife and I), that the baby would have thick, dark brown hair, and very dark, almost coal black, brown eyes (unusual for our family - all have sandy brown hair, lighter eye colors, and were practically bald at birth). She asked why I thought so. I told her about my childhood dream then (hadn't told anyone except my wife up to then). When my daughter was born and matched my description, my mother was shocked and told me she thought there was something to it.

Our last child was a girl (also as predicted). And that was it, no more children (my wife had her tubes tied during the delivery of our last child). So the birth order of gender, physical handicap, physical descriptions, and number of children was as I had seen in my dream.

Over the years, I have wanted to believe that this is proof of the existence of God, but the skeptic in me wants to find some other plausible explanation, such as some cosmic space/time convergence or some phenomena that man doesn't understand. So, this forum seemed a good place to solicit opinions.

I had the dream in 1981. Wrote it down in my childhood journal (which I have since lost - can't find it), but I re-wrote into my adult journal in 1987 when I couldn't find my original journal. My first child was born in 1991, 10 years after the dream, and 5 years after I wrote it down the second time).

Thanks for what you wrote, and keep them coming. I'd love to have some other opinions to mull over.
It looks like you interpreted the dream. It was from God to you for such a time doubt in your life now concerning God existence. Only the Lord could have giving you such a spot on dream that did not change and came to pass. No tumor, no time travel, no imagination of the human brain could have thought that up and it has come to pass involving two people who came together and bore children together. This should serve as a BIG notice, a finger print form God to you, despite what naysayers says, that he exist and he proved it to you when you were young, but now, with age, you are filled with doubts and uncertainties as he foreknew you would be (right now). He foreknew you needed a shot in the arm and there it is every time you look at your family. The odds are astronomically against any time travel, cosmic time continuum, or even a tumor because these factors can never be that accurate.

So you are left with the Lord starring at you, right now, in your face and waiting for you to make up your mind; therefore, what will it be - continued running from him and making excuses that he can't be, or wake up and realize that He is, exists, and rewards of those who have faith in him?

The next part of the dream is before you: keep running, making excuses, or come back to him? I suggest the last part...

What will it be?
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