Why science will never answer questions related to God.

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Why science will never answer questions related to God.

Post by LittleHamster »

An Allegory......

The was once a wise old man, very dedicated to his work at university. He had many children and was the most clever and loving man you could ever imagine. This father went about and created, in his computer laboratory, a computer simulation of the Universe. This simulation was perfect and all inclusive i.e., the simulation contained all the laws of physics and all the planets, the stars, the earth, animals, plants, etc., Well, not satisfied with a mere computer model, the father expanded his experiment by adding a number of flexible, virtual-reality suits (complete with helmet, gloves, boots, etc.), so that people could wear the suit and enable them to connect to and immerse themselves into his computer simulator. The 'suit' allows one to move around in the virtual reality - exactly like you would do on this earth. The father's children start wanting to try the suit on. Soon, the fad catches on and the whole world starts wearing the suits. After a while, people forgot that they were living in a simulation. They even believed that they lived and died in this virtual realty and nobody ever told them the truth that they were merely caught up in this virtual space.

The first thing that may become apparent to you is that there is no scientific experiment anyone can conduct inside the virtual reality to prove the existence of an outside reality (remember, by definition, the simulation is perfect and all inclusive).

Now, suppose there are 7 billion others also wearing the virtual reality suit and they also believed they were born into the simulation with no idea of the existence of an outside, wider reality. How would anyone know how to get out ?

(i) You pray and hope that someone (like the father) can hear you and lets you out.
(ii) Someone that already knows how to get out shows you how to get out.
(iii) The Father presents himself in 'human form' to show everyone the way, the truth and the life.

And so goes the story with all of us here on earth that are caught up in our 'mental simulation'.

How do we get out? "Follow the way, the truth and the life", "Realize the truth and the truth will set you free", "Ask and you shall receive"

"Take the RED pill", etc...
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Re: Why science will never answer questions related to God.

Post by Starhunter »

St Paul says something akin to this in Ephesians 4:18. KJV, speaking of the sinner's condition, "Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:"

The OT "the heart is ...deceitful above all things."

The movie Matrix had some very truthful analogies.

People in that state cannot be told anything, they have an answer to everything, even by "wresting the scriptures to their own destruction."

In many cases like that of ancient Pharaoh, when they are presented with truth, they dig themselves deeper into error, rather than come to the light, the presence of God only hardens their hearts.

Getting back to the topic, common science does not even acknowledge God, so yes, they stay right where they are.
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Re: Why science will never answer questions related to God.

Post by LittleHamster »

Starhunter wrote:St Paul says something akin to this in <a target="_blank" data-purpose="bible-reference" data-version="kjv1900" data-reference="Ephesians 4.18" href="http://biblia.com/bible/kjv1900/Ephesians%204.18" class="rtBibleRef">Ephesians 4:18. KJV</a>, speaking of the sinner's condition, "Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:"

The OT "the heart is ...deceitful above all things."

The movie Matrix had some very truthful analogies.

People in that state cannot be told anything, they have an answer to everything, even by "wresting the scriptures to their own destruction."

In many cases like that of ancient Pharaoh, when they are presented with truth, they dig themselves deeper into error, rather than come to the light, the presence of God only hardens their hearts.

Getting back to the topic, common science does not even acknowledge God, so yes, they stay right where they are.

Hi StarHunter.

"The Matrix", "Dark City", some of my favorites !

Thinking about this a little more, it would probably be more accurate to say that our sinful nature has heavily taxed our awareness. Humans, in general, are literally drowning in their own negative/positive thought forms and destructive/constructive elementals and all the mental clutter created and passed-on by their ancestors. Inter-generational healing, removing ancestoral karma and taking away of sin are necessary.

Any Christian will tell you that Jesus Christ is the only one that can forgive/remove the effects of sin "no one gets to the father except through me" (I can't quite explain why yet)

Once all the 'stuff' is cleaned out though, the holy spirit can begin to work and greater awareness returns to the individual - you are no longer "of this world" and yet you are still in it.

Anyone care to explain why Chirst is the only one that can remove/take away sin ????
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Re: Why science will never answer questions related to God.

Post by Starhunter »

LittleHamster wrote - you are no longer "of this world" and yet you are still in it.
That reminds me of the text that talks about being transformed in the mind, or renewed.
The body and environment can be fixed later, what is paramount now is the character, or what's on the inside.

Does worshiping the Creator belong in the religious section of the library only or does it pervade into every facet of our life,
such as what we perceive in science and nature?
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Re: Why science will never answer questions related to God.

Post by LittleHamster »

LittleHamster wrote:Does worshiping the Creator belong in the religious section of the library only or does it pervade into every facet of our life,
such as what we perceive in science and nature?
I reckon the latter (or both). I don't exactly know why. Maybe its that you start recognizing everything as being the work of God.
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Re: Why science will never answer questions related to God.

Post by bippy123 »

Starhunter wrote:St Paul says something akin to this in Ephesians 4:18. KJV, speaking of the sinner's condition, "Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:"

The OT "the heart is ...deceitful above all things."

The movie Matrix had some very truthful analogies.

People in that state cannot be told anything, they have an answer to everything, even by "wresting the scriptures to their own destruction."

In many cases like that of ancient Pharaoh, when they are presented with truth, they dig themselves deeper into error, rather than come to the light, the presence of God only hardens their hearts.

Getting back to the topic, common science does not even acknowledge God, so yes, they stay right where they are.
yes I also enjoyed the Matrix trilogy as well and yes there is some pretty good wisdom in there.
Also the way science has been perverted is that it means today anything that can be found within the material and natural world. The original meaning that was used by the ancient greeks was knowledge. Not material Knowledge only but any knowledge that can be acquired.
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Re: Why science will never answer questions related to God.

Post by LittleHamster »

Using all the accumulated scientific knowledge of the past 10 billion years, I'm now going to tell you exactly what a little known fruit called the 'Miracle' fruit tastes like !!!!!!

Oops........I cant. You're going to have to eat the fruit and experience it directly for yourself.

I guess it goes like that with knowing God too :D
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Re: Why science will never answer questions related to God.

Post by LittleHamster »

A relevant quote.........

"Listen, philosopher, to what I tell thee: we believe, that the Almighty God from out of nothing did create by His Word and His Spirit both heaven and earth, and all the world both visible and invisible. The Word is the Son of God, Who didst come down upon the earth on account of our sins; he wast born of a Virgin, He lived amongst mankind, and suffered and died for our salvation, and then He arose, having redeemed by His sufferings the Original Sin, and He hath resurrected with Him the human race. We believe, that He is One in Essence and Equal-in-Dignity with the Father, and we believe this without any sly rationalisations, since it is impossible to grasp this mystery by human reason"

- Saint Spyridon (c. 270 – 348 AD)

http://www.holytrinityorthodox.com/cale ... /12-01.htm
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Re: Why science will never answer questions related to God.

Post by Lonewolf »

LittleHamster wrote:Using all the accumulated scientific knowledge of the past 10 billion years, I'm now going to tell you exactly what a little known fruit called the 'Miracle' fruit tastes like !!!!!!

Oops........I cant. You're going to have to eat the fruit and experience it directly for yourself.

I guess it goes like that with knowing God too :D

LOL., it is one of those things, to truly experience it yourself, right?

But how can you, if you're still in the matrix watching the dark night?

If all it is for you is a theological debate, a social project, a science mission, or just simply a quest to do under one's learned wisdom..
How can one come to understand or be explained the why of the one right path to the Father?

A million verses and quotations can be given to be analyzed as proof to be disproved by some, if not the many.. but yet many a time
~> it will all fall in deaf ears, and the blind will remain blind because they can not perceive the things which are of God

It is a "spiritual" waking up to all the wrong that is of this world
And when your eyes are open to that true reality, then, and only then, you can accept the redemption offered by the light that saves you from the darkness

It is not a philosophical understanding, but it is most assuredly a "life transforming" happening that never stops transforming you from within
Not from the outside trying to make sense of things, but from the inside applying it to your outside

When you have nothing but imperfection trying to regenerate itself, all it accomplishes is less than perfect
and so, you need perfection to perfect you

and here is where Christ enters

only a perfect life sacrifice can cover the imperfect death

and since there is no perfect one outside of God
Christ Himself pays the sacrifice

He is the one who through His perfection eliminates the imperfection caused by your own choice for imperfection
and He makes you perfect in His eyes

I have a on going disagreement with a JW friend of mine
to him, the first created being is sufficient to redeem the imperfect man
and I believe that only the perfect can redeem the imperfect

Sure thing, God could dictate and send anyone to redeem creation and man, if He so chooses
no doubt about it that He has the power to do that if He wanted to
but instead
instead He demonstrated "perfect love"

He chose Himself in Christ

Therefore, He is True to the way that leads to Life, since He is the author of Life
and no one has the right nor the might to come before Him without His Life
Your outward profession of having put on Christ, has as yet to put off Plato from your heart!
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