Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by outlaw »

melanie wrote:I'm with Rick on this one Lonewolf.
I have no issue whatsoever with anyone that has differing beliefs, I have very close friends who are athiests and we discuss on occasssion our standpoints. I am patient and optimistic with people especially concerning faith. What I do not like, which is why I disengaged with this conversation is manipulation, arrogance, condescending behaviour and delusion. Nothing to do with outlaw not agreeing with me or anyone but his tone and mannerisms. Not to mention he goes on about just wanting to seek the truth when he is very combative and intolerant in his choice of language and says that he just wants to enlighten us christians (delusion) because the truth is subjective. Well apparently it is only subjective as long as we accept his line of thinking with lines like 'only one on here has been honest' honest according to who? His delusion reasoning system. He thinks he is very clever and I'm quite sure he is under the very false pretence that he is actually making some on here question their beliefs which I must admit has been the only entertainment value, as it has given me quite a chuckle.
A discussion takes place merely to put ones thoughts, ideas, beliefs and arguments forward, never to try and twist and manipulate language and answers to underhand and sideswipe the discussion in the light of trying to 'win'. It is not about that, it shouldn't be about that and I think it reflects a persons honesty and integrity.
This is not about dealing with an atheist that I can do, this is about dealing with a douche. When he speaks to people like "born a Christian were you?. Wow clever baby" I have nothing to engage with him about. I saw this in his character long before this and I backed off for his sake and my own because had he have spoken to me in this rude and condescending manner I would not have been as nice and tolerant as Hana was, that I can assure you!
Sorry I come across like that it's honestly not my intention it's hard to disagree sometimes and not sound like a smartass, I'm a sarcastic person by nature and maybe I need to learn to leave that part of me out when discussing these topics, I apologise for that. You have to understand though that when you make a statement that I'm taking things out of context or misunderstand something you better make sure you can back that up and your right, don't get mad if I demonstrate that you weren't. Also if it was out of context then explain why, don't just say I'm wrong I want to know why. I'm interested to hear your response to the slavery discussion, you told me to go and gain some knowledge I did and I got no response.
By the way you and others have also presented a not so nice tone at times and said some not so nice things, I've been told to go and read and gain some knowledge stopped short of calling me an idiot, I've been accused of hating Christians, hating Jesus, hating god. I stick up for myself and say something about my wife and that most of my family are Christians and then get called a princess, so it goes both ways, I haven't complained about whats been said to me. So ban me if you want I'll just find some other Christians who are stronger in their faith and don't throw the towel in when questions get a bit tough.
Last edited by outlaw on Mon Sep 15, 2014 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by Furstentum Liechtenstein »

Lonewolf wrote:Maybe I missed something...
Yes, you missed something. You missed what the Bible says about atheists:

-Atheists have a hatred of God, Ro 8:7, Col 1:21, James 4:4. Now, ask yourself, is a man with hatred likely to listen to reasoned answers to his questions?
-Atheists are too blind to see, too sinful and blasphemous to recognize God no matter what He does, Mt 11:17-19. Ask yourself, ''Can such a person admit the existence of God?''
Lonewolf wrote:...why are we as Christians so intolerant?
Tolerance is not a Christian virtue, although many Christians mistakenly believe it is. Tolerance is a secular humanist virtue. Secular humanism is the dominant worldview - among ethnic Europeans - of this present day. Love, love, is a Christian virtue but love is not tolerance. Like oïl & water, love & tolerance do not mix.
Lonewolf wrote:It is not as if outlaw is cussing us out...
Outlaw is cussing God out. If he were to die right now, outlaw would face judgement for the blasphemies he's posted here. The more you guys give him the opportunity to ''cuss'' God, the more you are heaping burning coals on his head. Stop giving him that opportunity: this is love! Do you see the difference between love & tolerance?
Lonewolf wrote:...[outlaw] seeks answers and as far he remains unconvinced with the responses given...
Sorry to tell you this, but outlaw is not seeking answers. I was like him; I never sought answers from the silly Christians I sought to provoke. Listen to what the Bible says about people like him:

-the righteous are despised, Ps 44:13 and Ps 80:6...how can someone who despises your God seek any explanation about your Savior?
-atheists hate instruction, Ps 50:17...If an atheist hates instruction, as the Word says, how could your answers change his understanding?
-atheists reject God, period, Isa 5:24...whatever you say, whatever question you answer, outlaw - and those like him - will reject out-of-hand your answer.
Lonewolf wrote:we must continue to give testimony of our faith not merely with scripture, but with measured tolerance for the unbeliever, and we must do it with love, Christ's love, not the puny little love that we run short of when we run out of patience.
Forget Scripture. Outlaw already ''knows'' that Scripture is crap of the highest order. Forget giving your testimony. Outlaw has already had his fill of that and ''knows'' we are all deluded....you got the Love part right but that love must be in trusting God to change outlaw's heart...by prayer. You can do nothing for outlaw except push him further into his hole pointed at Hell. So pray for outlaw. RickD had it right: pray for him.

FL :amen:
Hold everything lightly. If you don't, it will hurt when God pries your fingers loose as He takes it from you. -Corrie Ten Boom

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If they had a social gospel in the days of the prodigal son, somebody would have given him a bed and a sandwich and he never would have gone home.

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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by outlaw »

Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Lonewolf wrote:Maybe I missed something...
Yes, you missed something. You missed what the Bible says about atheists:

-Atheists have a hatred of God, Ro 8:7, Col 1:21, James 4:4. Now, ask yourself, is a man with hatred likely to listen to reasoned answers to his questions?
-Atheists are too blind to see, too sinful and blasphemous to recognize God no matter what He does, Mt 11:17-19. Ask yourself, ''Can such a person admit the existence of God?''
Lonewolf wrote:...why are we as Christians so intolerant?
Tolerance is not a Christian virtue, although many Christians mistakenly believe it is. Tolerance is a secular humanist virtue. Secular humanism is the dominant worldview - among ethnic Europeans - of this present day. Love, love, is a Christian virtue but love is not tolerance. Like oïl & water, love & tolerance do not mix.
Lonewolf wrote:It is not as if outlaw is cussing us out...
Outlaw is cussing God out. If he were to die right now, outlaw would face judgement for the blasphemies he's posted here. The more you guys give him the opportunity to ''cuss'' God, the more you are heaping burning coals on his head. Stop giving him that opportunity: this is love! Do you see the difference between love & tolerance?
Lonewolf wrote:...[outlaw] seeks answers and as far he remains unconvinced with the responses given...
Sorry to tell you this, but outlaw is not seeking answers. I was like him; I never sought answers from the silly Christians I sought to provoke. Listen to what the Bible says about people like him:

-the righteous are despised, Ps 44:13 and Ps 80:6...how can someone who despises your God seek any explanation about your Savior?
-atheists hate instruction, Ps 50:17...If an atheist hates instruction, as the Word says, how could your answers change his understanding?
-atheists reject God, period, Isa 5:24...whatever you say, whatever question you answer, outlaw - and those like him - will reject out-of-hand your answer.
Lonewolf wrote:we must continue to give testimony of our faith not merely with scripture, but with measured tolerance for the unbeliever, and we must do it with love, Christ's love, not the puny little love that we run short of when we run out of patience.
Forget Scripture. Outlaw already ''knows'' that Scripture is crap of the highest order. Forget giving your testimony. Outlaw has already had his fill of that and ''knows'' we are all deluded....you got the Love part right but that love must be in trusting God to change outlaw's heart...by prayer. You can do nothing for outlaw except push him further into his hole pointed at Hell. So pray for outlaw. RickD had it right: pray for him.

FL :amen:
As long as you keep letting a book decide how you should think you'll never truly be free, the book that you put so much faith in is holding your mind hostage, but the truly sad thing is, your letting it! It's clouding your judgement, it's compromising your own ability to think for yourself, the ability that god himself gave you. It's about time you took the training wheels off, you know how to treat people so throw the book in the bin, grow up and make your own decisions.
You pray for me and I'll think for you.
In the mean time I'll be heading towards the hell your loving god so generously created for 2/3rds of the worlds population.
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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by outlaw »

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hpI-Od ... ata_player

This says everything I want to say.
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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by Lonewolf »

So now you’re delving into the complicated area of the Trinity which I think
Christians themselves can't even comprehend. You could ask 10 different people
who say their Christians to explain how this Trinity works and you'd get 10
different answers you'd also get ones that don't believe in a Trinity. So when
you can all come to a consensus about what's the correct way to view this then
people like myself can start to figure out what you mean.
So just for clarification I need to find out how your version of this God/
Jesus/ Holy Spirit thing works but at the same time I don't want it to hijack
the original question so

Is Jesus god? Or part of e.g. the human part
Did god sacrifice Jesus or himself?
Did Jesus sacrifice himself?
Was the sole purpose of Jesus birth/life to be a sacrifice or for him to
sacrifice himself?
Was the sacrifice part of god’s plan from the beginning, or was it an
afterthought? Was the idea only thought of after god realized what people were

I'm not after evidence of this, just what you believe to be the case so short
answers will be enough.

The only reason why Jesus had to shed blood was because god couldn't think of
another way to forgive but if god is Jesus then he pretty much just sacrificed
himself to save himself from his own rule. If It’s the case that humans get our
sense of love from this act or from god then why do I not feel one bit of love
when I'm told this or read it?

Why do I and 2/3’s of the world’s population not think or feel this is love?

The only happiness the crucifixion provides is the happiness that comes with
knowing you can still sin and not be punished for it because Jesus took gods
beating instead, when someone else gets punished for something I did, that
doesn't make me happy. It might make you happy but I that's why I find the
redemption sacrifice thing a little disturbing. Celebrating a human blood
sacrifice isn't my idea of a good time, ya know what I mean.

To respond to the 'how can you believe in love unless true love is demonstrated
to you' I find it strange that you can think that the only way we can believe in love is if a supernatural deity sacrifices it's son/self to show us, and the reason you
believe this is because 2000 years ago a bunch of people claim this supernatural
being told them this and 80odd years after Jesus died people recorded these
stories then some time after that the church decided what stories they should
include in their book and what they shouldn't.

You see adherents of other religions would claim the only way to know true love
is because their god shows them and whatever it is is demonstrated in their holy
text. The reason they know this is the truth is because their holy text says it
is, they're holy text says their god is the true god and the others are false.

This is what I find interesting about people who claim they believe in god, they
try to give reasons why but when that fails because they would have to accept
those same reasons from others who don't share the same belief then they try to
resort back to 'well I just have faith' but then when you realize that if we’re
going to rely on faith then you could just as easily adopt any belief because
they all require faith. So you get this to and fro between reason and faith and
it just goes back and forth because none of them are a valid reason for or a way
of determining if something is true or not.

There’s a lot to address here, and it is virtually impossible to answer all your questions with short answers. I’m sure that if you pose the many questions you have each under its own subject title, I’m positive that you will get enthusiastic responses. I am by no means a studied Christian, therefore I defer to those who are more learned in scripture to point out the scriptural references. When I write here to you, I write what I feel and how I believe, but that does not necessarily mean that I speak for everyone nor that I know scripture unequivocally.

Yes indeed, understanding the trinity can be very complicated “if” one does not live what scripture says to them in their hearts. And if one only reads literally as opposed to spiritually, the trinity makes no sense. In other words, one can read the Bible from start to finish, day in and day out, and one can even confess to be a Christian all lifelong saying that you believe what the Bible says, but if one doesn't live by what it says, one cannot comprehend the word(s) of the God of the Bible. One cannot phantom the deepness of the trinity unless you immerse yourself in God. You have to live it; that is why you have heard many in Christ say that the word is a Living Testament. The same is with the trinity, you can debate it left and right, and you can build your concepts on it depending on your train of thought, philosophy or study you adhere to, but you will not come to a rational “human” conclusion unless your eyes are opened.

How that eye opening happens would be the next part of the question. My personal testimony is unlike that of other brothers in the faith who were not Christian at some point in their lives. I have always been a Christian believer in the God of the Bible. Therefore honestly speaking, I cannot ever say that I can think like an atheist, and agnostic, a Muslim, a Hindu nor even that of a Meso-American native because I have lost all connection to my past spiritual roots of ancient due to the European conquest. So I have never ever been of any other faith but the Christian faith. Having said that, a good part of my life was spent living without giving God any real thought. I was like most other non-active Christians out there in the world, simply adhering to whatever our parents, our family, our culture or heritage said about God and religion. It was not a living force in me. I was lost in a world of confusion, and I was blind to the things of God, but it didn't matter to me because it wasn't an issue to worry about. It took God many years to answer one question I posed to Him about Himself, but once He answered me, I “believed” the gospel, and my eyes where opened. Therefore “belief” is how it worked for me, to become –as you have heard it being said- “saved.”

I believed in God whom I have never ever seen with my own human eyes, I believed in the prophetic message written in the Bible that He would send a savior and that savior is Christ –God Himself in the flesh- come to redeem me to Himself.
I believed the Holy Spirit is God Himself present with me here and now; showing me, conversing with me, uplifting me, comforting me as I continue in this journey through this material world, until my time has come.
So even though God is at His throne, yet He is here present with me teaching me of all things.

I don’t just simply believe because some 2000 years ago a bunch of people claimed these things about God/Jesus. As I related previously, whereas I had always been a (Catholic) Christian per say, I was still blind in the spiritual sense, and I lived life without ever giving religion, theology or the things of God much thought. It took a conversion and a very long (yet short) journey over the years to reach the present state of my faith in Christ. I believed in the gospel, and accepted His truth into my life, and ever since He has opened my eyes to greater things that those of this world; so now I see, not just with the eyes of the flesh, but with spiritual eyes. I see now as so did too one from those first bunch of people some 2000 years ago, Paul, a dedicated Jew from the ranks of the Pharisees. Paul grew up in the religion of his fathers, family and nation. He too knew of the God of the Holy Scripture and defended his faith, but he did not see through spiritual eyes. It took an act of God to give him spiritual sight so that he could really see the sin that he had been in, and to see not simply from a religious or theological viewpoint, but from a spiritual perspective. And so it took an act of God to open my eyes, and now I no longer live in darkness.

God's is not a truth that I see as in the fashion of the many religions and their so-called sacred writings; It is a truth that illuminates (shines a light) onto every little action, unto every hidden thought, and unto every reason of man or of this world. It is an undeniable truth that uncovers everything in a man’s heart and soul.

As to the part of whether God foreordained things including JC serving as His redemptive work to save us from ourselves; from our own destruction, YES, we –Christians- believe that it was part of the master plan. It was not an afterthought. God foreordained all things and yes, God in Jesus willingly and in full communion with God the father, paid what was owed to death. Upon completion of all things, death will be no more, for it already has been defeated and holds no power over what has been made right. It is not that God did not choose any other way to forgive man’s transgressions, but because of that order of things that God set in motion (I already wrote about that order in my previous post), that that order cannot allow for things to continue going any which way direction indefinitely, otherwise that same order will be no order at all. A kingdom cannot remain if it is divided.

When you talk about other non-Christian religious faiths, they are not the same faith as in our God of the Bible. The Hindu gods are many, and the Hindu religion incorporates a little bit of everyone else’s religion that they (Hindus) have come into contact with. The Islamic faith copies a lot from the Judeo/Christian scripture, but their faith requires only a certain daily repetition of the creed (There is no God but Allah; and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.) In addition, they have to pray five times a day, at dawn, midday, midafternoon, sunset and nightfall. They also are obliged to give alms, also to fast during the month of Ramadan in remembrance of the month when Mohammed first received his supposed revelation, and finally at least once during their lifetime do a pilgrimage to Mecca. This is all that a Muslim is required to perform and be granted paradise. It is far from being the same faith that we Christians have. Any decent comparison of the world’s religions and faiths can educate one to the fact that they are not by any measure “equals.”

Which God and Truth to believe in is the next question, right?

There is a sure way to find out for yourself and determine whether what they tell you is true and valid or not. If you care to, immerse yourself into Islam or Hinduism, then, if they leave you lacking in your heart and mind, give the God of the Bible a try; what’s there to lose? But don’t assume that they teach the same Good Spirit, because they don’t. So it remains for you to find out for yourself, to believe or not to believe.

You asked (or stated) as why neither you nor 2/3 of the world do not/cannot feel the love of God/Jesus spoken about in the gospels and scripture; Well, each individual has their own reasons, anything from not caring for it to not being able to understand it, like it is the case with you. Each person has to answer for themselves as to why they don’t feel it. Others here and I can quote you scripture as to the reason(s) why we believe that you cannot feel that love, but you will dismiss them as non-valid in your unbelief of scripture. Yet I can’t help but to think that your inquiries here on the God of the Bible are because you feel something in you, and the questions have the purpose of helping you to -maybe even- accept the faith. Otherwise why else would you delve so much into a Christian faith discussion, and in the process suffer both preaching and antagonism? There’s something in you that is propelling you in search for answers; to maybe help relieve your unbelief. It is almost as if your unbelief is requiring validation, IMO.

You have read the brothers here and I’m sure elsewhere say to you, that in order to see and hear the God of our faith, you “must” believe, there’s just no way around it.
Your outward profession of having put on Christ, has as yet to put off Plato from your heart!
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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by RickD »

Outlaw wrote:
As long as you keep letting a book decide how you should think you'll never truly be free, the book that you put so much faith in is holding your mind hostage, but the truly sad thing is, your letting it! It's clouding your judgement, it's compromising your own ability to think for yourself, the ability that god himself gave you. It's about time you took the training wheels off, you know how to treat people so throw the book in the bin, grow up and make your own decisions.
You pray for me and I'll think for you.
In the mean time I'll be heading towards the hell your loving god so generously created for 2/3rds of the worlds population.

Since you want to attack the God of the bible, you are going to need to provide proof from the bible, for your point here. You made the claim that God created hell for 2/3 of the population. Please provide references FROM THE BIBLE to back your claim.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by outlaw »

RickD wrote:
Outlaw wrote:
As long as you keep letting a book decide how you should think you'll never truly be free, the book that you put so much faith in is holding your mind hostage, but the truly sad thing is, your letting it! It's clouding your judgement, it's compromising your own ability to think for yourself, the ability that god himself gave you. It's about time you took the training wheels off, you know how to treat people so throw the book in the bin, grow up and make your own decisions.
You pray for me and I'll think for you.
In the mean time I'll be heading towards the hell your loving god so generously created for 2/3rds of the worlds population.

Since you want to attack the God of the bible, you are going to need to provide proof from the bible, for your point here. You made the claim that God created hell for 2/3 of the population. Please provide references FROM THE BIBLE to back your claim.
No the bible cannot be used as evidence just like you wouldn't accept the quran as evidence and just like harry potter books aren't evidence that harry potter is real and can fly on a broomstick. My REAL evidence is that 1/3rd of the world's population self identifies as christian. Google it.
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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by RickD »

outlaw wrote:
RickD wrote:
Outlaw wrote:
As long as you keep letting a book decide how you should think you'll never truly be free, the book that you put so much faith in is holding your mind hostage, but the truly sad thing is, your letting it! It's clouding your judgement, it's compromising your own ability to think for yourself, the ability that god himself gave you. It's about time you took the training wheels off, you know how to treat people so throw the book in the bin, grow up and make your own decisions.
You pray for me and I'll think for you.
In the mean time I'll be heading towards the hell your loving god so generously created for 2/3rds of the worlds population.

Since you want to attack the God of the bible, you are going to need to provide proof from the bible, for your point here. You made the claim that God created hell for 2/3 of the population. Please provide references FROM THE BIBLE to back your claim.
No the bible cannot be used as evidence just like you wouldn't accept the quran as evidence and just like harry potter books aren't evidence that harry potter is real and can fly on a broomstick. My REAL evidence is that 1/3rd of the world's population self identifies as christian. Google it.
No, that's not how it works here. You are arguing against the God of the bible. You need to show that the bible actually says what you are arguing against. Please show where the bible says hell was created for 2/3 of the world's population.

Not only are you arguing that 2/3 is not Christian, but you asserted that hell was created for those 2/3. You need to show where the bible says hell was CREATED for people.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

St. Richard the Sarcastic--The Patron Saint of Irony
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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by outlaw »

RickD wrote:
outlaw wrote:
RickD wrote:
Outlaw wrote:
As long as you keep letting a book decide how you should think you'll never truly be free, the book that you put so much faith in is holding your mind hostage, but the truly sad thing is, your letting it! It's clouding your judgement, it's compromising your own ability to think for yourself, the ability that god himself gave you. It's about time you took the training wheels off, you know how to treat people so throw the book in the bin, grow up and make your own decisions.
You pray for me and I'll think for you.
In the mean time I'll be heading towards the hell your loving god so generously created for 2/3rds of the worlds population.

Since you want to attack the God of the bible, you are going to need to provide proof from the bible, for your point here. You made the claim that God created hell for 2/3 of the population. Please provide references FROM THE BIBLE to back your claim.
No the bible cannot be used as evidence just like you wouldn't accept the quran as evidence and just like harry potter books aren't evidence that harry potter is real and can fly on a broomstick. My REAL evidence is that 1/3rd of the world's population self identifies as christian. Google it.
No, that's not how it works here. You are arguing against the God of the bible. You need to show that the bible actually says what you are arguing against. Please show where the bible says hell was created for 2/3 of the world's population.

Not only are you arguing that 2/3 is not Christian, but you asserted that hell was created for those 2/3. You need to show where the bible says hell was CREATED for people.
If you want to play those games, please provide evidence that the bible is any more than an ancient fairy tale? Because up until now i have no reason to believe different. until then there's no point in me talking about whether or not god sends people who don't accept jesus as their savior to hell.
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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by RickD »

outlaw wrote:
RickD wrote:
outlaw wrote:
RickD wrote:
Outlaw wrote:
As long as you keep letting a book decide how you should think you'll never truly be free, the book that you put so much faith in is holding your mind hostage, but the truly sad thing is, your letting it! It's clouding your judgement, it's compromising your own ability to think for yourself, the ability that god himself gave you. It's about time you took the training wheels off, you know how to treat people so throw the book in the bin, grow up and make your own decisions.
You pray for me and I'll think for you.
In the mean time I'll be heading towards the hell your loving god so generously created for 2/3rds of the worlds population.

Since you want to attack the God of the bible, you are going to need to provide proof from the bible, for your point here. You made the claim that God created hell for 2/3 of the population. Please provide references FROM THE BIBLE to back your claim.
No the bible cannot be used as evidence just like you wouldn't accept the quran as evidence and just like harry potter books aren't evidence that harry potter is real and can fly on a broomstick. My REAL evidence is that 1/3rd of the world's population self identifies as christian. Google it.
No, that's not how it works here. You are arguing against the God of the bible. You need to show that the bible actually says what you are arguing against. Please show where the bible says hell was created for 2/3 of the world's population.

Not only are you arguing that 2/3 is not Christian, but you asserted that hell was created for those 2/3. You need to show where the bible says hell was CREATED for people.
If you want to play those games, please provide evidence that the bible is any more than an ancient fairy tale? Because up until now i have no reason to believe different. until then there's no point in me talking about whether or not god sends people who don't accept jesus as their savior to hell.
That's not how it works. Take a day off outlaw. Your ban will be over after one day. If you can't follow the board guidelines and simple instructions, your next ban will be longer.

If you are making an argument that the bible says something, you need to show that it actually says it. The ball is in your court.
John 5:24
24 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
-Edward R Murrow

St. Richard the Sarcastic--The Patron Saint of Irony
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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by Starhunter »

outlaw wrote: I think it threatens you to love god, why is he so insecure about people not loving him?

The last time i checked i didn't see jesus walking around, and how do gods die lets think about it, the only way an immaterial god can die is if people stop believing in it, because gods only exists in peoples minds. Once you stop believing it exists and stop talking about it as if its real it vanishes because gods are just labels that people put on things when they have no better explanation or can't think of an alternative. We don't know how the universe got here therefore god did it, my cancer disappeared don't know how else it would happen therefore it must of been god.
You can approach the subject of God and Christianity, from a scientific point of view, which means testing its claims. God says in the OT "let us reason together."
All those challenges you have put to the forum, are ones that you are invited to challenge God on.
The evidence Christians receive is that which they get from a day by day experience, the little incidences, trials and answers to prayer make up collective proof.

I have had the exact same thoughts as you, and I am not immune to doubt under stress at all, often I have to ask God for evidence that I am not abandoned or that He is listening.

I have done experiments with faith. This is the lifetime to do it in, to challenge God, to face up to Him, and to allow Him to give you an interactive experience with Him. That is all the proof you will need.
I am disappointed to see you banned, but it is very difficult, maybe impossible to make any progress with Christian knowledge until you have begun to communicate to God, and allowed Him to teach you personally from the Bible.
All the best...
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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by B. W. »

Lonewolf wrote:...There’s a lot to address here, and it is virtually impossible to answer all your questions with short answers. I’m sure that if you pose the many questions you have each under its own subject title, I’m positive that you will get enthusiastic responses. I am by no means a studied Christian, therefore I defer to those who are more learned in scripture to point out the scriptural references. When I write here to you, I write what I feel and how I believe, but that does not necessarily mean that I speak for everyone nor that I know scripture unequivocally...
Please be advised that a common tactic of hostile people is to flood the opposition with too many questions to create doubt.

FL mentioned and I have too, that as former atheist, we applied the same logic as Outlaw is doing now. With us, the more we argued, seeds of faith were planted that lead us to the Lord in due time. My open prayer is that will happen to Outlaw so his bigotry is erased by the blood of Christ and he gets to know Jesus before it is too late. it was the tuff love and hard hitting harsh answers from experienced Christians that I could never defeat and it was these that left the most impact the Lord later used to save me from a sure demise.
Science is man's invention - creation is God's
(by B. W. Melvin)

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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by Lonewolf »

B. W. wrote:
Please be advised that a common tactic of hostile people is to flood the opposition with too many questions to create doubt.

:grandpa: mentioned and I have too, that as former atheist, we applied the same logic as Outlaw is doing now. With us, the more we argued, seeds of faith were planted that lead us to the Lord in due time. My open prayer is that will happen to Outlaw so his bigotry is erased by the blood of Christ and he gets to know Jesus before it is too late. it was the tuff love and hard hitting harsh answers from experienced Christians that I could never defeat and it was these that left the most impact the Lord later used to save me from a sure demise.
(yeah) B.W. i hear you, i know what you're saying, but arguing or debating with non-believers or other non-Christians doesn't bother me at all. Why? Because I am anchored in God, and no amount of arguments can tear me off of Him. Therefore I welcome the challenge(s) posed. It gives me an opportunity to witness. I try to always keep in mind that I'm not the one who saves anyone, but it is our Lord who does the saving. If a person is put before our path, let us be ready to present ourselves as witnesses of Christ, not solely by scriptural reference, but by respectable attitude and good will. Our love should not be self seeking, but our love must be patient and kind. Yes, I understand that we are not called to be patsy's, but that is not what I suggest we be, so don't anyone twist what I'm trying to say. Every day we function in the midst of unbelievers of one sort or another, but yet He keeps us standing firm, for there is no argument made that we have not encountered during our walk-in-the-faith, so why despair, why sweat a person who denies God? You can either ignore the person, or you can persevere in your responses, but please, let us not demonstrate any fault that we can be rightfully accused of.
Your outward profession of having put on Christ, has as yet to put off Plato from your heart!
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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by 1over137 »

Just a note: outlaw was banned for one day. If the status Banned User still appears under his username, it will be because there is a bug in the showing banned status feature. As soon as the banned user signs is, it should disappear - theoretically. If it does not disappear, I will disable the feature.
But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.
-- 1 Thessalonians 5:21

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Re: Who made the rule that death is the punishment for sin?

Post by B. W. »

Lonewolf wrote:
B. W. wrote:
Please be advised that a common tactic of hostile people is to flood the opposition with too many questions to create doubt.

:grandpa: mentioned and I have too, that as former atheist, we applied the same logic as Outlaw is doing now. With us, the more we argued, seeds of faith were planted that lead us to the Lord in due time. My open prayer is that will happen to Outlaw so his bigotry is erased by the blood of Christ and he gets to know Jesus before it is too late. it was the tuff love and hard hitting harsh answers from experienced Christians that I could never defeat and it was these that left the most impact the Lord later used to save me from a sure demise.
(yeah) B.W. i hear you, i know what you're saying, but arguing or debating with non-believers or other non-Christians doesn't bother me at all. Why? Because I am anchored in God, and no amount of arguments can tear me off of Him. Therefore I welcome the challenge(s) posed. It gives me an opportunity to witness. I try to always keep in mind that I'm not the one who saves anyone, but it is our Lord who does the saving. If a person is put before our path, let us be ready to present ourselves as witnesses of Christ, not solely by scriptural reference, but by respectable attitude and good will. Our love should not be self seeking, but our love must be patient and kind. Yes, I understand that we are not called to be patsy's, but that is not what I suggest we be, so don't anyone twist what I'm trying to say. Every day we function in the midst of unbelievers of one sort or another, but yet He keeps us standing firm, for there is no argument made that we have not encountered during our walk-in-the-faith, so why despair, why sweat a person who denies God? You can either ignore the person, or you can persevere in your responses, but please, let us not demonstrate any fault that we can be rightfully accused of.
Agree and thanks for the grandpa smiley :lol:

As Hana mentioned, the ban was only for a day.

One thing folks often do is flood questions at a person in order to throw people off balance. It has been experienced here and other forums that sincere people will ask a few question at a time, which keeps things focused and following a logical order. Others do not and flood the discussion board with questions which creates confusion and strife. This is done on purpose with an agenda behind it that can be personal or group oriented. We give people like this plenty of time and take the time to plant seeds in them which the Lord can water later as per his will. With that, we can be content.

Outlaw for example brings up the old slavery issue as if all Christian's own slaves and support slavery because the bible speaks of slavery. This they do in ignorance or have an agenda. In the OT and NT times, slavery was the norm of the governing emperors and kings and city states of the era. The OT and NT teaches to treat these folks well and set them free (year of Jubilee). In fact, Christianity led to the abolition of slavery in the USA and the UK. These facts are not important to the outlaws out there with an agenda.

Muslims own slaves and other cultures practice slavery and these folks are not Christians. So it behooves people like outlaw to prove that Christians own slaves. Do you own slaves? I do not and never will.

Next, in the USA the Democratic Party was the slave holding party in the USA during the pre and during the Civil War era. Afterwards and progressives took over that party and used the Black Americans to swing elections to their favor. They promised many free benefits, but never fully delivered. They made sure their local schools were dumb down to keep them ignorant and easily controlled and frightened to keep voting Democrat part line. Now the Black population is decreasing; therefore, a whole new crop of ignorant easily frighten and manipulated folks are needed to swing elections so enter the open boarder and the flood of illegal immigrants into the USA -new slaves to keep the Democrats in power and enslaved to them as they have all the goodies and poor schools to keep them ignorant. Yes, this slavery is equally wrong and insidious way to canvas votes. However, folks don't want to talk about this kind of slavery... of the godless left

The abolition of slavery was lead by Christians...

http://www.christianitytoday.com/ch/131 ... force.html

I know Outlaw will read this and if he so chooses to return, he will need to keep from spamming with mega amounts snide questions and keep it at that.
Science is man's invention - creation is God's
(by B. W. Melvin)

Old Polish Proverb:
Not my Circus....not my monkeys
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