Clueless people often love to pick the latest media-driven issue to take uneducated sides on, often ignorantly expressing naive views upon. This and they often don't know the history of what has gone down long before.
Well, HAS Israel gone TOO far in it's campaign against Hamas? How many rockets would Mexico fire into Texas or any border state before the U.S. took very serious measures to prevent all current and (hopefully) future attacks? A few? Probably, at most. How many years would the U.S. endure such attacks? YEARS? Please! Is a peaceful, sovereign neighbor supposed to absorb such evil that has been so often aimed at civilians without provocation, and by an enemy dedicated to destroying her?
Let's rewind the tape - not from recent weeks or months, but from JUST 2013: ... rael,_2013
Oh, but JUST 52 rockets and mortar attacks on Israel in 2013, resulting in 54 deaths, you say. Well, lets rewind the tape back to the year before that (2012) - 2,200 missile attacks! ... rael,_2012
Er, what about 2011?: ... rael,_2011 - over 400 attacks and 62 deaths.
I could keep going back, but would it really matter to those who want to just see the media-driven sympathy for Hamas-supported Gaza? How much does Israel have to absorb before getting serious? And, guess what, does Hamas and Gaza's Palestinians have the support of the other nearby Arabs?
Not so much! Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia are actually on ISRAEL's side over Hamas: ... za-region/ Why? Because they realize that the Islamist-driven fantatics supporting Hamas hate the leadership in the sovereign states of Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia as much as they do Israel! And these fantatics often hate other Muslims as much as they do Westerners and Israel. Doubt it?
Why are people upset that Israel has essentially said "No more" to Hamas and rockets - after years of this. After giving Gaza political and governing sovereignty, instead of using U.S. and world aid to help her poor, they use those billions to build rockets, launch attacks and to kill and maim. They hide their tunnels, weapons launchers and caches amongst mosques, poor neighborhoods and hospitals - THESE are how little Hamas cares about it's impoverished citizens - and even the citizens are starting to see their tragic situation, but so many are afraid that by speaking out they will be NEXT!!!
And so Hollywood airheads and misguided, ignorant people focus only on the media-driven stories and images that grossly and unfairly attempt to smear Israel as unnecessary and evil aggressors - this after YEARS of enduring rockets, mortars and deaths of civilians sleeping in their own homes! And so people are marching and waving signs and protesting Israel's DEFENSIVE and protective actions - designed to prevent further mayhem by Hamas. How do you fight an enemy launching rockets from civilian neighborhoods, mosques, next to hospitals? The answer is that Israel is doing what she must - not necessarily perfectly, but as it senses it must. If not stopped now, future attacks by Hamas are NOT a theoretical possibility!
Meanwhile, people protest largely defensive and necessary preventative actions by Israel while a mindless, evil, Muslim horde marches across Northern Iraq, killing men, women, children - and especially, any Christians they can find. Marching people into streets and big ditches and butchuring them with swords, knives and machineguns - like something out of Nazi-occupied Europe ( But are most Hollywood types, liberals and hipsters upset about THAT? I'd say from their deafening silence, apparently not ... which tells me they are highly ignorant and selective in their current posturing over Israel!

Lastly, a few observations and questions: Do people alive today, whose long-dead ANCESTORS were mistreated in many terrible ways and robbed of their lands (of which no doubt their ancestors also forced some other group off of, as well), have the right to take up arms and wage violent warfare against present people's whose long-dead ANCESTORS did the mistreatment and robbing against the present descendants of its long-dead, yet mistreated, ancestors? Remember, those leaders alive on both sides of the conflict in Israel were mostly 40 and above at the time of Israel's re-birth. And so regardless over what one might assert that Israel was eternally given by God, this nonetheless means that most alive today - on both sides of the conflict - were either not alive or not old enough to have either originated or played a part in the lines initially established. Attacking Israel, the Arabs lost more of their lands.
Questions: And so, is it right for today's generation to violently take up arms against a sovereign and peaceful nation of TODAY - even IF they say they are doing so to supposedly address and rectify the past sins of a present sovereign nation's grandfathers against THEIR grandfathers? Instead of seeking peace and growing it, instead of precious resources being used for the good of one's present country's circumstances, is it right to get caught up in generational hatreds that can only lead to attack, counter attack, etc? What if today's descendants of American Indians suddenly began a new uprising and terrorist attacks against U.S. citizens, military, etc - because today's European descendants' ancestors cheated today's Indian descendants' grandfathers in so many ways? Both the past cheaters and agressors and those they've cheated are ALL long dead. But that's the mentality of people who want to dwell on hate and the past! And it's both evil and terribly destructive for all. Notice that neither Jesus or His Apostles advocated the overthrow of Rome - except, perhaps, by LOVE.