Ok, did you guys know eagles mate for life ? Well, they do, and a male eagle lost his mate and in about a month was feeling pretty darn frisky...
looked out over the water, saw a loon and said yeah, that might do ...
swooped out over the water snatched the loon and threw it in his nest... loon looked up and said I'm a loon and for you, I'll croon ... eagle said nope, not quite it ...
2 days go by, feeling friskier yet... looks over the land and sees a dove...thinks to himself now this might just be it ! ...
swooped out over the land, snatched the dove, threw it in his nest and the dove looks up and says I'm a dove and I make love ... eagle thinks... closer, but no cigar...
2 more days go by, eagle is near end of his rope, looks out again and sees a
DUCK ... why didn't I think of this first ?
swoops out over the water, snatched the
DUCK, throws it in his nest, and the
DUCK looks up and says... I'm a drake, you made a mistake !
This is a family site .. yes ?

Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love, and the future to God’s providence. -St Augustine